The Path of the Master Ninja, trashKENNUT


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
How to discourage Friends from Going After "YOUR Girls" :)

Hi Guys,

If you happen to notice this, when you are invited to parties and then the quality male, which is your friend brings a lot of girls which are good looking. You will talk to the girls but i realize something. When i used to not be so good with women (and i have a long way to go), i will talk with my quality male friend about how the girl i talk in the party is beautiful and all this thing.

The quality male friend just listen, cut loose and do about as if it is no big deal. No rewarding of such behavior, no smile, no nothing. And then i felt guilty. I started to not talk to the girl so often.

I know some guys, in fact most guys do not like certain friends getting along with girls who they believe have certain weaknesses that the guy could not handle properly. For most average guys, they be more bold, more loud, in fact more "stupid". I want to note that you CAN'T and WILL NEVER STOP GIRLS FROM TALKING TO YOUR GUY FRIENDS OR ANY OTHER GUYS IN THIS WORLD, AND IT'S NOT YOUR LIFE TO BEGIN WITH.

but with not rewarding your friends when they bring "your girls" to talk with you, you done your part. She has to take responsibility herself. You know her weakness but you can only do your part. She has to learn about herself.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
Use this with Girls at Work. IT's Superbly fun.

Hi Guys,

IF you happen to work at different environments and you get to meet new people, you can do this.

Interview her as if you the important person in the company. HAHA!... IF you want to make things more fun, Ask her to follow you around the workplace.

(i once asked seven girls to follow me around the workstation. Super fun. :D They thought i was the manager!!! )

Important Rules

1)Make sure there is no hierarchy on your clothes. (IF a manager wears red and a normal worker wears black shirt. Don't do it if you have this!!!)

Either 2 or 3.

2)She's new to the work place
3)She's working in a different department



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
Polarizing Fundamentals.

Hi Guys,

I just read a past article on "5 ways to answer a social challenge."

I thought to myself, i really do have polarizing fundamentals.

1)There are guys who look at me like they idolized me, they want to be my friend.
2)Girl friends challenged me because they find me highly entertaining when i disturb them sometimes.
3)There are guys that want me to fight them even though i don't even know them, I just cut eye contact by looking neutrally and look forward.
4)Girl friends suddenly feel attracted after i dismiss a girl in a social circle for trying to "owned" me in front of a social circle.

I know i am NOT

2)accept challenges (maybe because i just be neutral and cut eye contact)

SO i find it intriguing. I realize that sometimes i wear ridiculously (with something cool to compensate) when i go to shops to just buy some stuffs.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
"Calibration", An Interesting Story.

Hi Guys,

So what does women want? Calibration

or in general words, "Control".

One does wonder what is "Control"? What is actually "Control"? and why do half of men in this world, even reported in the Middle East (no judgement here) are known to be abusive and not let women have their rights. Women are being beat and that violence or rather beating women is considered a norm than a last resort. Is that control? Most people know it isn't, but what it is really?

It is Calibration.

Examples of real life derive text and information from women.

1)Women like men who are funny.

Read what women say behind men who are funny. Read again what women say. "I like men who KNOWS how to make me laugh." Key word here is "Know". Women will always note "know" along the lines when she says about humour.


What is "Cool", really? "Cool" is just a person who knows how to navigate himself in the social arena. Calibrate himself when he goes overboard or when he's too nice.


and Girlschase does the explanation for you. :D

4)Don't chase Women

A phenomenon i find this with girls and it's pretty amazing is when girls i just meet in an event, and sometimes i can't talk to her because of work, friends and duties. But then when i meet her and goes to the point that i find her cute, she reacts very well, mainly because i didn't look for her.

Calibration of knowing what to do and what not to do, maybe, but yea i see it that way. :) Calibration doesn't just apply to Women, children but everyone.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
Her Close Friends tells you a thing or two.

The girl you dating, your girlfriend?


The friends she mix around the most tells you which stage she is at with herself. That is either...

Stage 1 = Naive (Her friends are basically girls she know mostly from schools that she still keep in contact with, workplaces, classes, acquaintances)

Stage 2 = Cynical (Her friends tend to be as cynical as her. Weird but i seen it. I would say her friends are more critical of the girl you dating as being the cynical girl than they are about themselves. Remember that cool people don't shit on other people all too often.)

Stage 3 = Acceptance (She's more relaxed, She has a diversity of friends, only close friends she keeps that are similar to her in a way, although she has large group of acquaintances that she doesn't mind meeting sometimes.)



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
This is what i learn and observe with women over the years.

Age Group: 15 to 22

If she likes you, she tends to either

1)Flakes so that you invest on her
2)Find "Status", "Cool" guy among the social circle or somebody reasonably known in the town, country, area
3)"Bitch" about other girls more and plays hierarchy a lot more.

Age Group: 23 to 27

1)Now she becomes more open to dating guys of different age groups.
2)Less likely to flake, because she's less naive now.
3)More calibrated, Knows how to screen you and gives you more chances

Age Group: 28 to 35

1)Now she looks to slow things down abit.
2)A lot less likely to flake because she's genuinely busy with work
3)Doesn't seem so excited but follows you.
4)She wants you to pay for her meals after some period of time as a friend, Yes... even if she is a friend (needs more data here, i experienced this here and there)
5)All too easy to go into auto-rejection and create awkwardness even if she doesn't really want to cause trouble.

Age Group: 35 and above

1)Ask "ridiculous" questions when it's not relevant in the conversation
2)A bit more irritating than usual. Haha!

Older women, i have gone on dates with them, but 35 and above is girls where i meet in circles, events, acquaintances. I see those things.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
White"Lady". The Female Equivalent of WhiteKnight

I notice this.

There are girls who are good people but they like to hang around "broken" guys and girls. The reason you can never help this girls is because she innately believes that she is a saviour.

Sounds offensive,judgemental.... but she believes she is a saviour.

I dun really understand why, actually. I can't bring this girls away to stop mixing with those people too much, because she will no longer need to "save" anybody (which is me of course), thus her life purpose is gone.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
Some anacdotes on Cool Parties

There's a few things you really need to follow. I set up parties a lot in the past and intend to do it again but i know a few things that is highly important if you don't want things to go awry and not your way.


1)It's a weekend, Friday or Saturday.

Yeap, doesn't need much explanation

2)Plan in advance, A month and not more than that.

Don't plan too advance by planning three months ahead. People just take you for granted.

3)What the event is about

Tell people what you gonna do, or whether you want them to stay, what is the objective of the whole party.

Cool Crowd

1)You need COOL Guy Friends.

You really need cool guy friends. YOu really do. You need cool guy friends that...

a)that won't start a fight
b)that won't get jealous over a girl
c)that won't create trouble with police

and lastly, Won't "HIERARCHY" YOU over girls.

2)You need COOL Girl Friends to help you with girls

You really need cool girl friends to help you invite hot girls. Hot girls know more hot girls. So it is highly recommended.

Find Cool Girl friends that

a)doesn't see other girls as competition
b)well liked by everyone
c)energnetic or fun

So some few rules, Parties are not that hard to execute, but "Good parties" is harder, because you need cool guy friends and cool girl friends to help you out. It's a collective thing. :)



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
Unattractive but Smart Competitive Females

and women are socially attuned.

My girl friend knew the other girl was beautiful, and suddenly i was nearby that beautiful girl because i am listening to the speaker. I walk over to take some water bottles nearby. She (my girl friend) started talking to me, she felt nervous. Obviously i see right through her, i saw what she was trying to do.

I have respond this kind of incidents in two ways.

1)Talk to her like nothing happen for a few sentence before being neutral.
2)Give that annoyed look.

Both works though. (damn women are territorial, it's crazy) (and yea this works with value people, where other guys will try to start talking for no apparent reason, making them look valuable)



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
Being a LEader.

1)Don't get involve in others personal matters

2)LEad by Example

3)Refrain from putting others down

4)USe Objective reasoning when you need to put others down

5)Treat everyone equally and calibrate emotions if the party's personal matters with other people affects him/her and being neutral.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
Handling Girls in Auto Rejection and Messiest of Emotions

Hi Guys,

Recently a few guys wrote some few things about how to handle auto rejection. I like to note some things for my side as well. Hopefully everyone learns and have a smooth sailing.

1)Auto-Rejection can happen anywhere

Auto-Rejection can happen from the morning you enter your office door to when you enter the toilet and you didn't acknowledge a girl who just apparently standing around there and you didn't see her.

2)Auto-Rejection can happen for the most lamest of reason eveerrrrrrr

As point 1, Auto-Rejection can happen for the most lamest of reasons EVEEEERRRRRRRR, like you didn't see her. -.-"

3)There will be emotions, Auto Rejected girl groups other girls to "other" somebody

I had a friend who gave a girl a present on Valentine's day a few years back and that he was "othered" by girls. He was abit too intense. He doesn't know how to talk to girls because he was raised in all boys school. Anyway most girls are okay with him after some "otherism" and emotions, but this bitch keeps on reheating that oven months after, even a year, in our class.

So basically as a guy, a friend. If you happen to have this happened to your friends, realize that there will be emotions and that you should protect your friends.

4)Treat everyone equally well, and be amused when girls try to "other" you and ask you questions.

If it happens to you,

Treat everyone equally. There is a truth in a quote which says society are like sheeps, and yes in a way, it is. When women gather together to "other" a guy, and the guy reacts nonchalantly when one of the girls tries to "other" him, Suddenly her magic is not working. Suddenly she finds you sexy.

Suddenly her friends deviate and suddenly all the girls (except the one trying to "other" you) are giving you this Puss n Boots Cat eyes.

And now you can take "revenge" or whatever it is that you want to called it. :)

5)Keep things in perspective

Keep things in perspective. Just because a group of women are "othering" against you doesn't mean that they are. Don't get carried away by emotions that women are the enemies and that we should slay their heads and fuck them when they are dead, (although a few of them do deserve it :) ). Treat everyone equally, be nonchalant when girls tries to "other" you, because there is a truth in that a large majority of society are like sheeps, and sometimes, it is, in situations like this. Most girl friends don't know what they doing and they are just following rhythm.

Be amused when girls tries to "other" you, and suddenly they running back to you.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
Women respect Lovers.

HI Guys,

I just remembered what a girl told me during a conversation.

Women: If i like a guy, i wouldn't tell my friends. I keep it a secret.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
Definition. Change this and you work harder and feel inspired.

Hi Guys,

I find something very often with people who are just being inspired. They feel aspired, inspired and they follow habits of successful people.

A week later, they do not follow it, or it just doesn't work.

So what actually happen? A lot of people might say. "oh they are lazy". But the thing is, it's an actual science and religious fact that humans are lazy, and even rich people said so themselves that they are lazy as well. So what is actually going on here? What makes them follow their habits better..?

I just stumbled this for myself, and i would say it's working relatively well for me. It's called "Definition".

Why do i follow habits? IT's because it makes things easier for me."IT makes things easier for me" is my definition. I have a habit of drinking plain water because i want my body to heal with lesser scars. I want my body to heal with lesser scars is my end result. I drink two cups in the morning after breakfast, which is two hours later, Two cups in the evening and two hours at night which is relatively two hours before i sleep to prevent bloatedness.

So i hope my idea works for you. Have a "definition" on why you want to follow habits, and have an "end result" for that habit.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
I can detect Feminist women fast.

I just can detect Feminist women just by glance of facial, and then i talk to them, as friends or strangers as in acquaintances in person. I just can detect them even by small conversations.

It's like i smell that bitterness. :) Not saying every girl is bitter like a rotten apple, but i can smell it, literally. and yea, there's a part of me that sometimes can't see or stand a lot of bitterness. Guess you really attract most things in your life.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
The More Hype the Club is, The More Harder it is to get the girls

The More Hype the club is, the more harder it is to get girls. Mainly because girls go there to enjoy, not to give out phone numbers or go home with you. The numbers i can't say since it's varies. I written some notes, and yea, that it is that more difficult to get.

I think Chase noted this long ago. I remember he did. so yea...



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
Does Women treat you like "shit" worth it?

I noted something with "weird" acquaintances.

They think about the end result. They don't care if they are treated a little more shitty than usual but they ramp up investment this way too because the girl react to them. and i heard that he fucks those girls.

and jerks (as society labelled it) have the end result in mind too. They ramp up investment in the negative way or anyway possible, and then have sex with the girls. I learn that Chase noted Anger is closer to lust in his past comments that i have read but how is the consistency of this tactic?

Is it reliable? I believe the key here is persistence and ramping up investment.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
Don't Get Fazed when She Asked You Not to Date Other GIrls

Hi Guys,

Don't Get Fazed when she asked you NOT to Date other girls.


Because If she's doing this prior to intimacy, it means she's dating another guy too.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
Correlation and Relationship with your Parents, Children, Past Women

I find this interesting.

I have a love hate relationship with my parents. and the weird thing is i have a love hate relationship with children. Some children just don't like me. (HAHA!)

So what does this mean?

I have the tendency to detect feminist women, only because i have bad experiences with certain women who thinks solely for themselves. The key here is self awareness. IT's a good thing and bad thing because too much of feminist women in your life and it's either environment or your focus and perception is bringing it into your life.

So yea, Chase is right, your relationship with your parents in a way, played a part, in the past.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
What is "Truth"? Seeing from a Mountainous View. What is in your mind?

What is "Truth"?

I find this interesting with people. I just list this things, regardless positive or negative, since it's all labels too.

Bill Gates

Perspective 1: Helping millions of lifes in Africa, investing in vaccines for malaria and donate millions to universities

Perspective 2: Bill Gates and Warren Buffett agrees that population control is important. Critics says New World Order.

Same people, Different Perspectives. Weird or what you focus is what you get most? It's up to one to understand his own mind and other's mind process.


The Power Of Opinions Among Friends, Why It Matters

This a bit derived from Chase.

He noted that it is important to keep "can't" at arm's length. and here's why it is.

Because the comments and life perspective are going to hinder you in a way from doing what you wanted to do.

I think it's highly important to distinguish here, that it's good to mix with a lot of people, you gain reference points but the people you mix around with the most time, in a way influence you even if they didn't intend, and only based their comments on what they observed when the question was asked or the topic was raised by both of you during a conversation. I really think that needing to know oneself is very important, but the key here is knowing what you looking for and mixing with people with the same things.

Given an example of Bruno Mars, I like being emotional and sing the song that he sang but sometimes i caught myself thinking of the past girls i whiteknight upon. It isn't a bad thing but rather i need to know what actually happen and why i am feeling that way.

It's the same if you look at a ninja game, The guy who wields the most powerful sword must possess the physical. mental and emotional strength or the sword will feeds its soul.

So yea, Know yourself. or the sword (which is anything outside of your mind) will feed your soul, in a way. Everything is good until one over depends on it.


Why Facebook Dating is Bad

Last year, i occasionally message girls, and i probably haven't use all of Chase tactic, but it takes a lot of work, and less rewards. Recently i noted some points on online dating. It's either there's interest or it does not. and yes i have a bad habit to "rub it in her face", something which i want to lessen.

Online girls have this pattern.

IF she drags you away from the conversation, the initial conversation you started, She doesn't have that much interest.

Really. Give you examples.

If she ask why you like this photo and that photo, Cut off.
If she ask what you doing later, Cut off. (This is very different from girls when you meet offline)
If she ask you questions, Cut off.
If she says she's doing this and that without reason, Cut off.



What Women always READ on the last sentence must be "common"
Postby ZacAdam » Mon Oct 14, 2013 5:18 am

It works pretty well for me,

I noted that with online Facebook text, whatsapp messages, I notice that when i put at least something "common" to send the text, and not seem so "cool" and too "try hard",

SO i always texted with

"yada yada ......
How are you? :) or How's your day? :) or What you been up to lately?" (This is things that women hear that are "common.")

The response i get is relatively better, compared to the example intro message that i saw here on women. The message i give, it kinds of stabilize the whole conversation with women, but on getting dates, it is still a numbers game, really. I don't know if a little "safe" on the last sentence, is a good thing but i am definitely gonna see through this for some time.

Share with me some data points if you have any.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
Colourful Languages to use with Women.

Colourful languages are great but don't use it if you feel it's out of place. :) Sometimes you can drag the word like "Amazing" to "Amaziinngg". Too much drag and it's sarcasm.

Word:"Fussy" replace with "Particular"

Normal: Alicia, you very fussy, We will not be able to get this things done.

Colourful: Alicia, I note that you are very particular with the dress, What are you actually looking for?

Colourful: Alicia, you into details. (slang english language)

Word: "Nice and bright clothes" replace with "Vibrant"

Normal: Wow, that's a nice outfit Emm. It's bright.

Colourful: Wow, I really like the outfit you wear today. It's vibrant.

Word: "Great" replace with "Amazing"

Normal: I like the show, It's great, Congratulations.

Colourful: I like the show, It's aMaziinngg. (drag)

Hope i post some more things if the reception is good.


Deliberate Differences and The Expansion Paradox

Hi Guys,

This is complacent, IT isn't exactly a dating advice nor it is a totally psychology point of view but here's what i learn.

I note that in order to have long lasting friendships, you need this things too, that is Deliberate differences and the Expansion Paradox.

Given conversations where things are stagnant after long lasting friendships, it is important to develop things differently, spice things up and change things abit from time to time to create the relationship afresh. Another example would be a teacher and student relationship example. After a student reaches a level, he definitely thinks he is better than the teacher, and this happens with parents and children too.

So what does one actually do? Apply Deliberate Differences and the Expansion Paradox

Following the example of the student, he founds an experience and wants the teacher to confirm. The teacher instead, chose to apply Expansion Paradox, explaining his side of the story, his knowledge, thus the student always learning. This can happen where the student challenges the teacher with his experiences and the teacher shows him his experience, thus it's a counter back and forth.

This works in Sales, human relationships and it's amazing how most people never talk about it, but if you observe the closest relationships any two people have, they have this.

You must have wonder what's the downside of this right? Too much of this and Women/Student/Anybody whom you interact will start throwing bombs at you

Following the example of the student, let's say me and Chase. IF Chase notes his experience and tells how this and that without confirming, and the key word here is confirming, i will be totally thrown off afterawhile because it makes as if Chase didn't understand me. The thing is Chase wants me to learn, but i want him to know, i want to tell him where am i and acknowledge me. Not thank you or anything, just the sort of "i see that".

This happens with Parents and their children everywhere, even teachers!

So i guess it's important to note down your loved ones, where they at and just acknowledge them for who they are. No need for appraisement. The next time when they bring up where they going, You start applying the tactic again or rather you be the teacher or influencer as you always done, only because you know what's good (or otherwise just be quiet and let yourself free out of trouble)
