We Are Friends But My Body Needs You!


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
Quick Post

I like to confirm with the advanced guys on this. It seems like the more better you get, the more you tend to see ruthless hints. I will not say ruthless hints but the hints are so subtle that they will talk to me as friends but on the first meeting and i throwing some flirtations to test waters, i can feel that i don't need to say anything and i just need to move things forward.

The more i talk, the more worse it gets in terms of the vibe plunging down like falling off a cliff.

Man... the glitch is becoming more common. It's like really unplugging from the matrix and seeing girls in barcodes and numbers, lolx



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 14, 2012

Yeah, as your fundamentals improve (as well as your confidence), you start to find that it's more about "not fucking it up" rather than "trying to impress her."

Newer guys generally try to spend a lot of time impressing a girl, whether it's with humor, pick-up lines, or bragging. But when you become better with women, you understand that your fundamentals and your process can carry you very far, and it becomes more about trying not to do "too much" to the point where the vibe or her attraction randomly plummets.

If she was into you at the start, she's probably still going to be into you as long as you don't try TOO hard to impress her. ;)

- Franco


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

Franco said:
Yeah, as your fundamentals improve (as well as your confidence), you start to find that it's more about "not fucking it up" rather than "trying to impress her."

EXACTLY. The barometer is like

Impress-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Don't Do Anything

Deserve an article. It's not talk about so often on managing this, and guidelines. Perhaps more intuition but i don't know how to explain.

Fundamentals makes you Super Saiyan. Awareness makes you double Super Saiyan. lolx. Some incidents this year really so surprising, just wow.



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 14, 2012
Fundamentals makes you Super Saiyan. Awareness makes you double Super Saiyan. lolx.


- Franco

Fuck This

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 24, 2015
Advanced relates more to awareness and ability to read her interest through body language and tone. I see so many parallels between hunting and meeting women.

Spotting an opening to introduce yourself= spotting a game animal
Approaching women= making the stalk
Scouting your Hunting area=Social proof
Making a good shot=pulling and bedding
Trailing the hit animal=Post Sex management
Relationship management=Packing out and processing the meat for the freezer

Early on you don't see a lot of animals 'cause your eyes aren't trained, when you do you blow a lot of stalks. Pretty soon you spot more animals but just stalk those that are in a good position
Later you stalk those Big Bucks in a good position
After that, you know where they are traveling and they come to you....