Voice with some feelings


Space Monkey
space monkey
Mar 7, 2022
Alrighty tighty (that phrase sounds kind of dirty but ehh whi cares ). So I gave myself a month to dedicate to voice and the feedback you guys gave was add some emotions to it so here is a prologue from a book which I took and added my emotions to it. This time I relaxed my tounge and spoke as if I am actually feeling it.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 24, 2020
Brother my advice is to listen to actors who have great voices and emulate them.

I like the effort, but nobody speaks like that... EVER.

I personally like george clooney which you can see well in this video. As you can see, you can inspire emotions without sounding gay.

It's in the downward inflection that subtly communicates high value.

The resonance that guarantees you will always be heard.

The pauses that add pressure at just the right moments.

You want a great voice? This is what it takes.

Focus on the pauses, speaking from the balls, and be relaxed. Like your talking to your little sister or brother.

This is different than monotone, its a more subdued energy that carries more weight than what you're currently doing.

Here's another favorite of mine:

Practice that every day, and watch other stereotypically sexy/smooth actors


Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 23, 2022
Yeah, went a bit over the top on this take. You are still miles ahead of your first take though. Two things that will help.

1: ditch the canned material. It is hard to be natural when speaking someonelses written words. It requires you to be a bit of an actor. That is not the goal here. The goal is to be natural. If you need a subject or prompt to talk about I'd be happy to provide one. But really, you don't need canned words here. By just speaking from your own mind you will find a more natural flow and not have to worry about what's on the written page. Then you can just focus on your tonality. Speak from your own heart and mind. Plus, there is no script out there in the real world.

2: pace yourself. You're words sound rushed here. English is not your first language. It is okay to take a bit more time to articulate your thoughts before speaking. Obviously you don't want to take too long of pauses, but give yourself a bit more breathing room.

Also, to reiterate one of the many solid points Lobo made. Downward inflection. Not upward


Staff member
Jan 24, 2021
Alrighty tighty (that phrase sounds kind of dirty but ehh whi cares ). So I gave myself a month to dedicate to voice and the feedback you guys gave was add some emotions to it so here is a prologue from a book which I took and added my emotions to it. This time I relaxed my tounge and spoke as if I am actually feeling it.

Alpha nailed it, you have to feel something first and then release it into your environment, in this example you are performing, not expressing. If you were acting in a play, OK it might be fine but it's quite exaggerated as a seduction voice. It also sounds very high-effort, rising and falling, slowing then speeding up.

One important point is that a seductive voice is one that is dominant, because dominance applies pressure. In that sense a quite monotonic, strong voice, with small inflections, is better.

In the example posted above with Clooney, notice how his voice is quite monotonic whereas Lopez's voice is all over the place, and how he uses her expenditure of energy to lead her. That's why it's good to be more relaxed and subtle, less exaggerated, and very much under control. You are not performing, you are asserting.