The Only Way Out Is Through


Space Monkey
space monkey
Apr 6, 2019
I'm a dabbler.

And quite frankly, I'm pissed.

I'm pissed off at who I am.

I'm pissed off at COVID and the way the world has shut me out of my greatest passion, cold approach at high-volume bars and clubs.

I'm pissed off at the social progressivism of the US and how all the good infield footage has been scrubbed off of YouTube.

I discovered infield footage in late 2016... I had known about pickup before and had read a few self-help books here and there... but something about the infield truly shattered my belief system.

Here are these normal guys, just like you and me walking up to the same girls that would be at my bar or club, and having the balls to be fully congruent with their desire to fuck that girl.

And then SUCCEEDING. Being a man. Over and over and over again.

And the best part is... most of them are doing this entirely SOBER!

It almost seems like these people don't exist anymore. That they were perhaps just a fleeting moment in time. Their dominance and confidence abilities flashed before our eyes, just to be forgotten like a dream. Almost how right now in COVID times, normal society feels like a dream.

Go ahead, search "infield footage" in youtube right now... people are still approaching of course, but it's not the same abilities that once used to be obvious. There is no RSD Julien the PUA. There are no good PUAs. In today's political climate, you'd have to be very dumb to teach PUA and put your face + name out there as a PUA coach. Dating coaches still exist yes, but they are shells of what it used to be.

I feel bad for anyone discovering PUA now. Without proper guidance they have no chance.

However, I also feel bad for myself. I used to BE one of those people. I would approach dozens of girls per session. I had near instructor-level game. I ran multiple bootcamps. And most importantly, like the name of this forum... I MADE GIRLS CHASE ME. I made girls beg to fuck me. That was my initial goal and I quickly accomplished it, once I made the DECISION to become the man I wanted to be.

Who am I now?

Not that person. Not even close. And I'm tired of rationalizing why. I'm tired of making excuses.

It's time to step up. And eclipse my previous skills.

I was watching RSD Julien's Shift video course today for the first time... and it hit me. If I don't make the decision and commitment right now to start approaching consistently again, then I am fucked. Cold approach gave me confidence in all other areas of my life. As Julien says, "PUA is self-help on steroids".

And for me it certainly was. I started giving speeches at the local PUA meetups. I started a fairly successful business venture.

I just overflowing with confidence. And it was all due to my cold approach habit... I'm realizing this now. I've always known it to be true.

If I know cold approach is the secret to my confidence, then why have I stopped doing it regularly?

Well, the simplest answer is often the right answer. Resistance. Comfort. Fear. Choosing to identify as someone who has "graduated" this.

The fucking truth is you never graduate in life, you would fucking know it if you did. And I'm certainly nowhere near that.

It's time for me to be humble and admit that I am a failure in comparison to what I could be. And it's all easily reachable, yet I just choose to avoid the key actions necessary.

The actions necessary to make enough money to get out of debt.

The actions necessary to get started on my youtube channel and/or tiktok account.

The actions necessary to take ownership of myself as a man, and be confident in my own fucking skin.

I'm done lying. I'm done "faking it until I make it". I'm just going to take the actions to make it, and be honest along the way. At the very least I can do that here.

That's why I'm starting this thread. To commit to change.

The only way out of this purgatory bullshit life is THROUGH.

Through the pain. Through the discomfort. Letting go of myself.

I'm committing right now. I'm not going to notify anyone. My goal is going to be simple.

15 approaches per week. Minimum. For the rest of my fucking life until I turn 40. I don't care if I'm 39 having to sneak away from my wife and kids to do some creepy daygame approaches at the mall. I'm getting in 15 approaches. Every fucking week.

I will update this thread with my progress.

Today I start fresh.

You don't need to know my experience. You don't need to know my previous lays, it is a higher number than you think.

Today I start a new slate. A new person. A new Chris Virtue.

8/26/2020: 0 Approaches 0 Closes


Space Monkey
space monkey
Apr 6, 2019
Would normally write a long field report here but might as well keep it simple. I did daygame today leading into a tinder date.

Opened ~7 sets, a few hooked. 1 flakey number. RSD Julien game is so epic not gonna lie lol. Watching his old infields motivated me a lot and got me back into some of my game ability. Building attraction was effortless for a bit there when I was in state.

Ended up closing my tinder date as well :)

8/26/20: 7 Approaches
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Space Monkey
space monkey
Apr 6, 2019
8/27/20: 7 Approaches

Closed a girl that I opened at 9pm and got a makeout with another girl


Space Monkey
space monkey
Apr 6, 2019
8/28/20: 10 Approaches

3 Interactions + Lessons
Daygame hot latina
- This girl was walking into nordstrom's with another girl. I opened with "you guys have really good fashion" & walked with them. Turns out they both worked at the nordstrom's lol. I was able to create a flirting vibe with the latina girl and said she was cute and framed us getting a drink together sometime. I got her to add me on IG and then messaged her soon after asking when she was free to grab a drink. She replied "maybe tonight" I didn't reply for 2 hours because I didn't see the message. By then she had already made other plans. I will try to set another night for the date.

Lessons Learned:
Direct openers can work well on hot girls in daygame.
Better follow up text sequence needed with specific future date projection.

Daygame kiosk girl
- this girl was closing down her kiosk selling masks. I flirted with her quite a bit. She was 18 pretty damn hot brazilian girl. Got her number and we've been texting but she said she was too busy to hang this week. Will try to set a meeting tomorrow and see how she reacts.

Lessons Learned:
Workers can be gamed and their numbers "got"
Study text sequences to set dates
Perhaps have a container event I can invite girls to (photoshoot?)

Walking set cute latina:
This girl was walking with 3 friends and I opened + walked with + quickly got her to add me on IG. I framed grabbing a drink as well, and followed up on it through IG. I will have to see if she wants to meet up over text.

Lessons Learned:
Proper approach angles + walking with works so well.
A better follow up text sequence for my "let's get a drink" frame


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 8, 2019
Nice job Man. I really miss watching infield videos. I read a lot, for years on GC. But couldn't understand how that transcribes in reality.

I even went out to practice but couldn't because I didn't know how the three seconds rule apply or when to use it, I won't even warm up and when I saw the girl AA would kick in and I didn't know how to physically overcome it.

Meanwhile, I watched a couple of videos and saw how everything I read on GC could be acted upon in reality.

At first, I thought they were faking it and the girls they approached were hired models but now I know it works. And it's a beautiful thing to behold.

I figured out it worked, I knew I had found a new adventure. I found GC 2015 but I really started getting good at cold approach by 2018 when I took time out to practice.

I didn't even know about journals, this forum. All I knew is that I love this sport. This cold approach habit really imprinted confidence in the form of: reading social cues, grooming well and having solid conversational skills.

Just like you I have thought about how lack of infields would affect new recruits to the game. I've also pondered about it.

It's good to have you on this forum. I'll be learning from your reference points.

Mr Stif. :)


Space Monkey
space monkey
Apr 6, 2019
So I've hit a bit of a wall in terms of tracking my approaches and progressing my game.

Those first few days after I accepted my status as beginner and took on a renewed adventure in game went REALLY well. 2 new closes very quickly and another blow job close as well. One thing that really helped me was watching Shift by RSD Julien and all of the proper growth-oriented mindsets it helped instill in me.

I even had the confidence to go out and record a youtube video! Which felt awesome.

However, I hit a little bit of a wall when it came to actually editing the video. I've probably put in ~4-5 hours of editing so far, and the video realistically will take another 4 hours to finish editing. I'm realizing that the editing side of things is going to require me to put in lots of time + energy, which is fine but it requires me to make a concerted effort and to get excited and rush the editing until it is complete, so I can keep up the momentum and continue to film more videos.

Today, I just feel very low energy, even though I've been working out recently and got plenty of sleep. In fact, that may be a contributing factor in that I got too much sleep. A goal of mine is to keep it to 8 hours max.

Another thing that has drained me is wings. I get too annoyed at wings when they aren't opening and are kind of just a weight in my set. Then they start saying things to me in between sets that are just flat out bad game theory, and it seeps into my head, which frustrates me while gaming.

The wings keep asking me questions, and it honestly feels like they should be paying me for coaching. I think when you have a strong approach muscle, PUA guys flock to you and want to leech off of your energy.

And that's what it feels like. I created awesome momentum, and I allowed others to leech off of it, and slow me down!

This is my fault :) I need to set better boundaries. When guys text me to "go game" I can only go do that if I am in a position where I have MY LIFE handled to help others. This is obviously different if the guy is way better than me at game or a very fun, energizing person to be around. But none of my wings really are like that currently, other than my roommate.

So, I should keep my eyes peeled for those energizing people and see if I can meet them outside of the PUA community. In fact, girls tend to be that way a lot so I should simply just organize more dates with girls I like or even group events.

Most importantly though, I should take responsibility for my own life and my own energy. I get annoyed deeply by these PUA "time-wasters" who just want to go out and derp around. Every moment of my life should be highly directed towards a goal because I have such an amazing window of opportunity here that I can seize and really transform myself into an upper echelon of man.

The only way out is through. Stop avoiding what I need to do, by allowing these derpers to derp me into derping!

That is it's own form of escapism.

And right now what I most need to do is to edit this fucking youtube video! I will tell everyone who hits me up that I'm not going out until I finish it :)

So let's get after it!

In terms of approaches, I haven't been counting as well as I count be. I actually just figured out a way to have a "counter" app on my garmin watch so I will try to use that next time I go out so I can make sure I am 100% getting in 15 approaches per week until the age of 40 :)

Approaches are all I care about. As long as I keep approaching success will continually come.

Week of 8/24/20 - 8/30/20: 20+ Approaches!
Week of 8/31/20 - 9/6/20: Already 15+ approaches for sure.

I will work better to track these numbers on the days I go out, and try to have the 3 reference field reports so I can stay on tabs with my personal progression.

I feel a lot more energized and better after getting all of this off of my chest. Journaling here is a bit of a re-centering for me.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Apr 6, 2019
9/4/20: 6 approaches

Went out last night and edited my video from my laptop in a cafe in the Aria Casino lol. Then after about 1.5 hours of that, I took a little break and actually ran into some friends I know who are assistant coaches on a Derek bootcamp lol.

Pretty random.

I got in 6 approaches, which were mostly just openers that I didn't push very far because I was focused on finishing my video. It is funny how an unfinished youtube video really dominates your mind until it's completed. I mentioned this to my friend who used to make youtube videos and he agreed completely.

It was really nice to get some alone time over the last 48 hours to make progress on my video.

I'm proud to say that after a ~6 hour editing session today, I am now finished with the first draft of the video!!!! :)

It's 1AM on saturday, and I'm excited to go out for a bit and blow of steam/celebrate by approaching girls and telling them I just finished my video lol :eek:

It feels great. :)

Sidenote: the counter app on my garmin watch is a phenomenal way to track approaches. I think I was getting 20+ approaches on most nights I went out, but there was no way to track while staying in state lol, so I'm happy I found this solution.

One thing I noticed with editing the video, is it initially feels completely hopeless lol. So much footage to shift through, and since there is no background music or sound effects it seems boring and flat. But bam, once the highlights of the footage are cut out, and music is added, the video comes alive! It goes from hopeless to something! This video is my baby, my creation :)

It feels better than a great night of game to have produced something like this :)

If I can maintain a growth-oriented, humble mindset, and keep making videos, my path will be incredible in the coming year!

But it all starts with that mindset and the ability to confront the mess. Pickup is messy. Making Videos is messy (getting the best footage is messy!).

Editing videos is messy. It's all one big fucking mess! And that's the key. Stop being a perfectionist and embrace the mess. Embrace the stress. Embrace the fear.

Do it messy. And bottomline just get the fucking result that I want!

I'm publishing this video on Monday. I'm finishing it tomorrow, publishing it & moving on. No more wasted time. Speed is king!

The more time I take, the worse it is, I want to move fast :)

And that's why I'm headed out right now. Let's have some fun and workshop my state/humor so my next vid will be even better
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Space Monkey
space monkey
Apr 6, 2019
9/5/20: 13 approaches

The approach tracker on my watch works wonders. I actually get in way more approaches than I think. My goal of 15 per week for the next 14 years of my life is reasonable I believe :)

This was an odd night, I was tired and stayed out until 5AM. I went alone and made it work. Solo cold approach really is it's own form of crack.

I get jealous/weird when I'm with wings. They annoy me with their vibes and always seem to try to bring me down from whatever high I am on. Sometimes I am unstoppable, other times it can affect me like a slow poison drip.

I know why this happens and I do it to others as well. The only solution is to go out alone, or only go out with people who have REALLY positive vibes.

Solo is my grind. I can get into my own elevated headspace that is far from the norm and stay there. Julien style game requires you to go AGAINST social norms. Many wings try to drag you back into social norms. Being excellent and extraordinary goes against social norms. That is the sole price of becoming a social outlier in the excellence direction.

Another issue I've had recently is the constant checking of my phone and getting sucked into it. For some reason on my phone in particular it just sucks me in and I am not productive. On my laptop I have access to most of the same messaging portals, but I tend to simply be productive when I am at my laptop. It becomes difficult as well though because I like to have my phone available for IG stories, so what often happens is I grab my phone to post an IG story & then all the sudden I've wasted an hour responding to messages that aren't important.

I've already thought of a way that I can fix this... have a productivity phone that I only have good apps on it. Aka no snapchat/telegram. Just IG. Using IG is decent enough for me. I can also unfollow a lot of accounts that provide no value to me. At least with this phone there will be less apps and I can be more cognizant of what I am using it for.

Yes I will try this. The main issue is that the phone has limited data so I have to make sure I have wifi if I'm taking it out. Still, it hasn't caused me much of an issue when gaming. I think I could also use my ipad instead for stories. So I can try that as well. It's tough because a lot of the reasons I grab my phone are productive things, ex: sending a message that could lead to me making money, but then I get sucked into things that aren't productive.

I will have to think about this, but I think leaving my phone at home or in the car when I really need to get things done would be helpful. And at least doing this 1 or 2 days a week should "reset" my phone addiction enough that it is more manageable. So i'll try that right now as I'm about to head to cosmo for some work/game.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Apr 6, 2019
Week of 8/24/20 - 8/30/20: 20+ Approaches!
Week of 8/31/20 - 9/6/20: 34+ Approaches!
Week of 9/7/20 - 9/13/20: 2 Approaches so far


Space Monkey
space monkey
Apr 6, 2019
9/11/20: 10 Approaches

I have been struggling a bit this week mentally and emotionally. I released my youtube video which caused a lot of fear.

The funny thing i noticed though is that when I did release it, it felt good. It didn't feel scary at all once it was actually out there. And then thursday was basically a complete waste of a day. Idk if I was fighting off a sickness or something... but I literally was only awake for 10 hours and barely moved lol.

Today I recognized that I've lost my meditation habit. And I think that habit is a strong foundation to my success. Over and over again in my life, whenever I drift away from meditation, life becomes just harder overall, and I "forget" what it is like to move easily through life accomplishing goals that benefit me.

I am determined to resume meditation in my mornings, and to not touch technology until I meditate first thing in the morning!

This has been an issue for me, getting sucked into my phone and "internet validation". It feels like you are socializing but in the end I just feel drained and shitty. Cold approach on the otherhand makes me feel alive, and like I am a warrior fighting against my own emotions.

Tonight I went out, and started watching tengame. I think that continual watching of pick up video courses and particularly infield is what will allow me to keep my edge. Julien says in tengame that watching infield is crucial to improving, and I agree. Without infield, and only my shitty wings to go off of, it is very easy to forget what's possible. It's like a basketball player watching middle school highlights, and never watching jordan or kobe.

I got in 10 fairly half-ass approaches. I started to get a little bit of momentum, but I was fairly chill and hands off. I didn't do any direct approaches, even with a few girls eyefucking me. When I was grabbing food, I did sit next to this black chick who is a stripper and we talked for a while, and she got my number, which was interesting.

Overall, I'm just happy that I'm maintaining that 15/week approach count. So far I have 12 approaches under my belt this week.

Even on a down week, I want to learn how to pick myself up and throw myself into interactions. This metric of 15 approaches per week is just what I need, and I'm happy that I stumbled upon it!

Watch more infield, and I'm very proud of today. I will start tomorrow first thing by meditating.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Apr 6, 2019
9/12/20: 2 Approaches

Went out and did some minor work on my laptop at the Aria cafe, setting up some projects that will propel me towards more girls.

I did 2 super simple compliment openers. I was kind of in my head, but not in a bad way exactly, I was just in my own thoughts and didn't really think too much about gaming. I was happy to knock out 2 opens though to reach my 15 approach goal for this week! Especially on a relatively "down" week for me where I wasn't excited about game. It's nice to stay in maintenance mode kind of like hitting the gym.

I'm also now wondering if my 15 approach goal needs to be "real" approaches and not just compliment openers while I'm walking around. I'm not sure what constitutes as a real approach... perhaps an interaction that lasts 30+ seconds?

Anyways, this was more of a maintenance week, which is fine. I'm going to really start to push it here in the next few months :)

[X] Week of 8/24/20 - 8/30/20: 20+ Approaches!
[X] Week of 8/31/20 - 9/6/20: 34+ Approaches!
[X] Week of 9/7/20 - 9/13/20: 15 Approaches!


Space Monkey
space monkey
Apr 6, 2019

9/14/20 - 9/21/20 was an odd week. I got sucked into playing a ton of chess, which really just sucked me in as a game after I realized the parallels between the long-form decision making in chess and life, as well as game.

I played it a ton, and now I definitely have it as a new hobby, although it is extremely addictive so I definitely have to be careful with it. I would love to keep solving a few chess puzzles a day though to keep my mind sharp.

In this time period, I also went to Chicago for the weekend for an NLP/Hypnosis seminar, which was mind-blowing in many ways. I think that NLP is the missing link for my own self-development, as well as an EXTREMELY powerful tool for communication abilities and game. I now finally see how I could create massive change for others.

Anyways, in terms of approaches, I did about ~5, which was below my goal of 15. I think my poor planning abilities really shined here, as I forgot that my Chicago trip would make it harder to get approaches in. In the future I want to have some sort of planning process every Sunday where I figure out how I am going to hit my target outcomes for the week.

Chicago was awesome though, I'm now really diving deep into NLP and excited to use it as change work for myself & make girls fall in love with me deeply.

[ ] 9/14/20 - 9/20/20: ~5 Approaches
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Space Monkey
space monkey
Apr 6, 2019
9/23/20: 12 Approaches
Went out without my phone or laptop. The only technology I brought was my kindle and an ipod. My goal was to get some good reading in. I'm reading Frogs to Princes right now as well as unlimited power. This book is blowing my fucking mind.

It worked well to leave my phone/laptop at home, and made me feel more centered. It's definitely a nice escape. I do recognize that I am still procrastinating a lot of things like sending out invites to photoshoots and dealing with clients. But at long last I see the LIGHT at the end of the tunnel.

I know that if I keep taking action and dealing with my emotions and real-world tasks, slowly but surely things will open up quite a bit and I will be walking through life with 0 fears.

I got in ~12 cold approaches. My game required some warming up, and since I was in my head thinking about NLP tactics, my sets were a little abnormal. Which is to be expected as I'm still experimenting with this stuff.

One crazy thing is I actually cured a girl's hiccups instantly using NLP, which honestly seems like fucking magic. I am developing insane control over myself and the world around me. If I ever read this again, let me remind myself: NLP is the answer.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Apr 6, 2019

Ok bitches, ya boi is fucking back.

And this time I'm here to stay.

I'm about to enter the biggest momentum swing in my life.

I'm about to enter CLOSING momentum.

Closing bitches, closing sales.

Getting the finest pussy in the land of Las Vegas.

Getting money in the six figure per month range. Creating a 7 figure fucking business.

And it starts with one mindset: ALWAYS BE CLOSING.



I might consider tattooing that on my body sometime in the near future.

How will I enter closing momentum?
Consistent vocal warmups.
Recording videos every day.
Going out into the world everyday and doing approaches.
Digitally approaching prospects and clients daily through linkedin and IG.
Building a sales force.

It's high time I step into the person I'm destined to become. The person I already am in my mind's eye.

Let's get after it.... Today I have already done 3 approaches.

Let's keep it up and get back on top of everything.

Money, Bitches, Videos


Space Monkey
space monkey
Apr 6, 2019
12/11/20: 12 Approaches

Tonight I went out on the Las Vegas Strip with a wing for a Friday night filled with debauchery. We started around 6:30PM and gamed until about 11:30PM. I was nervous to approach at the beginning of the night. We actually took a break around 8:30PM and I ran through some of Todd's The System videos on opening. This proved quite helpful, as I was able to notch solid opens going forward.

I used mainly direct opens, and was able to transition into flirting frame quite easily. I would like to hopefully keep up this momentum by going out tomorrow night as well. Even if it is just to pop out and get a few approaches to maintain my momentum. I can bring my laptop out and work, while using the majority of my early day to work on YouTube videos. Eating now and should be in bed by 12:30AM so I can hopefully hit my 9AM wakeup time and crush tomorrow.

I would love to get my finances in a place where I can make game a major focus of my life :)

Things I did well:
Pushed through approach anxiety to notch 12 approaches
Had the foresight to watch Todd's videos to help me fix my opening issues right away
Kissed a drunk ass show girl
Got a few IGs and one girl who wants me to shoot her
Left my phone at home

Things I could have done better:
Really, nothing, I'm very happy with how I performed given my starting point tonight

Lessons Learned:
Watching game videos on my laptop while gaming to fix specific sticking points is amazing!
The direct opener is godly, I have to train myself to use that as a default opener

Goals for Next Time:
[ ] Open 3 Sets with Direct Opener


Space Monkey
space monkey
Apr 6, 2019
12/12/20: 13 Approaches

Goals Evaluation:
[X] Open 3 Sets with Direct Opener
- definitely did this!

Went out again on Las Vegas strip. I started the night working from my laptop and doing a few sets. My wing came out again and we did a bunch more sets with one going a little long up to 20 min or so. I was mainly working on opening + setting a man-to-woman frame quickly, and had decent success with that.

Things I did well:
Went out
Wrote this field report
Opened 10+ sets
Reapproached one set
Had a cute girl somewhat attracted
Pushed myself to sexual interactions

Things I could have done better:
Moved sets more often
Gotten some IGs
Gone for pulls
Approached with more persistence, ex: walking with sets rather than watching them pass me by

Lessons Learned:
Coffee + focused tasks = amazing
Cold approach is the key to my confidence in life

Goals for Next Time:
[ ] Try to move one set (venue change)


Space Monkey
space monkey
Apr 6, 2019
12/13/20: 6 Approaches

Goals Evaluation:
[/] Try to move one set (venue change)
- I'll give myself a half on this because I did bring up the idea of venue changing with one set of girls, but I didn't push super hard to make the venue change actually happen.

Got out late tonight, getting on the strip around 7:30PM.

The reason this is late is because I had a decent amount of work I had wanted to do on my laptop, and thus didn't have the time to really dial in and focus on knocking out the work before using game as my "break".

I edited some photos of models. I think being a model photographer is a great path for me that I can do quite easily on the side. I want to spend a few minutes editing photos every day because it is honestly quite easy and I'm naturally gifted at photography. I think this is the best mcguffin for me to meet hot girls and have a reason for us to meet up later.

As for the night, I was able to cold approach a few sets, and even opened a cute asian girl by herself who was fairly interested in me. I set up a same night day 2 with her... but looking back it would have been best to stay in set if I wanted to guarantee a close.

I also decided that I really want to live in Veer towers because of the amazing logistics from the type of day game/early night game I'm learning. I think it would allow me to bang more girls as I enter cold approach momentum. The only other way I can really get girls back is with photography.

A Veer spot good enough to be used for photography would be ideal.

Things I did well:
Went out
6 Approaches
Got 1 IG
Edited Photos of models (finally!)
Was more chill
Had more of a plan to lead the sets

Things I could have done better:
Stayed in set with the asian girl
Set up more narratives in the set of things we could do

Lessons Learned:
Don't be so quick to ditch a set just because I was getting validation. Burn it to the ground
Go to bed earlier, and get out earlier!

Goals for next time:
[ ] Watch todd's the system premise, evaluate, and narrative modules