Singular Flow


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Mar 1, 2013
Hey gentleman, I've kept a journal of my daily pickups, though they've slimmed recently because I'm getting more involved with a single girl rather than many. Anyway, I was reviewing my journal, and I noticed my success increase when I started to implement something I personally call SINGULAR FLOW
I define this as: Following up an opening with a question that directly relates to the opening, environment, or reaction by the girl.

A couple guys I've both talked to in my actual life or saw post on this website seem to have an initial conversation problem, something I call "jumping," which I was once a victim of, until I logically thought about it, and decided to use in my regular conversation just to see how it turns out.
I define jumping as: Asking a question or making a comment that isn't related to the opening, environment, or her reaction.

EXAMPLES: Jumping:
At Walmart or some department store
*Walk up to a girl, touch under her elbow* and say "You've got the most beautiful hair I've seen all day, it looks so picturesque the way it sets on you, I wanted to introduce myself, I'm Richard"
"Well thank you Richard, I'm Jessica."
"So Jessica, what's your absolute favorite car?"
This is jumping because it does not relate to anything that was previously said in the conversation, and it feels awkward, the girl feels pressured and feels like you're after something because you're not following a smooth flow of conversation, you've jumped from an opening into something completely unrelated. But, alot of guys actually make a mistake like this, and it's an easy fix. Follow the course of the conversation in a manner such as this in the same situation:
Me:"You've got the most beautiful hair I've seen all day, it looks so picturesque the way it sets on you, I wanted to introduce myself, I'm Richard"
Her:"Well thank you Richard, I'm Jessica."
Me:"How'd you end up here at Walmart, instead somewhere more exciting?"
Her:"Well, usually I'm out and about anyway, I just came here for some errands."
Me:"So when you're not running errands or out and about, what do you do for entertainment?"
Her:"Entertainment huh? *smile* I'm the outdoorsy type, I like basketball and sports, fishing, to more social things like parties , movies, I'm usually up for whatever."

The conversation feels more natural when you relate your opening to something relevant like how you opened, the environment (in this case, it was Walmart), or her recation (which wasn't something I could work with in this case because there wasn't a huge reaction on her part."
Singular flow in my opinion is the red carpet to a good conversation, it get's the ball rolling, and provides some relief for you and her because instead of jumping around for information or jumping around with questions you're following a genuine flow. Later in the conversation after following up an opening with singular flow and light conversation you can easily jump around a little bit at a time with deep diving and building rapport. This is strictly from my experience, and others may have different opinion, I posted the information I dug up from my journal entries. After following up with "singular flow" I started to pull more numbers for obvious reasons.
Enjoy fellas,


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 27, 2012
Yes I think this style of conversing is very important early on into an interaction, it aids building comfort and trust with a girl which is one of the main things you should be looking to do early on. I guess it helps build comfort by keeping things very light, easy, and manageable, she knows where the conversation is going and thus feels more at ease.

I would say though, further on into an interaction there is nothing wrong with 'jumping' in many ways, if done right. Its a great way to ease tension, whereby;

*talking about a subject*
build sexual tension, eye contact, silence, smile
*jump to another subject*

It's not always a bad thing and when executed properly can be exciting BUT only once she is at ease around you.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Mar 1, 2013
Nova, thank you for your comment, I was fairly sure I pointed out the difference between early on in the conversation opposed to later on because it is exactly as you said, jumping is a great thing to do later in the conversation, and without it, you never get to the meat and bones of who she is anyway, singular flow is used strictly for following your opening, and providing some light banter


Space Monkey
space monkey
Apr 4, 2013
Very good article brother.
I've notice that in my good conversations with women I had a singular flow with also a "jumping of topics" what I like to call wide rapport. It looks like this:
Conversation is on the subject of her previous relationships:
Her: I met my first boyfriend when I was 16 out in Colorado
Me: Wait, Colorado? What were you doing out there? Trying to smoke some marijuana?
Her: Haha noooo, I was visiting family for the summer
Me: Oh really? Who lives out there?
Her: Couple of my cousins and aunt
Me: Sounds like you don't like em too much, maybe just using them for a free vacation.
Her: Haha noooo, I just don't see them too much
Me: Ooooo, so this guy then what happened to him?
Her: Blah blah fucking blah

I always find myself never lacking in conversation anymore due from using wide rapport, it has its benefits for a plethora of reasons:
1) You use the females form of communication through emotion, if you feel like you want to discuss something then it is appropriate within the context of the conversation
2) It makes a conversation significantly more interesting and longer than a stock back and forth conversation with questions
3) The topics are endless, when you get really good you can start picking up on small cues that can lead to great topics when she says things in passing

I rarely randomly jump from one topic to another that is totally unrelated to the conversation unless the topic is truly boring and she feels the same and I'll say "This is boring, what do you do for adventure?" as a transition.
Cheers guys, hope your conversations become magical!


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Mar 1, 2013
Well actually, singular flow is used really only for following up your opening, and from there you're free to deep dive, and build light banter on anything you want, which is what I do....
However Joseph, there is something that exists with conversation called the "ripple theory," and it's basically a way to never run out of dialogue, and it's similar to what you mentioned...
When water ripples, a drop will hit the center, and flow outward, and the same is true with conversation, for example:

Guy: "So you live in Sacramento huh? What drew you to it?"
Her: "Well, I love the weather, and I get to wear a bikini year round"
Guy :"That's always a plus! Not like you could do that in other states right? only California. Doesn't sound like you've lived here your whole life?"
Her: "you're right, I'm actually from Idaho..."
Guy: "Idaho huh? Tell me more about that..."

Basically just starting at a single point and building upon that outward, here it was a specific city --> then state ---> then other state --> and it could continue onward to ---> the country ---> the nation ---> and it just keeps going and going...


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 5, 2013
Zphix said:
Basically just starting at a single point and building upon that outward, here it was a specific city --> then state ---> then other state --> and it could continue onward to ---> the country ---> the nation ---> and it just keeps going and going...

I think Chase calls this conversational technique thread amplification, where you basically choose one idea or word that the girl mentions and use it to dive deeper. Singular flow seems like a way describing the importance of directing the conversational thread logically at the beginning of a conversation. Definitely important, as

Nova said:
it helps build comfort by keeping things very light, easy, and manageable, she knows where the conversation is going and thus feels more at ease.

Great stuff guys,