Process speeds


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 11, 2016
Right now? I could be anywhere!
Hey guys,

When bedding a woman, it takes time to go from greet to heat. How long that takes has an impact on the overall feel of the seduction, which may be the difference between smooth sailing and anti-slut defense. There are different speeds at which men bed their ladies, and so I’d like to attempt to list a few of them here.

1. Moving fast
This is one which is recommended. Bedding a woman as quickly as realistically possible. This may seem a bit aggressive when you’re starting off, but it is necessary. Especially if you do not know how to tell when a woman who isn’t attracted to you is leading you on. Sometimes it’s best to just force your losses for the sake of the greater good.

2. Moving at her pace
This one is a bit like the first but safer(ish). She sets the pace and you screw her on the date that she listed. If you aren’t good at turning women on however, this may never occur and you may end up in strategy number 4. Plus women have a knack for bailing out at the last second, or dumping you just before the act happens. But if you can keep her excited up until this moment, she may be grateful for it. So I’d say you should be lower level intermediate and upwards for this one.

3. Befriending her and then getting into her bed
Lol, I can’t lie, this is the one that I grew up doing. I noticed that I did this by friending her and then throwing invites and pieces of the truth at her, until finally becoming impatient and going full bareback on her. This was usually met with rejection. But then I’d machine through it all until eventually she gave up and took me in. I suppose that this is the one that guys tend to default to. It’s also depicted the most in romantic movies and shows and stuff. The difference between this one and strategy 2 is the fact that you’re hiding under the guise of being her friend. And I can’t lie, this does actually work. But only if you are able to go through the tons of shit that time gives you because you took too long. Like built up pressure, a sense of betrayal, her sleeping with other dudes while you waited. Etc

Funny enough, this never used to work for me because I kept freaking out when girls actually gave me results. So self sabotage is highly possible with this one.

4. Befriending her and waiting for her to make the move
Welcome to the friendzone. Where you cannot escape no matter how hard you hope you will. It’s okay, she’ll probably use you for her own gains as she uses her sexuality to keep you hoping, your guilt of approaching to keep you quiet, and her legion of men to keep her company. Whilst she rides on the penile parts of the men who actually progressed with her.

This is obviously a terrible strategy if you want to bed HER. But if you’re just gaining access to her for her friends, or you’re trying to get used to women who possess a quality she has, then it may prove useful in the long run.

5. Fusion strategy
Nothing in the world is 100% pure. So you’ll probably find yourself mixing strategies or alternating between them as you go from woman to woman, situation to situation. Moving fast when you’re on tinder. Moving slow with a girl who is into you but not ready for sex for some reason. Etc.

I think that the one that the GC team suggests you do is a fusion of 1 and 2. Not only is it efficient, but it actually appears to be the most honest to her and to yourself. Don’t move so fast that it triggers her auto rejection, but don’t be slow enough to allow her (and time) to self sabotage the relationship between you two. Because girls get nervously paranoid too, and aren’t the perfect perfections of perfectness that people assume them to be.

I’d say those are the main strategies men take towards women in terms of speed. The 2 traits that dictate how fast you need to go are:

1. Horniness
2. Attraction.

The lower those are, the more you need to work on getting them high. Which may take time. The higher they are, the more you need to push the seduction process forward.

Bonus tip: a horny girl will sleep with you whether you’re attractive or not. Horniness is also the key to not getting LMR when it’s time to sleep with her. So keep your eye on the prize and you may be pleasantly surprised.

Hope that helped :)


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Hi Ash, nice guide.

I believe that 1 and 2 are actually the same speed. You should move as fast as she will let you.