Observations  Mind Hack. The Logic Behind Ppl throw you under the bus, Lotteries, Hierarchy.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
Hi Guys,

Why do people throw you under the bus? Why do people win lotteries and they become different for awhile, they become cocky and arrogant. Why do people hierarchy and think and become a two faced bitch?

Simple. It's the End Goal. They THINK THEY AT THE END GOAL.

and the key word here is THINK THEY AT THE END GOAL.

Because you see, some of you need alcohol to approach women because it makes you feel confident. Well guess whaT? Just like alcohol, lotteries and hierarchy are illusions. Now i am not saying that a lottery doesn't make you feel good but here's the kicker. If we can stimulate ourselves to the end goal, Wouldn't that create the end goal itself?

Which means once we stimulate ourselves to the end goal, we don't need alcohol, lotteries, hierarchies. Because while lotteries, alcohol and hierarchy is good, They are not Process. Ask yourself why people suddenly magically do crazy stuff on the soccer pitch or an angry person just snap? IT is just a simple execution of forgetting about everything else that is at the moment, knowing your end goal, stimulate as if you already it and then BE it. IF your life still suck, you stop, go back, know your goal, stimulate as if you already it and BE it. It's the same thing with alcohol doesn't it? You approach women, You fail, You drink alcohol, You approach again. But now you not dependent on anything. You dependent on yourself.

It's a crazy phenomenon, It's related to studies of parallel universe. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Many-worlds_interpretation
