LR  LR Turns into Hell on Earth - False Rape Accusation

Regal Tiger

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 16, 2015
PrettyDecent said:
Regal Tiger,

Let me know by PM if you're serious about coming to Australia. I can make sure you have a job and place set up once you get here.


That'd be pretty awesome of ya! I am not 100% sure if I will still do Australia or not since it's probably over a year away and never know what will change. Might even be two years away. Nothing's set in stone yet.

But if you want to add each other on Facebook we could definitely do that now.

Regal Tiger

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 16, 2015
I've uploaded some screenshots from CaseNet proving that it's a real case.

I was hoping to get her recent statements that clash with what she originally said but the file that my lawyer sent me doesn't have it. I'll request tomorrow to see if I can get her statements that she made and then upload her new story with her old story to help prove that she's full of shit

Tim Iron

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 12, 2014
Planet Earth
so sad. now we all have to be walking around with a recording device (video + audio) to prevent this sort of thing. Just because a lady woke up with regret one day, she is calling it rape?

I think we also need to put some sort of hidden security camera in all our rooms.

Regal Tiger, stay strong. Don't give up, I believe that you would win the case since there is no dna evidence or anything that links you to even having sexual intercourse with her.

Regal Tiger

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 16, 2015
Tayo said:
so sad. now we all have to be walking around with a recording device (video + audio) to prevent this sort of thing. Just because a lady woke up with regret one day, she is calling it rape?

I think we also need to put some sort of hidden security camera in all our rooms.

Regal Tiger, stay strong. Don't give up, I believe that you would win the case since there is no dna evidence or anything that links you to even having sexual intercourse with her.

I'll probably be adding security cameras in the future as well. After funds are no longer an issue, anyways. But luckily tape recorders are cheap.

And I believe that I should make it through, just have my rough days sometimes...

To this day I still don't understand how the hell this has gotten so far into the system... at the risk of sounding insensitive I guess this is what they mean when they say that rape is so under reported.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 25, 2016
Hey RT,

I myself had a harassment charge not so long ago. I'm still in the process of sorting myself out, but I'm experimenting with some solutions.
Maybe it will help you.

1) prepare for the worst case. If the verdict is that I'm guilty, my future get destroyed. So I start freelancing, should I get kicked out, I'll at least have some income.
I don't have any client yet, still figuring that out.

2) live as if the worst case already happened. Besides my day job (very likely the company will kick me out if they find out about this), I spend most of the time doing the freelancing and working out. No junk food. Quitting all addictions (video game, porn, distractions in general). Sleeping early, waking up early.
Pretty much if the worst case really happens, I'll continue to live like this.

3) start approaching girls. I understand girls can screw me over. Yet I still need to mate. Yet I have to prevent things like this from ever happening again. Solution is complex, but it goes like this:
- Fake your information: Fake your occupation, fake your interests, and fake your name if it's necessary. I found out that when I faked all of these, it didn't impact seduction whatsoever. In my case, I can still get phone number, and probably can go to dates just fine.
- Fundamentals: If I was more attractive, less likely a girl will screw me over.
- "I must woo her" to "I must vanquish her" style. This I copied from Chase. But Chase had approached probably ~10k girls without getting that shit, so it must be good.
- Screening: Only basic screening to know the girl is normal. This can be improve by:
- A social circle who don't know about the charge: Need to learn: a) read people, b) screen, c) what is normal. So go full social butterfly, appear like a normal dude, and don't seduce girls there (but still saying hi. Social butterfly, remember). In your situation, if you don't have such a social circle, I suggest you go to Meetup and start anew. Or get a local day job, having income and socializing with coworkers at the same time.

4) fight the charge. I'm fighting the charge, but it's 50/50. A few things that will help tilting things to my favor: a) good lawyer, b) give as little information as possible, c) deny everything.

This is not perfect. But it will help you recover somewhat.

Regal Tiger

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 16, 2015
CuriosityKillsTheCat said:
Hey RT,

I myself had a harassment charge not so long ago. I'm still in the process of sorting myself out, but I'm experimenting with some solutions.
Maybe it will help you.

I'm sorry to hear that :(

1) prepare for the worst case. If the verdict is that I'm guilty, my future get destroyed. So I start freelancing, should I get kicked out, I'll at least have some income.
I don't have any client yet, still figuring that out.

What are you freelancing? I might be able to help with that.

Also, as I've posted in here, I don't plan on living if it's a guilty verdict so I'm not worried about a worst case scenario. It's oddly freeing, in a way.

2) live as if the worst case already happened. Besides my day job (very likely the company will kick me out if they find out about this), I spend most of the time doing the freelancing and working out. No junk food. Quitting all addictions (video game, porn, distractions in general). Sleeping early, waking up early.
Pretty much if the worst case really happens, I'll continue to live like this.

That's a good list of things to do. At least I'm glad that you're making some good changes in your life. But doing everything at once isn't super sustainable unless you have systems in place. Systems help make it a routine. Change also introduces more stress, even if it is for the better. So I would definitely recommend some kind of stress reliever to help alleviate the stress of change.

3) start approaching girls. I understand girls can screw me over. Yet I still need to mate. Yet I have to prevent things like this from ever happening again. Solution is complex, but it goes like this:

Can't let things get in the way of your life. Sex is definitely a need and even Hector recommended that I not let it get in the way. Though for me, I'd have to say I've given up on women for a little while. Maybe it'll be like Chase's hero's journey post (whichever that one was a little while ago).

- Fake your information: Fake your occupation, fake your interests, and fake your name if it's necessary. I found out that when I faked all of these, it didn't impact seduction whatsoever. In my case, I can still get phone number, and probably can go to dates just fine.

I, personally, don't agree with this. But, if you're faking everything then you should get a go phone (or something else that's not as easily traced). Because the police already have your name and number attached and if you're hit again with something like this they can and will find your name with your number. Then they'll see the difference in your actual name with what the complaint was and they will make your life hell for it.

Also, since you're faking everything, pay for cash on your dates. Also don't take your dates anywhere where you go regularly with debit/credit cards. They can and will find you quite easily using that as well.

- Fundamentals: If I was more attractive, less likely a girl will screw me over.

Ya... halo effect...

- "I must woo her" to "I must vanquish her" style. This I copied from Chase. But Chase had approached probably ~10k girls without getting that shit, so it must be good.
- Screening: Only basic screening to know the girl is normal. This can be improve by:
- A social circle who don't know about the charge: Need to learn: a) read people, b) screen, c) what is normal. So go full social butterfly, appear like a normal dude, and don't seduce girls there (but still saying hi. Social butterfly, remember). In your situation, if you don't have such a social circle, I suggest you go to Meetup and start anew. Or get a local day job, having income and socializing with coworkers at the same time.

I'm on meetup for dancing and other stuff, but haven't felt like dancing lately. Haven't felt like doing much of anything, really. All I do is work now.... oh god I'm my grandfather.... fuck...

4) fight the charge. I'm fighting the charge, but it's 50/50. A few things that will help tilting things to my favor: a) good lawyer, b) give as little information as possible, c) deny everything.

This is not perfect. But it will help you recover somewhat.

Wholeheartedly agree! NEVER TALK TO THE POLICE. Years of skepticism and distrust of any kind of authority served me well here. You could walk into a police station for a parking ticket and be charged with killing a still living president. Police don't care about you, justice or even the law. They just want the files off of their desk.

If you want to talk about it though I'm free to listen. People need to stick together whenever they can. Good luck.

Regal Tiger

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 16, 2015
Yo! A kind of update, though this post is going to be on a happier note it will probably be just as stream of thought-like [so basically the exact same as basically everything else I post in here lol].

Back in April I started trying to really hit day game pretty hard (especially since I still consider myself locked out of online game). Honestly, probably a little harder than I should have.

I failed. A lot. Spectacularly bad. Like, well north of 300 approaches and 2 dates that went absolutely nowhere bad (honestly on a normal day I consider myself intermediate I swear lol!)

After that I re-read Chase's article on if where I live was a tough market or just no market. I still lean towards no market but I'll never know for sure. But there are more places for me to try, so there's that.

So I decided to pull out and have been kind of in a state of just flowing along since. Hard to call it monk mode because I've done so little. I haven't done any real hobbies lately other than just continuously reading. Haven't even exercised in probably 2 months.

Life has gone by pretty quick because I haven't made any real memories these last few months.

It's weird, I feel kinda bad about it but overall I'm starting to come back to normal/baseline/homeostasis.

Emotionally I'm doing a lot better. So I'll probably start doing things again soon! We'll see what happens. Met a girl in the park and went on a date but she held back and it didn't go anywhere (think she was seeing somebody else and wanted a backup option, but oh well) a few weeks ago when I was out and about (whoohoo! Great stats of one approach = one date! I'm amazing lol!)

Because of Darius's style website and course (which I recommend) I met a guy through Facebook and may have made a friend in real life. Nice to have one of those here. Had one or two in Missouri but they're so far away and I see them only when I go back for more court shit anymore (which those filthy fuckers have done me dirty, don't ever go to Missouri! I drove all the way out there for arraignment and those noobs got it pushed back, so I have to make the trip a second time for the same god damned 30 second appearance in court).

A lot of the anger I've been feeling has dissipated as well (except for my righteous fury about my arraignment, assholes). The emptiness is still there, though not as... potent, I guess you could say? Not sure how to describe it.

Plan on getting back into some of my cheaper [free] hobbies, which includes running and feeding my vanity soon lol.

Though I'm struggling with adapting my writing to a new format, I'm still hoping it'll get going soon (think I've discovered a big problem and if it is indeed a big problem I should see my results skyrocket after fixing it). Should be getting my first payment (though smaller since it's still limping along) soon and I'm going to celebrate with a nice big bowl of bills to pay! Whoo! Go me!

Anywhoo, thanks again for everyone that's donated! I put it up on reddit as well but haven't gotten anything from there. Like I said either here or in the other thread, I don't see any of the help as free. I don't know what, or how, but I do plan on giving back in some way.

But just thought I'd send in an update. Hope all is well with all of you

Regal Tiger

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 16, 2015
Hola! To anyone still keeping up with my situation I thank you for it!

I'll try to keep the stream of thought to a minimum and keep it short:

1) Womenz stuff
Still seeing the girl from a month ago. Went on a few dates with another girl that I liked at first and then.... well, then all of her sweetness left her on the second date and all I was left with was unpleasantness. I assume it's because we came close but didn't sleep together on the first date

There was another girl but I screwed that one up on the first date. Shame too, I think she really liked me and I had that gut feeling that I would have really liked her as well

Haven't done any new approaches because of this next life update....

2) Job
Lost my job at Lyft and now all I'm left with is the scraps (think I may have stumbled upon a breakthrough with my ads though! I'll know if it's just a fluke in a week!) that is my Facebook Ads. Though if I really have stumbled upon a breakthrough then they won't be scraps at the end of this month. Huzzah!

But yea, got deactivated from Lyft because apparently they do yearly background checks (was news to me when I woke up at 5:30 to go work)... Bummer, it was starting to pick back up.

Though oddly enough I got an automatic email from Lyft [bastards] later that same day about ordering a free jacket from Lyft for reaching a thousand rides. It's been somewhere around 5-ish business days so I'm kind of on the edge of my seat if they'll actually send it or not.... apparently it's supposed to be a rather nice jacket, and it's free so.... hmmmm....

Got some ideas, and other possible money-making ventures that I'd rather not dip into but will if I have to. Time will tell within the next week if I will have to or not

Been living an extremely frugal lifestyle. Quit exercising so that my metabolism would slow down (eat about two sandwiches a day now) and don't do a whole lot other than ad stuff and some of this other stuff for money. Though the woman I see once a week cooks for me which is nice. It's been well over a year since I've received any positive-feminine energy. Definitely helps ease the bitterness, though it's still simmering there it is dissipating. So we're headed in the right direction, emotionally

Still working on my posture and my voice

Still working on Instagram stuffs and learning new things about photography. Coming into my own style which I'm starting to really love

Trial is set for January 8th so that's a bummer. A case with still literally zero evidence is going to trial 3 days before my birthday. So that's probably gonna be a negatory on the birthday sex next year =.=

Still barred from getting any real jobs (though secretly a blessing in disguise?) because of the ongoing case

All in all, shaping up to be an interesting few months.

Thank you for keeping up with my story :)

Regal Tiger

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 16, 2015
Talked to my lawyer today!

He talked to both of the roommates of this chick and one of them doesn't even believe that she was raped (did I just hear a possible witness around the corner?)! Though she lives in another state so getting her here might prove to be a challenge, oh well. The other thinks it's automatically rape because I didn't ask between foreplay and sex if it was okay to stick my wiener inside of her (fun fact, I actually did lmao. Not once but twice!)

He's talked to other prosecutors and friends to bounce ideas off of and talk to the case about. The overwhelming consensus is that they can't believe the case was even filed in the first place.

So looks like I'm sitting kinda pretty on my mountain of ramen noodles and rice lol


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 5, 2013
Hello Regal Tiger,

How did the trial go? You mentioned in an earlier post it was set up for January 8th. I hope all went well.

Regal Tiger

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 16, 2015
Michal said:
Hello Regal Tiger,

How did the trial go? You mentioned in an earlier post it was set up for January 8th. I hope all went well.

Hey! Thanks for checking in!

I got pushed back to April 30th :/

Friggin annoying but at least it's warm outside and it's my birthday today lol.

Regal Tiger

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 16, 2015
Thanks for checking in, I’ve ben posting on the other thread. But I was found not guilty for rape but somehow guilty for sodomy immediately before

I have a sentence hearing July 13th :/

Regal Tiger

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 16, 2015
For anyone still following along I was pronounced not guilty of rape yet somehow guilty of sodomy. Which means that in the eyes of the law I had consensual sex immediately following non-consensual dick sucking. Still trying to process that one...

But in the mean time I need help from anyone that wants to help. I need people to write letters about my character, basically telling the judge that I'm not a threat to society and that I won't 'reoffend'. Basically trying to get probation instead of prison at this point. I'm having people send the letters to my lawyer so that it doesn't look like I forged them.

The address is in the United States:
Eric Boehmer
1603 Boone's Lick RD
St Charles MO 63301

If you could send them the sooner the better I would massively appreciate it. Also don't mention anything about these forums, don't say anything about how we met. If at all possible I would prefer to keep this place a secret so that it doesn't get taken away from me too.

Thank you for reading and I hope you have a great day


Space Monkey
space monkey
Mar 6, 2016
I'm glad to hear that you beat the big charge, but will the other charge force you to register as an offender? I don't want to suggest financial ruin, but you might need to see if you can appeal. I've been through some stuff too. I hope it works out for you.

Regal Tiger

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 16, 2015
JRob said:
I'm glad to hear that you beat the big charge, but will the other charge force you to register as an offender? I don't want to suggest financial ruin, but you might need to see if you can appeal. I've been through some stuff too. I hope it works out for you.

Thanks, though the answer is yes. I will officially be a sex offender starting the day of sentencing. Which means that if I do go to prison I'll need to go into protective custody/solitary confinement again

Motion for new trial already underway, like a 2% chance of it actually going through. The appeal itself, just as unlikely to go through. Un-common sense really didn't save the day here

Sadly, though rape sounds like the bigger charge, they're both Class C felonies (it was like 2nd degree rape or something). Could have been worse, could have been pronounced guilty for all of it. This scenario never entered my mind because it just didn't seem plausible

Never underestimate the stupidity of people though. Should have had a damn judge trial lol

If I didn't already hate America before I sure as fuck do now... learn from my mistake of not recording every single sexual encounter with women. Ever since I found out there was a warrant for my arrest I have had a recorder rolling whenever I'm alone with a woman, whether sex happens or not. I suggest the same to everybody living in Rape-merica