Low sex drive?


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2012
i know a lot of people will read this title and think, What the hell and be surprised a guy is posting this, but when I get into a sexual relationship with a girl, they seem to be much more interested in sex than I am. Even when I didn't have sex with a girlfriend I dated a long time ago, it seemed like she wanted to be sexual (oral, dry humping, fingering) much more than I did. With my last LR, I eventually turned a one night stand into something where we were having sex nearly every night (and every morning). On the third night in a row, I told her I was tired and passed out. Now I didn't get much sleep, but it seemed weird telling a girl that I was too tired. Sleep seemed so much better than sex at the time. Has anyone else felt like this?


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012

That's not necessarily a low sex drive. I have a pretty high sex drive and this can happen to me with girlfriends too. What is is rather a lack of novelty.

Try this the next time you're wondering if it's your sex drive or if it's simply a lack of novelty: your girlfriend's trying to initiate, and you're thinking, "Meh, I'd kinda rather sleep." Now, stop, shut your eyes, and imagine it's some beautiful Ukrainian / Argentinian / Korean / whatever, fill in the blank, chick who's escalating on you now, and see what happens to your sex drive.

Bet you 5 bucks it perks right up.

It's novelty, not your drive.

Sperm stays inside a girl for about 72 hours - your body's conserving its sperm reserves by not wanting to continually use them on the same female when she's already been inseminated recently, but it's ready to go again if there's a novel female.

Meanwhile, HER body is trying its darnedest to get you to empty all of your sperm reserves into her - the more she gets, the less likely you are to go out and use them to impregnate another woman. She's also getting a lot more bonding in with you and cementing the relationship with more sex.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2012
That's a good point Chase. I think what it really was that I'm a light sleeper and I didn't sleep much over those past two days. I really think I just needed sleep.