

Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 5, 2017
Was doing some approaches today and none of them were getting received well. Was about to go into my gym to work out when I spotted a girl out of the corner of my eye. She seemed really pretty so I ran up in front of her and opened her directly. We started talking, and I asked her what she was up to and she told me she was buying flowers. I ribbed her a little about it and teased before deep diving on some topics. I think we talked about where she was from and what she did for work. I asked her if she was single, and she kind of shrugged and said yeah (this was a common theme of this date-the girl seemed mildly bored/low energy about everything, so not sure what was happening). I asked her if she would be down for a coffee sometime and she said yeah. I talked a little bit more, then asked her how important buying her flowers was. She admitted that it was something she wanted to do to avoid doing tomorrow. I suggested we grab a coffee right now, and she thinks about it, and shrugs and says yeah.

So we walk towards the coffee shop, and I start asking more about her work. I believe I make some statements regarding her personality that she kind of chuckles at. She mentions that she's getting a little old for something, and I say that she can't be older than 25, and she says that I'm exactly right. We get to the coffee place, and she picks a table where we can sit across from each other, instead of next to each other in a booth, and I can't think of a way to get into a more intimate seating arrangement. I try to play it more cool and casual and match her vibe, while still touching her hand from time to time. She seems receptive to that. I talk to her more about her work, and what she wants out of it. The thing that confused me was that I was leading almost all of the conversation, and while she was telling me a lot about herself, and a lot of stories about her life, she very rarely asked questions back to me or showed interest in me. Not sure what to make of that. I gave pretty solid eye contact I think. We probably chilled there for about 45 minutes to an hour. I suggest that we go play shuffleboard nearby, and she asks if I'm down for food instead. I say sure, since I can't think of a good excuse, and it's pretty late so dinner should be done. I try taking us to a place close to mine to pull later.

We reach a thai restaurant, and again we sit across from each other. I try teasing a little more, but it's hard to do much without being able to touch her. I'm having a little hard time coming up with chase frames, but there is a light flirty air, and I definitely get the impression that she likes me. She mentions that she was trying to avoid going back to her apartment later, which I took for a green light to invite her back to my place later. At some point, I also asked her when she graduated, and she mentioned 2015. She asked for me, and I told her to guess. She thought I graduated in 2013, when I actually graduated in 2018. She was super surprised to find out my age. She didn't seem to think it was a big deal. I cold read her as being independent and she said she was. We also talked about relationships, and I talked about some of my friends who were long distance for a long time, and another friend who I would cease to see whenever he entered a relationship. I said that both of those types of relationships seemed insane to me, and she agreed with me. I definitely think she would be a good casual relationship, and she seems career-oriented enough to be down for that. She asked me what my plan was after, and I told her I hadn't thought about it yet. I said that I was thinking we should grab some wine, and she thought about it and said next time. I let it sit and tried to be nonreactive. I made a comment about the check a little later (long enough to not be on the heels of the previous conversation thread), and she said there was no rush. I took that as either 1. she liked me, or 2. she really didn't want to go back to her apartment. We split the bill (she offered, and I think I could have been smoother in accepting the offer). I ask her if she's down to come over and have some wine, and she says that we can do that another time. I leave it at that, and we walk out.

I walk with her up until we have to split up, and give her a hug, which I think lasted long enough to keep interest. It was also a hug where we were pressed quite close together.

I had a fun time, though I don't know how to handle the boredom/lack of energy well. It was also extremely difficult to build a flirty/sexual vibe without touch.

Earlier, I had asked her availability for the upcoming week, and she mentioned Wednesday. On the walk out, I told her we'd plan something for then, and she said okay. So hopefully I'll see her then.

She was quite attractive, and she used to dance a lot.

Hopefully I see her again.

Sent this text about 20-30 minutes after we left (around 10:05PM)

Me: Hey A, thanks for a great time tonight! I had a lot of fun! Save my number ;) -Kvothe
Her (10:47PM): Hey! Thanks for keeping me out of the apartment longer than planned. I had a great time! Glad we ran into each other!

Pretty warm response (relative to her in person), so I think I will most likely see her again, assuming I don't screw up texting.
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