How would have you played this?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 6, 2016
One of my more direct plays, language barrier sometimes nullifies my more advanced verbal's unless using google translate so i switched to more grandmaster to handle Emotional stim and Sexual arousal + after a break this the style I tend to be more relaxed with and naturalised with minimal thought.
not sure if I had enough social frame here... so many frame grabs

Am curious how you guys view this... have my personal assessment at the end and have talked it over a bit with @Marcellus

3 keys = SF (social frame), ES (emotional stimulation) , SA (Sexual arousal)

Start of Report
NG, Lounge Event

Got to the event as it was heating up, got stuck on public transport for ages cause public transport here has an issue like every 2 - 3 weeks...
But after warming up a bit talked with some friends I ended up seeing a mutual from a party the other week and i ended up getting introduced to their class at this event and after a game of cards in this lounge and a bunch of people leaving (IG closed one) there was a few people left


I ended up talking to this girl after talking with her friend for a bit
they apparently knew me from before (turns out I hit on her friend like 2 weeks ago direct in same bar/ event...)

so i start talking to the hot one (HB-Aura) in a mix of english and spanish to set the social frame a bit better, the usual what your name, what do you do etc
get her to move over a bit so i can move closer as well so i can talk easier


it eventually comes up she's unemployed at the moment and I use that to transition into more banter sexual topics based off some quote about no one calling her back... something about not giving out her number properly (memory is hazy here)

eventually comes up she's engaged

at the time I'm like well shit
(am thinking this chick is 18 and engaged... probs BS, will continue to play)

how long you guys been dating?
3 years
ohhh that's around break up time anyway so its cool
"what!" while laughing

it also comes up her engaged is super young
I manage a transition into her being admitting to being a cougar and we talk a bit how it's not age that counts but the chemistry between two people that matters (good frame)

afterwards she asks my age (I just answer straight up) since shes close to mine

I end up getting thrown frame grabs as we talk about her life here and why she left her home country to be here

and got her to teach me spanish swear words, she mentioned something about my vibe and star signs as well

I brought up Spanish Pillow talk to attempt to hit that SA key (could have done this smoother) in which she says she does it silently when i'm asking about complements in the bedroom like complementing a woman's ass she calls it weird, i say she must have shit sex...
and say something regards to passion and how when your with someone you admire all of them

tits, ass, the vibe like how could i not...

After my statement above i just get barraged with the frame grabs listed below, the first 4 in what felt like quick succession then the rest I've listed just as we talked about being here, this lets me capitalise on passing those tests...

Random frame grabs

asked how many girls i say this too (implication being all the time/ u a player)
"your the first... in like a week"
a week! (while laughing)

I know men...
who hurt you?
well you haven't tried Aus men...
confesses to wanting to try other types of latinos and white guys

The above comes up again
to which I lead into a thing about how I lead with my intentions and that I don't make promises i can't keep...
(she doesn't understand it unfortunately)

Whats my name
HB Aura
(Comes up here then at the end)

are you gay?
nah, straight...
my friend is a lesbian
cool (Hi five the friend)

your friend is a bitch
really? shes cool to me
nah shes got this stuck up attitude i fucking hate
right... well i like hanging out with her but rn i also like hanging with u so its cool
change topic.

I don't have male friends
then it's good we're not friends and just casual

buy me food...
no perra
in my country the men buy women food
we're not on a date yet chica, best u get is $2 pizza after something casual...
in fact rn you should be grabbing me food and a nice sunset view

(she ended up sharing Brazilian food she brought with her later... +1)

something about insulting her BF/ Fiance...
I dont insult your bf, cos i don't know him lol, but i also don't really care about him

Not committing to the Pull...

I think i botch my pull opportunity as well
at some point i think it comes up where we live (I live fucking ages away), she's like im 35 min out (needed to pay more attention here)
she mentions where she lives and mentions she has roommates
comes up where I'm from (far...)

(think mainly decent responses to those tests is what assisted with the set up here)

this while I keep making jokes about her wanting to bang throughout talking, also chucked in some light teases about her english sucking to ensure Emotional stim was in place didn't want to go overboard but lost focus on my social key here (likely needed more similarity here)

Some of the Sexual/ Chase Frames (ES/SA combo) used

some of us latinas have 6 bfs
ahhh your bad... but i dig that
nooo im loyal... but yeah but they don't let their boyfriends know
perfect, we can be discreet...
your bad
nah I'm a devoted Christian (put my hands into a prayer form)

something about sucking dick
= BB not tonight

Fuck you (like a million times this came up) (first time this comes up, i interest bait her asking her if she knows what it means then defining it, then i switch to counter frames)
Chica u have a bf = then i switched to I know you want to (set a bad frame with first counter I think)

accused her of coming to here for white guys
yes... no!
(later admits to wanting to try other latinos and white guys lol)

You should tell your friends about my massive... personality(while making a hand signals)
your crazy! (while laughing)
what were you thinking of...
(insert the i got caught look)
I mean you could also tell them what's your on mind...

Made sure to have some moments when we just went quiet and had that eye contact to let some tension linger for a bit with SECT
and i also get my arm around her at some points (but only for short periods i leave it there, thinking about group dynamics and rep)

also had some super basic qualification in there
qualified on her personality

"your bad... but your fun" (used this more than once with different wording so... need to come up with more, another way i dont think i had SF handled...)

Final movements

unfortunately due to missing closes i don't get much of this set
i used cold reads on her for immersion
being from a well off family (leads to talking a bit about how i know that, and how she tries to hide it)
to immerse but eventually lose it when 3 including her leave for bathroom

I just chat to her female friend who is hung around about Latin America and how she knows the others...

then they come back where i use the cold read of what she was like in HS (troublemaker) (flows well when i lead it into more SF stuff here) re-immerse a bit and lose it again, think I just had no idea what to say at point...
the other 2 gals leave
making this just me and the HB and her friend

think they asked how long I'd hang around here (escalation window?/ Missed Pull? (still 2 set))

then she starts speaking to her lesbian friend later on in high level Spanish...

I end up shortly ejecting after that, as my spanish is too limited to jump into that convo and I wasn't getting much out it felt more closed off after i returned with my drink
(in retrospect this probably occurred due to lack of moving the interaction forward and my loss of steam, needed to pull or bring something else to convo, instead of just ejecting.)

I end up engaging other sets for a bit before talking to another set (HB Flag)
but as i walk up to engage this one HB Aura assumes im headed back to talk to her but i end up with the walking out the building for a bit
(probs led to that frame grab later)

the last i see her when i come back into the bar after finishing that convo i see her solo by by a table, waiting on her friend

we talk shortly

werent you headed to that party?
yeah we're about to now
might swing by later idk (was a bit out of it but this point)
have SECT in mind and make sure to be in close

you remember my name? (assuming this came up due to HB- Flag situation)
Yeah its X, you even remember mine?
can't believe u... trouble
go homeee (might have said something about being safe)

she also thought i was drunk earlier (cos of my directness) (maybe a sign of lack of calibration?)
then her and her lesbian friend left

ended up leaving a bit after they left

had a short text convo as i was walking to station
my icebreaker (cool to meet u)
what are u doing?

headed to station


left it until next day/ busy trying to reach station (+ need my data for the map)

got home safe lol
how was the party?

happy for you
i didnt go

going to a friend's party later

(dead text lead rn)

random social frame issue that came up mid convo when grabbing socials (before Ejection, mid convo with frame grabs)

add me on insta cos my phone data isn't working
she looks on my phone...

u have wifi (her)
yeah but it doesnt work
your such a fucking liar
shut the fuck up bitch add me
okay but u better add me back

(figured i had to hold frame here, usually my phone signal and data never works until this moment... talk about luck)

I remember seeding that we'd hang out and that I could learn more spanish with her and i insinuated causal stuff through direct sex jokes i don't really remember

Conclusion (my personal thoughts on this set/ Main issue i think)

besides rough target selection... but we go for what we want.

at first i figured maybe i couldn't get past the bf/ fiance issue but i was using direct pretty strong and she wasn't leaving until i messed up my 3 keys at the end
also remember Hector saying something about when your hyperdirect and they dont leave you take it as a positive and push forward

Main issues I believe

Was not closing/ Committing to the close, i had some SF (played with class earlier also as flirting with her friend in front of her), ES (chase frames, cold reads), SA (sexual direct frames) in place however didn't escalate compliance beyond food and some base touch

i did ask where she lived (35 min away)
said she should show me around but dont remember pushing after this, i keep switching topics to blur interaction.

think the only thing i could have done here is escalate compliance with...

a move? (not likely with presence of friends)
her place (again her friends but we need to play to win...)

Honestly it reminds me of something my coach used to say when I played sport

"you're doing all the work to stop and get the ball and you do manage to stop or steal it but... are you following up, are you pushing the offensive forward so we can score and take lead and win?"

same application here, shooters shoot

TDLR: Need to commit to the target and shoot, pull to theirs, hotel or in public, do what it takes to score.

Lack of focus on the social frame side (Similarity)

I should have talked more on star signs and her life

As i talked a bit about her but not super deep, a lot of this came up as I think she needed more of that deep dive connection vibe as this was largely Emotional stimulation and Sexual arousal charged (overfocus on banter, need similarity)

It's vital to remember it's 3 Keys, knock one out and the 3 legged chair falls over.
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Space Monkey
space monkey
Apr 24, 2024
Did you touch her at all?
Did you ask for compliance?
Did you get her to move?
Was the vibe any sexual or you were just chit chatting. To me it seems she was just being social.

I'm sorry but it was a bit hard to follow your post. So you need to tell us these things.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 6, 2016
Did you touch her at all?
Did you ask for compliance?
Did you get her to move?
Was the vibe any sexual or you were just chit chatting. To me it seems she was just being social.

I'm sorry but it was a bit hard to follow your post. So you need to tell us these things.

Its cool, this report was a bit rushed and transfered from personal notes in rush
my format for these needs work in general

pretty sure I had it covered

I was always do a handclasp when i get introduced to a gal to set the vibe better and get compliance
and had my arm around her at times and had incidental touch with my leg, couldn't push it too much as it was partially SC and if she was engaged for real, figured the the other 3 girls would go into mother hen mode

some things i might have missed above is that i had her hand on my chest a bit (skills tech)
and she kept trying to punch me in the arm...

Besides that I made sure my proximity was pretty close to keep SECT active

Compliance/ Move
Got her to move a little bit so we could talk better and have her closer, but not out of the group, wasn't really able to isolate
(approached this 4 set in the corner) (but should have attempted for sure)

as for regular compliance the touch above counts for a bit
otherwise i got her

she also gave me food

a bit after this interaction
(in frame grabs, she tried to pull the guys buy girls food and drinks card which i managed to counter)
buy me food...
no perra
in my country the men buy women food
we're not on a date yet chica, best u get is $2 pizza after something casual...
in fact rn you should be grabbing me food and a nice sunset view

getting her to teach me some spanish (not nice words)

continuing the convo, we talked for a decent amount of time
(time itself is an investment, especially when I'm being somewhat direct and she's engaged)

Sexual Vibe
This was partially in place, I reckon i had enough to pull but you only really find out by trying...
I could have done better for sure, could have added some talk on some SOT type topics or maybe even transitioned into some light sex talk gambits

but i was doing my SECT process decently while using Chase Frames and Banter
some basic stuff like this

accused her of coming to here for white guys
yes... no!
then later on in the convo, she'd open up a bit and admit that she wants to try other latinos and white guys
despite the whole engagement thing

then with the some latinas have more than one bf thing earlier which she brought up
some of us latinas have 6 bfs
ahhh your bad... but i dig that
nooo im loyal... but yeah but they don't let their boyfriends know
perfect, we can be discreet...
your bad
nah I'm a devoted Christian (put my hands into a prayer form)

And there were points where I'd just chill out and let there be silence while keeping good EC to raise tension which she'd eventually break and continue to talk

it did drop after when we were talking about where she lived and her roommates and i zoned out, after this i saw a bit of an energy drop
hence me needing to use reimmersion tech (Cold reads)
which leads me to think that Pulling was probably the move i had to make.

My thoughts
I think in general as i mentioned above i was going alright, just some minor social frame issue/ lack of similarity, hence the mass frame grabs and lack of pull

I don't think the vibe was entirely social as I was getting thrown frame grabs/ tests quite a bit which usually means your on the right track

it reminds me of this report to some extent

I mostly put this current report up to track my progression for later, as I've been infield quite a bit