Hi Everyone. I'm Tony Depp, the newest writer for GirlsChase

Tony D

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Jul 26, 2018
Hi guys. I just want to introduce myself. I’m Tony D, from Vancouver BC, Canada. I’ll be writing as part of the team at GirlsChase.

My Story

I used to suck with girls. When I was twelve I developed man boobs, known as Gynecomastia. Basically it’s an enlargement of the breast glands. Maybe it was from high voltage wires or the hormones in milk. I don’t know. But it really messed up my self esteem, big time. I also come from a fatherless, broken home.

The only reason I ever got a girlfriend was because I was in a band. But I was jealous, needy, and insecure. They all eventually dumped me.

In 2006 I discovered a forum called gynecomastia.org and got liposuction. I felt much more confident with a normal chest, but I was still a nervous wreck around women, or people in general.

Then I saw a documentary about pickup artists, and was hooked. I studied day and night, and started practicing. It was awful. My game sucked, bad. I moved to Montreal from Vancouver and went out alone, night after night, practicing game and slowly improving.

I joined what was then called FastSeduction.com, and wrote many articles along side Chase and Alex, and Drex. We’re from the same hood. I’m so impressed with the community that Chase has created.

I joined the local lair in Montreal, and met many legends of the Community. Because of my skill at writing my field reports, and my experiences, they asked me to speak at the meetings. Twelve years later I’ve been with countless beautiful women, and have been a self employed dating and pickup coach ever since.

I’ve taught professionally in six countries, and over a dozen different cities. My last trip I took a Pakistani virgin backpacking for two weeks across Thailand. He slept with four women, and got a sexy German girlfriend.

For now I just want to say, no matter what stage you’re at, or how bad you think you’ve got it…it is possible to change your life. It’s going to take a lot of work, and a bit of pain. But the payoff is tremendous. It transcends being merely good with women. It’s about being amazing at living.

Looking forward to getting to know you all.

My first batch of articles will be a series on daygame, which is one of my many specialties.

I'm free to answer any questions. TTYL.

Regal Tiger

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 16, 2015
Sweet! Welcome to the GC squad

Lookin forward to reading your articles


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jun 16, 2013
That's a pretty epic turnaround Tony. Always cool to see those "worst to first" stories.

Glad your on the boards I wish all the GC writers hung out over here more. Cheers and welcome mate.

Big Daddy

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 26, 2013
Awesome! Always great to have guys like you to interact here on the boards.

Btw, do you still have archives from sedfast? I'd like to read some LRs from there, but the archives on the Internet are so disorganized it's almost impossible to find.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Sep 21, 2016

Checked out your website, love the subscription suggestion, "Join My Cult" lol.

For now I just want to say, no matter what stage you’re at, or how bad you think you’ve got it…it is possible to change your life. It’s going to take a lot of work, and a bit of pain. But the payoff is tremendous. It transcends being merely good with women. It’s about being amazing at living.
Fuck yea man.

Welcome aboard!



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Mar 1, 2013
Welcome to the Boards!

The zero to hero stories in seduction are always the most inspiring and information packed.

Looking forward to reading your articles since direct daygame is my specialty, as well!


Tony D

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Jul 26, 2018
Big Daddy said:
Awesome! Always great to have guys like you to interact here on the boards.

Btw, do you still have archives from sedfast? I'd like to read some LRs from there, but the archives on the Internet are so disorganized it's almost impossible to find.

Sure but they'd be under the monicker "Zardoz." I also have a blog in the link below. 8 years of articles there. I also have a novel about by pua journey, and a daygame book.

Will KZ

Space Monkey
space monkey
Jun 24, 2015
Tony, I've very much enjoyed reading your articles here. You give me hope for the future - I don't know that I necessarily want the same life you seem to have when I hit my forties in a few years time, but your writing gives me a type of way of being to aspire to as I age.