Girlfriend close with ex boyfriend


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 4, 2014
I’ve been dating my girlfriend for 10 months now.

Yesterday I saw on her voicemail that her ex boyfriend of 4 years left her a couple of voicemail messages. My girlfriend didn’t tell me about it.They still have each other’s phone numbers and social media. Is this something I should be concerned about? She said when she first met me, that her ex never had a stable job, the sex was terrible and she was with him for two years and she realized they weren’t right for each other.

We have a great relationship. She initiates sex with me often, is open to anything I want to do in bed, she cooks dinner for me, buys me gifts randomly and bought a hot air balloon ride for me on my birthday. We also have plans to move in together this year and she’s hinted at marriage and kids with me multiple times.

Is this situation anything I should worry about?


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 7, 2015
I don't know if you saw, but if he sent the messages over the span of, say, a month, she is most likely ignoring him. And if he sent them within a couple of minutes, it might have just been something he did then and there.

Even if they have an ongoing conversation, I would say don't worry. Sounds like the sex is still good, and the relationship overall is progressing. You stay the same attractive man as when you met each other, and she won't care that her ex is reaching out to her. She's too busy figuring things out with you.


Aug 13, 2019
Firstly, maybe she cannot forget him and have lots of memories connected with him. Or they became real friends, because have lots of things in common. Try to explain her that you are worried about this fact. I have the same story when I have met my girl here and she chatted with him, because she couldn’t forget him. But after I had explained her that this is not the right thing to do, she changed her behavior with him.