Drexel forum account


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 13, 2016
What happened to Drexelscott account? Did he not want to be on the boards for a specific reason? Did his advice change from being sound?

His posts are completely wiped, so can't even see his advice. Just wondering the reason :)


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 14, 2012
Southern California

Occasionally we get some of members of the boards wanting to completely wipe their posts, usually when they plan on leaving. This includes senior members too, although it's more rare that they want to remove all of their stuff. Generally, I try to honor any removal request, though.

As for the reason(s), it usually has something to do with them moving in some direction in life where they feel like their posts on these boards might prevent them from moving forward (i.e. a career that requires a background check, or maybe getting a long-term monogamous girlfriend that might come across her own "lay report" [or other lay reports] which could disrupt the relationship).

EDIT: I should mention, the probability of someone you know happening to find both this forum AND detrimental material (if they even realize that the "username" is you) is extremely low. So I think most guys just do it so they can rest peacefully at night and not worry about the 0.0000001% chance of their material being seen by the wrong eyes.

Drexel just recently requested I wipe his posts, but he also requested that his account remain active so he could contribute in the future. We're on good terms, and the removal of his posts had nothing to do with improper advice or attitude. :)

- Franco


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
Hey guys,

Just a quick heads up I was not aware of this decision... our usual policy is to let anyone asking for mass post removal know the answer is "sorry, but no." Everyone who's ever asked me for this I said no to.

We're of course happy to remove any personally identifying information someone may have accidentally posted. But in general, if we start mass-deleting posts, it breaks the boards.

Also opens a Pandora's box where any time someone decides he wants to leave the boards, now we have to delete all his posts. And everyone going through old forum threads is seeing a bunch of broken threads with posts missing... eventually you reach the point where the boards are fairly unusable.

Anyway, I think this is just one of those rare occasions where the mods hadn't communicated on a rare-but-important policy before. This doesn't come up a lot, so Franco and I probably just didn't talk about it.

But in general, in the future... please do not ask to have your posts removed, unless it is just a few of them, with personal information. Even then, we will probably just edit out the identifying information, not remove the post. The Boards are a community, and when it comes down to one guy has personal reasons for something and wants to break the boards, vs. that guy is a little annoyed but we keep the boards intact, we want to keep the boards intact.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 18, 2013
Crazy timing/coincidence… I was literally just looking to reread Drexel’s advice to some of my old threads and wracking my brain as to where his replies had gone as well. He seemed the most understanding of my thoughts and concerns. Now I know.

Anyhow, I’m happy to say I’m happy to say I’m back in the saddle with a few new lays that will go into to reports soon!
