Double Binds & Handling them


Aug 1, 2018
Question for the boards - I know the topic of dealing with double binds has been covered in a few articles but I'm going to ask a few specific ones I have run across and want to see how you all deal with them.

One of my current girls favorite has been to ask me how many girls I've slept with before her. I've always felt this question was like handling a bomb because too few and her attraction drops/she questions your status but too many and you come off as a player. The first few times I ignored it and said if I share all my secrets that kills the mystery but she came back to it. The second time I said 247 girls which she scoffed and said she thought it was really closer to 30. I then said nope, it's zero, I'm a virgin, stop hurting my ears with all this dirty talk. This kept her entertained but the question keeps coming. How to you handle this double bind?

Another one has been her complaining about not spending enough quality time together. I could give in a drop things on my schedule to see her but know this is a long-run mistake. However if don't address it I run the risk of her getting cold and fading (which we've had one recent spat already).

What are some good ways to handle these and what are some other common ones you've run across and how you've dealt with them?


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 27, 2014
Hey bro,

Uhh it seems like she's serious about you not spending enough time together, how often are you two seeing each other atm? I mean if you're really busy or whatever then obviously just tell her that this is the most that you can see her atm and if things change up then you'll have more time and room for her. Just address the underlying emotions, she probably feels like she's not getting enough attention/validation from you.

And I'd personally just keep fucking around with the how many girls question. If you don't wanna give an honest answer you're really not inclined to, your not in court haha
