Definition. Change this and you work harder and feel inspired.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
Hi Guys,

I find something very often with people who are just being inspired. They feel aspired, inspired and they follow habits of successful people.

A week later, they do not follow it, or it just doesn't work.

So what actually happen? A lot of people might say. "oh they are lazy". But the thing is, it's an actual science and religious fact that humans are lazy, and even rich people said so themselves that they are lazy as well. So what is actually going on here? What makes them follow their habits better..?

I just stumbled this for myself, and i would say it's working relatively well for me. It's called "Definition".

Why do i follow habits? IT's because it makes things easier for me."IT makes things easier for me" is my definition. I have a habit of drinking plain water because i want my body to heal with lesser scars. I want my body to heal with lesser scars is my end result. I drink two cups in the morning after breakfast, which is two hours later, Two cups in the evening and two hours at night which is relatively two hours before i sleep to prevent bloatedness.

So i hope my idea works for you. Have a "definition" on why you want to follow habits, and have an "end result" for that habit.
