Approaching girls at concerts: similiar to night game?


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 25, 2019
So in about a month or so there's this concert really I want to go to that's a little over 100 miles away from where I live. It's kind of perfect timing because I'll have some time off work. I've never taken a vacation by myself before or with anyone other than my parents, so I thought it could be fun and some valuable life experience.

So my main question is: If I go to the concert and see a girl I want to hook up with, how would I go about doing that? Is it basically like night game? I have no experience in that and honestly, I'm not even approaching many girls in the day time. My social anxiety is real bad, I do ok talking to people one-on-one, but in group situations or with a bunch of people around I freeze up and am too nervous to say anything. That's part of why I haven't tried night game.

My next question is: Does anyone have any advice regarding traveling?


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jun 9, 2019
It's like night game. EDM shows are really good places to meet carefree young girls. They're probably more friendly than you'd imagine. Start with small talking. Get comfortable approaching and talking to strangers (not just hot girls but those too). Once you get good all these intricacies will sort themselves out.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Sep 21, 2016
What kind of concert are we talking about? The scene totally changes the dynamic of what's going on.

Here's some pointers Fuck This and I gave to ThePhoenix a while back: Day/night festival: street pulls, parks, and porta-potties.

And, I have some memories of a huge EDM festival that turned into a lay a couple months after that here: LR: Surprise Visit. You can find plenty of direct or indirect information that you may find useful in those.

As far as your anxiety, BRO, you're at a concert! Jump in the fun!

Guess what you and all those people have in common? You fucking love the artist(s) you're seeing - instant topic to build an emotional connection. If they don't like you or don't like talking to you, fuck em.

There's PLENTY more people there that you can go talk to. For short term friends, or short term lovers, you have a the most conducive environment for turning and burning any problems you fall into.



Space Monkey
space monkey
Mar 5, 2019
Yeah I'd say it's pretty similar, man. Only difference is it depends on the concert.

Regardless of the concert, you're still going to get approach anxiety, but that's normal.

Depending on the vibe of the concert, your approaches should vary a little bit. For example, if it's a younger crowd, most of the girls will be with their friends. You want to engage them, then.

For more rock/EDM stuff, girls are probably a lot looser and willing to go home with you.

Either way, the principles of night game pickup still apply. Good question, and I'm glad you're taking action!