Old friend Shows Interest out of nowhere


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 11, 2018
Hi Beginner here

So there is this girl I knew going on 3 years. Their is a big age gap between us (I'm in my late 20's she is in her Early 40's). But despite her age she is Super Model Hot. Every guy wants her, Hell i knew a guy barley out of high school that try to game her.

When I met her I thought she was out of my league so I didn't even bother trying. And After reading GC I realize she shown little to no interest and if she did Attraction way expire. so we became friends.

Its Not like we became super close but every time we meet we were warm to each other.

A month in a half ago I try to text her about a quick and easy question I needed her to answer. She call me instead and we had like a 30 minute conversation (up to that point we never talk on the phone). Since then she started be more interest in me like saying things like she would love to come to my birthday party, She can't wait to work with me (I'll get to that in a second), Loving most of my Post on Facebook.

Mine you the past 3 years or so she showed little to no interest like that before.

not quite knowing what to do I try to show her recently that I am interested in her for more than just friendship. Commenting on her post, saying things like you look Beautiful, you are gorgeous, etc. then recently she comment on my post saying the "I was an amazing friend" upon which I stop trying.

My working theory is since we know each other for while now she is getting just a little bit more comfortable with me

However when we work together for an event later on I'm going to confirm this this theory. Like asking for compliance, moving fasting, Catching Escalations Windows, Etc to see if she might still be interested (which I doubt).

my question is what do you do with girls that show interest in you again for some reason. Because if she was into me, if would have been the second time that has happen to me.

Fuck This

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 24, 2015
zeroman2 said:
Hi Beginner here

not quite knowing what to do I try to show her recently that I am interested in her for more than just friendship. Commenting on her post, saying things like you look Beautiful, you are gorgeous, etc. then recently she comment on my post saying the "I was an amazing friend" upon which I stop trying.

my question is what do you do with girls that show interest in you again for some reason. Because if she was into me, if would have been the second time that has happen to me.

NO - Just fucking NO....Knock this shit off....

Invite her to come by your place for dinner and tell her to bring a bottle. If she is really into you you are getting laid. If not she has you friendzoned as an orbiter.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 11, 2018
Thank you fuck this you always give great advice.

But one of my biggest problems as of right now is I don't know how to show intent the right way. Either I come on too strong in which I give my power away. Or I come on too little they and they lose interest.

Also I will move things fast with her see how that goes.

Fuck This

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 24, 2015
Second time around with a girl you gotta be all about "Don't waste my fucking time...Put up or shut up" with your actions. Many times it will blow out a time waster. Might not be pretty but it at least is a clear understanding of where you stand.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 11, 2018

so like I said in the post up above I had an event with her later the week. So I was going to test her like ask for investment, Move Fast, Etc to see if she is really into me


She invested a lot and touch a lot all through out the night.

When the night was over she was about walk out with one of her friends. I was about to give up and called it a failure. However I figure the signs were way to big for me to just give up right now. so I ask her "hay do you mine if I walk you out" " I said "did you even had to ask" she said. So we walk out to her car and she gave me a ride to the bus station so I can catch the bus. During the ride their she said she would drive me all the way home but her mother is at her house for mothers day (and I couldn't take her to my home because I having similar issues). so I did nothing like an idiot and said "this was fun we should do this again sometime."

so I miss my opportunity. However she did ask me twice if I was going to acting class on Monday. So I was thinking there I'll ask her out and see what happens. I'm just hoping I'm reading the signs right and that I'm not moving slow.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 18, 2018
You're overinvesting dude. Yes, be persistent and move fast but don't act as if the world depends on her committal. You'll get needy or too hesitant otherwise. Just try to strike hard and fast. And keep talking to other girls, just in case.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 11, 2018

Well I blew it (again)

just 2 days after an event we went to that I explain up about we saw each other in acting class..She did sat close to me however we didn't talk much as other people was talking to me and other people were talking to her. so I never had time to isolate her (and this has been a problem with me and other girls in the past). so me being rush to catch the bus home I told her that I would message her later. Two hours later I did message her later to ask her out. it went like this

Me: Are you free this weekend

Her: I'm going to real busy this week

Me: Well if you ever have free time I would like to buy you dinner one day

Her: Thank you .... your so sweet

I know a rejection when I see it. so that was a failure. After what Darkknight and reading up on my on It I came across little needy I believe (not the first time) and I came off as having lower Value than her.

You see this is my problem. whatever I seem to get lot better at 2 to 3 things on Game, there are always 5 to 6 things I need to learn. It just frustrating sometimes.

As always any advice on what I did wrong and how I can to do better next time.

Fuck This

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 24, 2015
zeroman2 said:

Well I blew it (again)

just 2 days after an event we went to that I explain up about we saw each other in acting class..She did sat close to me however we didn't talk much as other people was talking to me and other people were talking to her. so I never had time to isolate her (and this has been a problem with me and other girls in the past). so me being rush to catch the bus home I told her that I would message her later. Two hours later I did message her later to ask her out. it went like this

Me: Are you free this weekend

Her: I'm going to real busy this week

Me: Well if you ever have free time I would like to buy you dinner one day

Her: Thank you .... your so sweet

I know a rejection when I see it. so that was a failure. After what Darkknight and reading up on my on It I came across little needy I believe (not the first time) and I came off as having lower Value than her.

You see this is my problem. whatever I seem to get lot better at 2 to 3 things on Game, there are always 5 to 6 things I need to learn. It just frustrating sometimes.

As always any advice on what I did wrong and how I can to do better next time.

As a MAN and a LEADER you need to be specific and direct about your intentions. Instead of sometime and free Say something about What you ARE DOING and offer her the opportunity to join you....

"Hey I've got reservations at Regucci's for dinner on Friday at 5 before my friend performs in Carmen at the Opera house. I'd love for you to join me."

Something a little less impressive: "After class on Saturday I usually go to Urban Bean to grab a coffee before my bus. Whaddya say you join me for a quick cup and tell me more about your acting aspirations?"

If she has to expressly reject you she might feel bad. If she isn't sure about if she likes you or not , she is more likely to go along and see what develops...Make the Wrong thing difficult and the right thing easy....


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 11, 2018
You always give the best the advice Fuck This. I'll remember that the next time and try to lead the interaction better

I'm already moving on. I'll flirt with her every time i see her from now on but that it (unless an Escalation Widow opens up).