Still Not Completely Happy


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Mar 1, 2013
Hey everybody,

I'm happy with my progress thus far, even reaching Cro-Magnon relatively shortly, and I'm learning at an incredulous pace, but, I'm still not completely happy. I'm pulling numbers, and pulling women but I'm only content with my progress.

I still feel like there is so much I haven't gotten the opportunity to do yet, my options in my hometown feel so limited, and the small abundance of women is pretty dried up. I'm literally being forced into a dry rut because there simply are not too many more women for me to pick up =/

So, my progress kind of has to halt now, and I'm not happy about it, I really can't even think of any more situations of uncomfort to throw myself in to except for doing group approaches... I want to try new things out and really broaden my game and I won't be completely happy until I do!


Just letting out some thoughts =P


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 17, 2013

I hate to sound like an old fogey, but I think you need to broaden your horizons.

Considering your love for Latina women (and presumably a passion for other aspects of Latin American culture too), the obvious thing that springs to my mind, at least, is to aim for an internship in one of the fast-emerging countries of the region... say Mexico, Uruguay or (if you have Portuguese too) Brazil.

Thinking back to when I was your age, in the years between my 18th and 24th birthdays, I did three year-long work experience placements, each in a different country. (The remaining three years I used to gain my bachelor's degree, in my home country.) Now that may be overdoing it a little, but it taught me a lot... like you, I hail from a small town and it certainly enhanced my outlook.

As far as girls are concerned, if you were in a large-population city like Montevideo, Asunción, Rio or São Paulo, you'd clean up, pure and simple. Even I, with no game whatsoever, finding myself in a city of 2 million on the fringes of Eurasian civilization in the late nineties, had girls practically throwing themselves at me.

You're obviously a man with a huge amount of talent in several areas and a great deal of intellectual ability. I don't know what exactly Park Forest, IL has to offer, but I daresay you've outgrown it already.



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 14, 2012
Southern California

Marty does bring up a good point. You might want to consider taking your first internship in a location where you can be surrounded by beautiful women that suit your type.

It's almost hard for me to hear someone say that there are not enough attractive women to pick up around them because living in San Diego feels like there are almost too many gorgeous women to count! Of course, spitting game here is obviously much tougher as well as the guys are also extremely fit, attractive, and handle their fundamentals very well, but all that does is help improve your own game by having stiff competitors to compete against.

Anyway, don't let it get you down. Keep in mind that you're only 18, and God only knows where I would be right now if I had starting learning this material at 18 years old. Just keep in mind that you have yet to reach the peak point in your pick-up career, and I think you'll literally be swimming in women someday soon; probably when you're around my age (25). So don't sweat it. Enjoy pick-up, but focus on your degree and your job so you have the finances to back up what is sure to be an amazing lifestyle for you in 4-6 years. ;)




Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Mar 1, 2013
Marty, Franco,

Thanks guys ;) Really encouraging words, and plenty of awesome thoughts!

Currently I'm at a local college just getting pre-reqs out of the way, and I'll be around here for another year before I move on to a real university. Hell, I've been talking to Tool a lot and coincidentally he lives in the same town as my grandpa so I may be going to a university out by him.

Anyway, I have been doing a lot of thinking as far as universities to go to and other options aside from Park Forest, but Marty I agree with you.

I have outgrown Park Forest, and I'd rather be around people who are as capable as I am, perhaps that's why I enjoy the site so much ;)



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Mar 1, 2013
After a long day today, I've made up my mind =)

I have a lot of ground to cover, and I'll be plunging myself into a field that is still a bit uncomfortable for me, and that is making friends out of complete strangers.

I've put this off for a while, and I think it's about time I tackle group logistics, and I'll be teaching myself from scratch.

Failure is inevitable, but I'm confident that I'll work my way through it!

Talking to women isn't a problem for me anymore, but that doesn't translate into group dynamics for me, so, I'll be trying my hand at social circle logistics ;)