Fighting the urge to say "I do".


Space Monkey
space monkey
Aug 18, 2017
As a fellow young guy, my beliefs are to not get married that young either. It’s not to say you’ll throw your life away, but it is to say that you drastically change routes in life: instead of meeting other girls, you are married; instead of traveling and pursuing goals, you will be at a normal job and be taking care of your wife and (possible) kids. Knowing the effects of getting married, you must decide not by you feel, but purely from a logical standpoint. I promise you that you’re life will not be the same if you get married, which doesn’t have to be a bad thing, but it will be different. Decide but decide wisely, because it is a bigger choice than you could even realize. Men are either married or not married. Few live an ambitious life getting rich and traveling self employed, all the while taking care of a wife and maybe kids. Your whole world of priorities will change based on that decision alone. Also be aware that there are millions of women out there for you. Don’t be cocky and believe you can be Donald Trump while being married at 25... few achieve that.

But whatever decision you finally make, make damn sure that you know with unwavering resolve that that is what you want to do.

Hope I didn’t scare you, but good luck,