FR+  Golden Pony Girl Sunset


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 25, 2019
North Carolina, USA
This is my first ever FR write-up. This is a FR of my 2nd meet up with GPGirl. Golden Pony because her hair is golden brown and she wears it in a pony tail flowing behind her. She's a HB8 fitness model type, 22yo.

I say only HB8 because while I think she has a 9 or 10/10 face, plus fit body, her personality is rather rigid (not flowy and traditionally feminine) and she doesn't have the curves that I really like on a woman. This was a pretty spontaneous meet up. On Thursday she flaked on me.

Then on Friday we ran into each other in town while I was sitting on a bench eating döner after a gym workout. 5x4 @ 175kgs on trap bar dead lifts. T-levels soaring. I went into a cosmetics store for 5 minutes and we chatted while she shopped for shampoo (Jesus her indecisiveness on what to buy was hilarious, glad I'm not a woman in that regard, lol). Smoothest part was some hand on hand kino commenting how her eyes matched her hair, which matched a jacket she was wearing, but that her red nails threw it all off. I would have stayed longer but I was heading off to coach a practice. 10 minutes after I leave she texts me this:

4:16pm Her: Shampoo photo
4:16pm Her: I hope I made a good choice (tongue out emoji)

7:11pm Me: I’m genuinely surprise you actually came to a decision (tongue out emoji)

Saturday 12:10am Her: October is coming soon (horror emoji)
*Was in reference to me saying I’m leaving for a different continent in October at the cosmetics store and bought my flight the day before

Saturday 1:51am Me: This moment is all there ever is

12:17pm Her: So we don’t have much time for a walk (thinking emoji)

1:23pm Me: I leave October 31st
Me: Did you see the moon last night (full moon and wolf emojis)

3:04pm Her: Nooo (thinking emoji)

3:39pm Me: voice message...telling her she has another chance because the actual full moon is tonight

4:35pm Her: What are you doing right now?

4:51pm Me: send her voice message, then delete it and call her, but she doesn’t pick up

4:53pm Her: Ahhhhhhhh don’t delete messages (3 girl zombie emojis)

4:54pm Me: voice message...saying I’m going outside to enjoy the amazing day (sunny, late summer), ask her what she’s up to

5:00pm Her: I could join you (thinking and angel emojis)
5:01pm Her: But right now my mom is still here
5:02pm Her: I thought about to drive to IKEA. But enjoying the sun is better, or isn’t it?

5:08pm Me: voice message saying where I’m going outside
5:10pm Me: You should come hangout

She texts back immediately and we coordinate logistics and meet an hour later

Which led to our meet up this evening (I'm in Germany). She drives to meet me. I initiate a hug greeting and she gives me a very light, timid, hug. I lead her along a path through this open field high up on the side of a hill, a short drive from my apartment. It has gorgeous views of the rolling hills past our small town at the base of the hill winding its way through the valley. She has never been there before. I give her shit about being a travel agent and not even knowing the nice spots in her own town. To be fair though I'm a sunset connoisseur and know tons of good spots in the area with views on views on views.

I lead her up and around to the soccer field that my club uses for baseball practice. She knows that I'm going to teach her how to throw a baseball, but I never told her where we were going to do it. We use the back entrance and I unlock it so we can go in and sit in the dugout. I proceed to teach her how to throw a baseball. Lots of purposeful touch. Positive reinforcement. Having a fun time. I am the teacher. She is the student. Great frame to be in. She's opening up. Expressing herself.

We spend about 30 minutes at the field before we leave. As we leave, but before we walk through this mini path through foliage to get back to the open field, I lightly grab her chin and turn her face towards mine and go in for a kiss. Kiss for like 30 seconds, no tongue, I end it before she does. Either right before the kiss or immediately after the kiss something came up and I replied maybe you can come over sometime and teach me German, to which she replied yes she would like that. [Should I have pulled the trigger there and invited her home (3 minute drive away from where we were)?]

We walk back into the field. We kiss again for a bit but this time she ends it before I do. We walk halfway down the hill to a level area and I suggest we sit and watch the sunset (probably 30 minutes to go at that point). She sits down on the grass and I jog down to my car to get a bag I brought with some blankets in it (plus wine and dark chocolate, I know I'm a hopeless(ful) romantic lol).

I walk back up the hill with the bag. When I'm 80% of the way towards her she says 'Run!'. I act like I can't understand her, putting a hand to my ear, saying 'What?'. Kind of funny because while her English is good, I do have to double take occasionally when she speaks English. She repeats herself more emphatically. I act like I'm going to lay down in the grass and yell up to her to come carry me. She laughs. I walk up to her, take out the blanket, and lay it down.

She initially doesn't move over to sit on it, when I invite her to. I sit in the middle of the blanket. After a minute she says move over and playfully pushes me, I scootch over so now we're side by side, shoulder to shoulder. I pull out the wine, but she says she doesn't like red wine, so I don't even bother with pulling out the chocolate. I put my arm around her at one point. I go in for another kiss and she turns her head so I just kiss her cheek and then act like nothing happened.

After a bit I sit behind her, beginning to massage her back, she says how she doesn't like back massages, they hurt a bit. She doesn't stop my touch or move away from it though, so I don't view this as a general 'please stop touching me'. I ask her what she does like. She says how she likes when people run their fingers lightly along her skin. I proceed to do that on her forearm. In general on dates I usually experiment to see if a girl responds well to massages, playing with her hair, or the light touch GPGirl likes. I like all three of those and challenge the girl to please me so it's not just me giving her pleasure.

GPGirl wasn't touching me much in reponse so maybe I should have dialed back my kino a bit, though she seemed to enjoy my touch. I'm super kinestetic though and touch has truly become a language in and of itself for me. Maybe I need to work on the balance of it though, speaking vs. listening. She was leaning back against me between my legs though so I figured she wouldn't be sitting like that if she didn't want to be touched at all. At one point I swoop my arms and pick her up and put her on my lap for 30 seconds then lift her off and place her back in front of me.

The conversation is pretty good. Talking about where we'd live if we could live anywhere. Dream job. How she doesn't know what she wants to do. Saying she needs to think about it more. I go into my brief spiel about how it isn't a matter of thinking, but rather a matter of feeling. Without going into my whole philosophy about this, I believe that one must spend time in silent solitude if you truly want to recieve your divine purpose (could be meditation, could be prayer, could be watching a sunset lol). Sometimes it comes as a grand plan, you see the peak you're destined to reach. Othertimes you only get a slight urge to take a step towards something small. Only realizing later on down the path that life has you walking up a big mountain. We also talk about fitness and guy/girl bodies. Like what I think makes for a feminine body and what she looks for in a man's body.

The sun goes below the clouds at the horizon and she says she should leave because she is meeting up with her best friend and wants to shower and eat before doing so. We walk down to our cars. I suggest we go back to my place so she can teach me some German on my white board. She's not into it. She goes to hug me bye and I go to push her up against her car so I can kiss her (playfully though, not super agressive out of no where), but she resists that so I back off and start leaning back against my car. We talk for a minute, I suggest we can write later and perhaps meet up after she hangs out with her friend for a bit. She seems open to this, but not very enthusiastic about it. I blow her a kiss from my reclined standing position and we get in our respective cars. In total we spent an hour and a half with each other.

My only regret is not knowing if she would have come home with me at the initial teach me German suggestion before we watched the sunset. Like I said before, I love sunsets, and watching one has intrinsic value for me, and watching it with a beautiful girl adds to the experience. So if I could have had some certainty of taking the girl home to my place and fucking like animals I would have pulled the trigger with that, but the vibe I get from her is that it would take some work to open her up to that so I went the relaxing sunset route instead, which provided some good conversational deep dives and body to body kino, some sexual tension, without much escalation though.

Honestly I wasn't going to write her the rest of tonight. Then I got home and up to my apartment and saw that the clouds had taken on a new life of their own with color. I regretted not staying a bit longer at the sunset spot. I take a quick video and send it to her saying:

8:05pm Me: (sunset video)
8:05pm Me: The show goes on

8:06pm Her: It’s like a dream (lightning emoji)

8:19pm Me: Don’t write me later because with the (full moon emoji) I become a monster (wolf emoji)

8:28pm Her: But today is not a full moon (vampire emoji)

8:30pm Me: link to moon phases and proof that there’s a full moon tonight (Grimacing face emoji)
*Looked up the official name for that emoji just now and grimace is not what I was going for, more like a I hate to be right here, but I told you so forced smile lol

8:31pm Her: Ohhh I was wrong

8:33pm Me: We can hangout at your own risk

Maybe I shouldn't have replied to her last message. The 'we can hangout at your own risk' is putting the ball in her court perhaps, giving her the frame, a mistake. Maybe I should have double texted her an hour or two later saying how cool the moon looks or just a casual what’s up. Not really about that though because I wake up kind of early tomorrow to coach/train and like to be able to sleep-in with the girl if I’m gonna be up all night banging and don’t want to be tired for coaching.

In general, I know I need to be more tactful and calibrated with my kino too. It can come across as too strong to some girls. Definitely not in an assault/too forceful type of way, because I'm very cognizant about backing off when there is resistance. When I was first starting out with game I had no idea how to touch girls, didn't touch them at all, and got friendzoned, so now in the subsequent years I've probably gone a bit too far in the other direction. Too much touch.

And my texting. Oh lord. I feel like I’m clueless, super logical, unable to speak cat and really know what a girl is meaning to say lol.

Thank you to everyone who read up to this point! Now, any general thoughts/pointers or recommendations for how to proceed this week?

Like when to send her a message.
What to send.
How to get the meet up.
What kind of meet up to suggest (Language class at my place? Movie at my place? Etc.)

If you want to read more about how I met this girl you can do so below and the lead up to the 2nd meet up flake a couple days ago ->

I'm living in a small town in Germany for the summer. Here, being from 'Merica basically makes you a small-time celebrity. I saw GPGirl (link to Nina's instagram account) at a party in May and danced with her a bit. Was trying to get a buddy to dance with the friend she was with, but that didn't work out and the friend dragged her away from me. Fast forward to an outdoor festival on Aug. 10th. I see her there and at one point make eye contact on the dancefloor, but she quickly looks away. I try a couple more times to make eye contact, but she doesn't give me any more. I figured she wasn't interested.

A couple hours later she's dancing with two friends, one of whom fancies me (but also fancies tons of guys in general). GPGirl taps me on the shoulder and I turn around seeing her with the two friends, thinking she wanted to get my attention so that I would make a move on her friend. So I go spin her friend around, dance with her for like 30 seconds, then return to my friends a few yards away. The next day I message the friend on Instagram saying 'Yea ask GPGirl what she thinks about me :) she's really pretty and has an attractive energy about her'.

Two days later I get a message saying, 'It's me, GPGirl from last Saturday I was never expecting that you would remember me after our little conversation in May...but nice to hear :)'. We exchange a few messages and she gives me her number. We immediately set up a meet up after I suggest we go for a walk together. She replies 'How about tomorrow? (Wednesday)'. I actually already had another date set up for 8pm, but agree to meet her at 6:30pm saying that I can only stay for an hour. My thinking is that with only an hour it gives me enough time to generate enough comfort to get the 2nd meet up to be at my place for a movie or something.

The next day she messages me in the afternoon saying she feels bad and asks if we can find another day for our walk, suggesting maybe tomorrow during her lunch break if she feels good again. I'm free at that time and agree. The next morning she messages saying she doesn't feel better and I'm like cool, hope you start feeling better soon. Later that evening she asks if I have time the next day for a walk. I say, 'not tomorrow...but definitely a day next week :)'. Probably should have said 'but maybe a day...' instead of definitely.

We agree to meet up the following Tuesday evening at 8pm for an ice cream. The evening before she asks if we can change the ice cream to a walk and meet earlier at 6:30pm. I say I don't finish coaching until 7pm so the earliest I could meet is 7:30pm. She ends up picking me up at 7:30pm and drives us to the place where we'll walk. The moment I sit down in the car I ask who are you, jokingly reintroducing myself to her, shaking her hand, as a way to break the ice, do some kino, and get the interaction going on a fun note. Maybe I should have made some excuse and seen if she wanted to come up to my flat? Also, side note, I like hugging a girl as a greeting usually for a 1st meet up, but that is awkward as fuck in a car hahaha. I navigate her to our walking spot (winding country side road through open fields with great views). We're talking in a mix of German and English, majority in English, her English is much better than my German.

15 minutes in she's been lighting me up with detective like questions and I've been doing my best to remain playful, dodging questions, flipping them, teasing her, giving genuine answers occasionally (Germans are so mechanical on average lol). Some light kino like touching on the arms. We go further down the road than I had ever been and see that there's a path into a field leading to big wooden steps with a hunting box at the top (idk the proper name for it). We climb that, doesn't feel super sturdy and end up talking on the outdoor portion at the top. Amazing views all around, pretty girl standing next to me and all.

More kino, playing with her hands, body to body contact. She's mirroring my body language. I go in for a kiss and she turns so I give her a not so smooth cheek/side of head kiss. I immediately return to the conversation as if nothing happened. The sun is setting and up on the platform it is kind of windy, she only has a jean jacket on (I should have brought blankets!!) and says she's getting cold. We climb back down, myself walking in front of her on the stairs. When my feet hit the ground, she grabs onto my neck/shoulders from behind, maybe thinking I'll walk forward a couple steps carrying her and gently let her onto the ground. I turn it into a full on piggyback ride for a minute, even squatting down with her on my back, showing off my leg strength.

At one point on the platform she checked her phone and sent a message, saying it was her guy cousin. I just ignored her while she was doing that. I don't check my phone when I'm hanging out in a girl's precense and expect the same from the girl. Halfway back to the car, she checks her phone again, which I thought was weird because we were at a point where the view was the best, sun was almost at the horizon, best part of the sunset

She says she's cold and tired and wants to go home so she can sleep because she wakes up at 7am the next day for work (which I believe for a number of reasons, though maybe a girl could call in sick one day if she spent the night with an alpha) and I don't argue because it kind of is cold (even for me who does some cold immersion training) and I forgot to bring blankets or have her bring blankets. I fucking love sunsets though and almost had a mind to be like, nah I'm going to stay here and I'll walk home it's fine. Probably would have been a more alpha move.

Instead it feels like she's in a rush as we head back to her car. She drops me off 10 minutes before 9pm. She tells me we can do this again sometime, though she's leaving in a couple days for a week vacation.. My gut tells me she sonned me and left to meet up with someone else at 9pm (Germans are punctual). Putting two together with the initial text she got at like 8pm, a 2nd text at like 8:30pm and then beginning to rush to drop me back off.

That was Tuesday evening. Now it's Friday and she leaves for a week at a beach. I sent her a message along the lines of 'Have fun on your trip!' this morning. I figure the week at the beach may reset whatever impression she has of me and I can resume contact and go for a 2nd meet up when she gets back.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 24, 2019
Like when to send her a message.
What to send.
How to get the meet up.
What kind of meet up to suggest (Language class at my place? Movie at my place? Etc.)

I'll be honest, I don't know if she'll be up to meet you again, just based on what I read based on her resistance to kissing. Also, asking her home to teach you German a second time right after she tells you she's meeting up with a friend in a bit was not a smart move - shows you either weren't listening or don't care. It feels like you're putting a lot more into this than she is, and I think she can feel that too. But here are my recommendations.

So I would go dead silent for a few days, because you want to pull back a bit here. let's say 3-4 days. I would also go super direct on your text, because you're bantering quite a bit with her over text (she responds pretty well I'd say over text though). So I'd say something like:

"Hey XXX, thinking we cook dinner together and practice some German soon (but only the fun words), when are you free?

(Also, if you texted all of that in German that'd be super fun, just use Google translate or something)

Hope you get it!

Fuck This

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 24, 2015
Quit reading the wall of text but Your date idea is great!

Sunsets and Full Moon rises are panty droppers for sure. Even after 3 years it's still working.

This just came up on my girl's IG feed. names changed to protect the guilty....
This wonderful man here, @fuckthis, knew that it has been a pretty long week. We try to make Friday night date night if possible. I was home at 8:30pm. He had his truck running, pup in the back and a cooler packed. He whisked me up the hill to Pup's favorite pond to swim in and we watched that gorgeous moon come up while the dog swam happily. I was tired but it was just the best impromptu date and I am so grateful for him. ❤

The key in to have logistics set up for escalation at that time and place...

Sounds like right set up, and wrong girl..


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 25, 2019
North Carolina, USA
JacobPalmer said:
I'll be honest, I don't know if she'll be up to meet you again, just based on what I read based on her resistance to kissing. Also, asking her home to teach you German a second time right after she tells you she's meeting up with a friend in a bit was not a smart move - shows you either weren't listening or don't care. It feels like you're putting a lot more into this than she is, and I think she can feel that too. But here are my recommendations.

So I would go dead silent for a few days, because you want to pull back a bit here. let's say 3-4 days. I would also go super direct on your text, because you're bantering quite a bit with her over text (she responds pretty well I'd say over text though). So I'd say something like:

"Hey XXX, thinking we cook dinner together and practice some German soon (but only the fun words), when are you free?

(Also, if you texted all of that in German that'd be super fun, just use Google translate or something)

Hope you get it!

Thank you for those observations and the texting recommendation!

Re resistance to kissing -> here in Germany girls are much more hesitant about PDA than in other countries I’ve lived in so I think that isn’t as bad of a sign as it would be in the USA. In Argentina on the other hand it felt like if I wasn’t making out with a girl within 30 minutes on our first date I was doing something really wrong lol.

Re texting rec -> I didn’t see your post until after I had messaged her Monday morning ughhh. My reasoning for messaging her Monday was that Tuesday is the only day of the week right now that I’m free before 8pm and she wakes up at 6am every morning for work so meeting up after 8pm a different night would get more resistance. Plus this weekend I’m only possibly free Friday night and I figured odds are she already had plans for that night anyway (Germans make plans really really far in advance). I slept with a different girl on Sunday night so the Monday morning text wasn’t completely driven by thirst lol.

Here’s my text exchange starting Monday morning:

Left white bubbles are her. Right green bubbles are me.

Long story short she replied really well to the initial hail mary text. We tentatively made plans for Tuesday. She then cancelled them later Monday night.

Now I’m going to go dead silent until Sunday and at that point go direct for a meet up next week.

On a more philosophical note, I had the idea that maybe girls get a guy’s hopes up and then flake on them intentionally sometimes to reciprocate how the guy made them feel. For example, in this situation I have a lot of things going for me that would make her think I’m a really attractive guy initially (pretty good fundamentals, pre-selection, local celebrity-ish, living my passion, exotic, etc.). Then I make some mistakes on our date and don’t read her correctly, kind of disappointing her high initial hopes. I wonder if that could have influenced this most recent flake on Monday.

PS: what do girls mean when they send a zombie emoji? Could her last text mean that I’m disappointing her?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 25, 2019
North Carolina, USA
Fuck This said:
Quit reading the wall of text
Hahaha wall of text is the truth! I’m way too detailed oriented and verbose. I hope to write more concisely as I get more practice with posting field reports.

Fuck This said:
but Your date idea is great!

Sunsets and Full Moon rises are panty droppers for sure. Even after 3 years it's still working.
Thanks! I love using the best that nature has to offer to bed women!

Fuck This said:
The key in to have logistics set up for escalation at that time and place...

Sounds like right set up, and wrong girl..
Wrong girl... I agree. I could tell shortly into our first meet up that I’d never develop real feelings for this girl. She doesn’t have the right energy I’m looking for even though she is beautiful. I’m leaving Germany in a month and half though so really I’m only looking for a fuck buddy to have fun with to ride out the rest of my time here.

I appreciate your reply!


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 24, 2019
She seems into you. Just schedule for another day. then again, actions will always be greater than words. She's just being playful with the zombie emoji, I wouldn't read into it at all.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 25, 2019
North Carolina, USA
Got her to come over for our 3rd meet up. That was this past Friday night, almost 2 weeks after our 2nd meet up.

Thought it was going to be a lay-up

Right off the bat she was reciprocating my touch. Resting her arm on my leg. Brushing my hand with hers. I regret not escalating in the first 5 minutes she was in my apartment.

She lightly smacks my face at one point after I joke about her big arms. She had lifted arms that morning and may have still had a pump haha

We teach each other some English words. Sit on floor, yoga, meditation block, stretch, hand smack game.

She doesn’t like dancing. That’s one of my go to escalations. We talk about Get Low lil Jon, middle school parties and sexuality without embarrassment.

—She asks me, ‘Did you buy this furniture?’
—I say, ‘No, none of the stuff in this place is mine. I’m just lucky to have a roof over my head.’

We’ve probably spent 30 minutes together at this point. I pick her up, sling her over my shoulder and say it’s time for the movie. She squeals in enjoyment.

Almost throw her on my bed, but at the last moment I gently lay her down. Probably should have begun to kiss her (can’t remember if I faked going in for one or not), but I begin to queue up the movie instead.

Within the 1st 15 minutes of the movie she asks:
—What do you think about my jeans, I got them today.
—I reply about how I was focusing on other things when she arrived.

—She asks how many times I’ve seen this movie.
—I say a few times, I really like it.

Cold in room, she is under a blanket, our clothes are on, straddle one of my legs, rests head on my right shoulder. 15 minutes into the movie she pinches my side lightly and I turn to her and we make out, some lip bitting, she takes out her earrings. We had 3 or 4 make out sessions, I ended one of them, I think she ended the 1st saying how we have a movie to watch. I take off my shirt so she can lay her arm over my bare chest. I’m rubbing right side/hip with my right arm, even going under her pants to touch this area. For me it is a turn on and often it is arousing for the girl, getting somewhat close to her pussy in front.

She’s laughing at the jokes, seems to enjoy the film, has her arm wrapped around me.

At one point we’re making out and she sits up. I begin rubbing her back and undo her bra. It seems like for a few moments she enjoys this, even saying I like that (but maybe it was I don’t like that). And we continue kissing while I put my hand on her boobs under the now loose bra. After a few moments she rolls back into a seated position and asks me to refasten it. I say something like how I’m only good at getting it undone. She refastens it herself.

Did she want me to take off her entire shirt and because I didn’t, she put the brakes on entirely?

After another 5-10 minutes she asks me what I’m doing tomorrow. I say I’m coaching. I don’t ask her about what she has going on. Starts yawning 5 minutes later. Then a few minutes after that says she has work the next day (might be lying about that), begins at 9am.

She says she wants to leave and go to bed. I pick her up off the bed, her legs wrapped around my torso. Turn around and gently press her into the door. She stops this makeout after 10 seconds though despite seeming to enjoy it. She quickly puts her shoes on, always seems to be in a rush. At least she wasn’t checking her phone at all this time.

Maybe it’s my attainability that’s making her so hot/cold. Or I’m sending massive mixed signals. Or she’s worried I’ll pump and dump. I have no clue.

Walking her down the stairs and out to her car I told her how I felt she had this wild side to her that she gave me a peak of but she wasn’t ready/comfortable/trusting/in to me enough to let me fully see it/or experience it. My intention of saying this was to build trust and a sense of non-judgement and to set a frame of I know the game she’s playing and next time I want her, not the game/facade.

I don’t kiss her goodbye, but do let her know that I want to see her again. Make a joke about hoping she doesn’t have any nightmares about playing baseball naked like in the movie. It seems like we leave on a positive note, my energy was rather upbeat, even though I was a bit disappointed the night didn’t lead to wildly amazing sex.

All in all this has been a baffling set of meet ups. She and I don’t have a good vibe. It feels mechanical, no natural chemistry.

I’ve lived by a more slow cooking bedroom escalation usually (though yesterday I was P in V with a with a different girl on our 2nd meet up in around 30 minutes), but this girl seems to always be in a rush, either let’s get it on or let’s be platonic, no suspense, no teasing. Switching between the two in an instant. I can’t read her well enough. Maybe it’s subconscious blocks with my inner game preventing me from full being my seductive self around her. I’ve had 3 incredible dates with 2 other girls in the last week (both not as attractive as Golden Pony), so I have had recent success.

At this point I want to bed Golden Pony girl for the reference experience (probably a bit of ego gratification too lol). I know it’s probably way too much to ask for somebody to make a hot take about how I could better proceed with the escalation on our next meet up. Any suggestions or critical feedback would be welcomed though :)


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 24, 2019
I think you started off ok, it had been a while since you saw her last so building some comfort at the beginning was smart, but it doesn't sound like you're moving fast enough once you start escalating. Also, she's the one leading the whole escalation by what I read.

e.g. you start watching the movie, and she's the one to pinch your side to make you turn towards her so you two can make out. Just curious as to what your plan was if she didn't do this? This is the big example but overall the whole situation seems like you aren't leading and/or are too nervous/inexperienced to move things forward - and that's what she's thinking too.

Other examples of where I think you missed some obvious signs:

Within the 1st 15 minutes of the movie she asks:
—What do you think about my jeans, I got them today.
—I reply about how I was focusing on other things when she arrived.

—She asks how many times I’ve seen this movie.
—I say a few times, I really like it.

The "what do you think of my jeans" - a.k.a. I want you to take my pants off.

Note sure why the movie line was relevant. If you were trying to show her some of your personality then you need to go into detail - "I've seen it a few times, and it's my favourite because XXX."

I think she just got tired of how slow things were taking and then wanted to leave, in my own personal opinion.

Walking her down the stairs and out to her car I told her how I felt she had this wild side to her that she gave me a peak of but she wasn’t ready/comfortable/trusting/in to me enough to let me fully see it/or experience it. My intention of saying this was to build trust and a sense of non-judgement and to set a frame of I know the game she’s playing and next time I want her, not the game/facade.

I don't think you should say this anymore, ever. Because what it says is that she doesn't trust YOU enough, which then she'll think about why she doesn't trust you enough, and could backwards rationalise that she doesn't actually like you.

Fuck This

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 24, 2015
Those Sessions are some of the most frustrating experiences I've had. So I began saying to women, " hey now....I won't start something I can't finish." When I touch them intimately, inferring their orgasm, and mine also by default. I'll also say the same thing when they touch me..."Don't start something you aren't going to finish." It seemed to sift out the girls who weren't REALLY into it, and encourage the ones who were to give it all they have.

Combined with encouragement like "Finish strong..." etc. It really cements their intent,and encourages it.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 24, 2019
Fuck This said:
Those Sessions are some of the most frustrating experiences I've had. So I began saying to women, " hey now....I won't start something I can't finish." When I touch them intimately, inferring their orgasm, and mine also by default. I'll also say the same thing when they touch me..."Don't start something you aren't going to finish." It seemed to sift out the girls who weren't REALLY into it, and encourage the ones who were to give it all they have.

Combined with encouragement like "Finish strong..." etc. It really cements their intent,and encourages it.

Damn, I really like this. Definitely going to use it in some of those LMR situations.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 25, 2019
North Carolina, USA
JacobPalmer said:
I think you started off ok, it had been a while since you saw her last so building some comfort at the beginning was smart, but it doesn't sound like you're moving fast enough once you start escalating. Also, she's the one leading the whole escalation by what I read...
I appreciate the feedback and agree with a lot of it.

Good point about building some comfort in the beginning because it had been almost 2 weeks since we last saw each other. I didn't do that intentionally, but felt that the vibe was right for it.

Going throught the night in my head again I absolutely know the best time to escalate would have been when I picked her up over my shoulder and carried her to the bedroom. I’ve done that with many other girls. I have no idea why I didn't (can't remember if I faked one or not, which I definitely shouldn't have done if I did). Since being on this forum and reading some of Grand Pooba's posts about kissing on dates vs. not, I had two amazing first dates where I didn't kiss at all and both girls completely were chasing after the date. The not kissing doesn't apply when you've isolated the girl and gotten her into your bed though haha, so idk what I was thinking.

Overall I feel that it's because she and I don't have good chemistry. She has a gorgeous face and very fit body (I've teased her about not being a fitness model lol), but her lack of curves and feminity make it hard for me to be really excited about her. That could be part of it, also could be that I had watched porn the night before and was more in my head than usual. Not nervous like butteflies in stomach at all, just stifled and not in the present moment as well as I normally am. Honestly, escalating once I'm in the bedroom with a girl is usually one of the strong points in my game.

Yo it actually crossed my mind to reply to her pants question with, "I would like them a lot better if they were off" and proceed to unbutton them. Stayed in my head though and wasn't listening to my instincts.

The movie question is relevant because Bull Durham is my go to first movie date at my place flick. I had watched it 6 days beforehand with a girl from OkCupid and we ended up having sex. I think I took the question more as a, "How many times have you seen this movie with other girls?" At this point it's more than two hands' worth and because one girl was so recent I felt a little guilty. I guess that is some inner game stuff I can improve on.

I agree with your assessment of her wanting to leave because how slow/not smooth I was with the escalating.

We're still in touch via text and she out of the blue texted me at 2:11am Thursday morning (holiday here in Germany), which I stupidly replied to in my blacked out drunk state:

2:11am Her: Heyyy

2:23am Me: Wo bist du? (Where are you?)
2:26am Me: Ich bin in Voerde (I'm in Voerde [a neighborhood of the town we're in])

2:40am Her: Im Bett
2:40am Her: At home
2:40am Her: How good is the party? ;)

2:40am Me: Sball I come? (meant to write Shall I supposed)

No reply to that last text. If I had been sober and in a state to drive I would have called her if she replied more quickly to my initial reply. I think I mentioned at our movie meet up that I was going to a party in Voerde, but I'm surprised she remembered and referenced that.

If there is a 4th meet up I'll finish the job :) thanks again for the observations!


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 25, 2019
North Carolina, USA
Fuck This said:
Those Sessions are some of the most frustrating experiences I've had. So I began saying to women, " hey now....I won't start something I can't finish." ...
Yes, seconded! I'm going to steal that line too. Anything that can flip the frame and make a girl want to try a little bit harder is gold. Thanks for that!