FR  Party isolation - eliciting values


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jun 3, 2019
Arrive at a party, nothing interesting so just oozed around. Wore ripped pants, killer black boots, brown thin belt and a black styled shirt which is top of the line these days. stole it from a chick actually :p silver bracelet and a classy roman styled watch too. a few Girls complimented my style of the night.

A decent girl in a jimmi choo dress arrives lets call her CHOO. Very feminine, moves arounds and mingles politely. I notice her and feel a slight sexual tension/attraction arising but let her squirm around and land w her friends etc. Everyone is partly attentive to her - dressed up girl effect. i Just keep cool and stay back - waiting to construct the right seductive moment.

At a certain time i see her on the balcony - i materialise by her side leaning on the balcony. convo emerges cant even remember how. i then steer the convo through questions and topic turning points mini isolating her:

Gosta Bue: so what do you do beyond partying, wearing nice dresses and speaking to handsome guys?
CHOO: laughs and tells me her job title etc. her response is good which the slight vibe of the question provides
Gosta bue: ok why did you get into exactly that? (eliciting values). i think i listed a few whys to using "listing"
CHOO: thinks - tells me the back ground
Gosta bue - ah so a more creative direction?
CHOO talks about her reasons and the creative side mentioning how creatives are to work w etc.
Gosta bue: ah - the art of shaping creative direction and giving form an orientation to artists. I love when you lead their passion into shape and how you feel when it forms into an actual creation, many pieces coming together, the energy of being in the middle of that..
CHOO: yes....blahblahblah
Gosat bue: i xxx in my free time, love the feel of xxx. Are you doing anything creative?
CHOO: i used to do drama
Gosta bue: ah i actually reread "an actor prepares" some days ago. So why did you get into that...

+ Somewhere along it i acknowledge her giving her a little social high. i felt she was slightly uncertain in her vibe so figured it would move her into being more confident and less paranoid.

were both leaning back towards the fence here drinks in hands. Shes obviously was staying w me for a long time and we had an initial bubble

next i would have
- made it fun /teased her/ maybe challenge her
- moved her w me
- add a sexual fantasy story weasel style to see how she would bite on that (they normally share theirs)
- set frames discretion and arousal
. micro escalate - add in sexual tension, use proximity etc, or just pleasure vibe her/grace it - playfully tease escalate
- speak of SNL topics that allows multiple sexualised escalations
dependent on her response i would pick either above - i just need to shift the energy a bit. and some challenge/fun/tease would be good to relax her a bit.

but decided to leave. she didnt attract me. nice body but boring energy to me in her vibes and way of carrying herself. Beautiful. but unstimulating sexually to me.

im pretty sure it was on (intuition) even if she was very insecure which is a problem i tend to get often. I could be wrong though. Also a female friend asked me w a conspicuous look how it went - she had arrived just as i moved in & her spider senses figured out what was going on/noted our prolonged isolation + the girls Body Language. wrote a thank you in the event and she liked it immediately.

Did sorta the same route w a dancer later. i left her too but drove this to here. again need to make things more playful just to loosen the mood, then enter sex talk or what i feel like. But i need to switch gears. i want to just to have some fun. not that its needed. But a good milestone to add into my process. and a good gear to hit into.

Anyways just a solid route that works every time and takes the usual social chit chat to more interesting places through good elicitation and emotional stimulation. Just writing it down to reflect and think about the nexts with other girls as im Rusty.

Any feedback - please shoot!