Bim from Thaland 30.6.2019


Space Monkey
space monkey
May 13, 2019

F: direct

HB: yeah
Gave me a strong puppy eye look

HB: from Thailand

F: sour de cup

Hb: yes yes where you from?

F: er, where do you think I'm from India or Africa
NOTE: don't use the India and Africa line, your bored of it already and it shows

HB: China?

F: China, why not India, why not Africa

HB: yeah
NOTE: was not impressed because it was robotic

F: haha I was born here but my parents from HK

HB: ah ok

F: what are you doing down here, you look like a student

HB: yeah yeah i am a student, I'm studying phd here

HB: now i am waiting for my friend

F; yeah right

NOTE: too high pitch, I think I was still nervous because i kept getting blown out on that day. It wasn't a good day. I think with this girl, she was just into me and maybe a lot of guys don't approach her or maybe I was just her type. I got lucky basically

F: I know you busy and I need to meet my friend for dinner as well....I like to take your number and we go for coffee sometime

NOTE: I need to slow down when I'm talking lol

HB: ah yes

HB: so you where born here right, do you study or work here

F: i work around here, I work in property management, you know Foxtons, we chat later.

+ I quickly take her number in case her friend turns up.

F: that's a Chinese lucky number 888

HB: ahh really

F: yes really, whats your name

HB: Bim

F: Bin

HB; not bin, bim hahahaha

F: I have a friend called Twobin

HB: every time I go Starbucks, they write bin on my cup lol

F: really :)

HB: whats your name

F: my name is ken

F: what kind of PHD are you studying

HB: pharmacy.

F: so one day, you will invent like a new medicine, to cure cancer

HB: I'm trying to do that

F: you be the first one to do that, I be the first one to be your customer

HB: hahaha thank you

HB: and the kind of work do you do?

F: Property management, do you know how you rented your house, you basically need an agent. I'm sort of like an agent that manages the property.

F: Alright, I see you later then, do you know when you are free for coffee

HB: you can contact me by whatsapp

F: sure, you take care yeah


Space Monkey
space monkey
May 13, 2019
2 days later we arrange for a date

F: Hi, shall we go for a coffee?

HB; sure

F: so how are you?

HB: yeah good

F; how was dinner with a friend

HB: i went to Ice Bar, do you know Ice bar?

F: Ice bar

HB: the place where we meet?

F: yeah yeah yeah so you went for drink is it?

+ I kino her back while we were walking. Next time you should move your body close to her side by side when you do it and don't look at your hand. You should position yourself properly. To be fair, she was walking a bit faster because is was a busy and narrow pavement. it's good you got that in

NOTE: when writing FRs, remember to write down when are where you kinoed a girl. Always come up with good ideas to kino, it will make the interaction go much better.

HB: for dinner, it was an Ice room blah blah. Nice experience

F: I never been before, do you like it then?

+we enter Starbucks

F: how long you been in Uk for, shall we, what do you like to drink

HB: Ice latte please

F: ice latte

HB: I pay for mine

F: are you sure?

NOTE: next time don't say, are you sure. This way they can pay for there own drinks. There is nothing wrong with girls paying for there own drinks, don't feel bad about it.

HB: I pay for mine

F: it's up to you, if you feel comfortable with it :)

NOTE: good :)

hb :) how are you

F: I never been to Ice bar, is it made of ice?

HB: yeah inside is a small room

+ we order coffee

F: how long have you been here for?

HB: one year, this is my first time living abroad

F: originally are you from Bangkok, Pattaya or

HB: have you been

F: I went to Bangkok and Pattaya.

F: I prefer Pattaya, it's not really a city. It's half City and half seaside.

HB: actually, I came from an other city. It's close to Bangkok

F: sorry can I have a takeaway cup please :)

HB: oh takeaway cup.

NOTE: this is very bad. It's better to takeaway and the weather is working for you. Also it's easier to kino side by side. Next time, let the girl know she should get a take away coffee

NOTE: "lets get a takeaway coffee, we can walk to the park, it's only 5 minutes away"

HB: do you want to walk

F: I like the weather haha

HB: maybe we can just, stay here for

F: yeah yeah we can stay here

HB: and later we can take a walk

F: yeah ok, that's fine

F: I forgot to say takeaway cup because the weather is very good today so. lets go downstairs.

F; so are you the only child in the family

NOTE: your too focused on her. You should be focused on being in the moment. She should be the one reacting to you, you do not want to be reacting to her. You want to be responding to her. Your the sun and all the other planets are the one's circulating around you. Girls should be circulating around you and not the other way around.

+ i think because she is showing you lots of iois so, it seems like your reacting to her.

F: do you have any brothers and sisters

NOTE: make a statement instead. You look like the oldest in the family

HB: I'm the oldest sister, can we sit there

F: sure, it's up to you, downstairs is always better

+ She sit down first and the I move the chair as close to her as I can.

HB: I come from Iytaya near Bangkok

F: okay is it good or

F; what is it like?

HB: it's close to Bangkok and it's an hour by car

F: can you drive or?

HB: I can

F: why did you mum name you Bin

HB: Bim hahaha

F: I'm just kidding, I'm kidding

+ I take the opportunity to hold her hand while we are both laughing. This is good. If a girl is laughing it's a good time to kino. It was also good you let go quickly as well. Don't let you kino lingerer too long.

+ we both giggle

HB: not Bin

HB: I'm been to Austria and bin in Austria means tramp

F; ohhh haha you know it's one of those things. I got a friend who has a funny name as well. it's just one of these things.

NOTE: Awful. next time say "Oh that doesn't sound too good :/ (change topics)

F: what made you come to London to study and not America or

HB: I applied many places and I got this one first and I went for it.

F: Are you doing pharmacist or something, I can't remember.

HB: yes I'm a pharmacist

F: are you mixing the medicine and wearing the goggles.

NOTE:|'m asking too many question but I should be making statements or assumptions.

HB: blah blah

F: wow sound interesting, my brother is a pharmacist as well. he studies medicine and stuff like that

F: are you planning to live here or are you planning to

HB: I'm in my study leave and then i have to go back haha

F: how long will your study last for?

NOTE: good question

HB: I have scholarship for 3 years but i feel I can not finish everything in 3 years. it's not possible.

F; so you can go back early if you do the test, how does it work

HB: i will have to stay for 3 years

F: so it will take a bit of time, does your family miss you because your the only one in the family

HB: I have a younger sister, how about you

+ I felt my brain become logical because she talked too much. it seems like she is brain smarts but not very socially savvy. She kept asking me so many questions. i had to think. Thinking fucks up the interaction. It puts you in logic mode. Also because my game is weak at the moment, I find it hard to take control and take the lead with this one. I know this is happening as I'm talking to her but can not lead her to the right path lol.

+ next time try not to answer her questions, try self amusing yourself. Cut her thread, who gives a fuck

minutes 10.53


Space Monkey
space monkey
May 13, 2019
F: so it will take a bit of time, does your family miss you because your the only one in the family

HB: I have a younger sister, how about you

F: I have one older sister and two older brothers

NOTE: if a girl speaks too much, when she asks you a question, get into more detail about your own past. If she talks too much about herself, she will come out of the interaction not knowing you. if you doesn't feel she know you then she will rationalise your not a real person to her and doesn't fit in her life. She will not feel connected to you.

F; so you're the leader in the family, your the one that tells your sister to sit down, be quite.

HB: blah blah blah we are like friends. We have similar interests

F: the same mind

HB: I think so

F: she must like all the presents you give her in the Uk

NOTE: I think I need to watch some infields or hotseats of pua self amusing themselves. The conversation is really bland. I'm asking and question and she is asking me a question. it's like we are stuck in a rut lol

HB: how about you, your siblings

F: basically my sister has moved to Malaysia, she was married and got divorced or something. My two brothers, one is living quite far away so

HB: so you are the fourth

F: yes I am the fourth one, I'm the spoilt one haha

HB: we got a different feeling because I'm the oldest and your the youngest

F: you want to look after me is it

both giggle

HB: I'm still young

F: your parents, what do they do

HB: My mum is a teacher blah blha I am teaching pharmacy to other students

F: oh really, can you teach me some medicine

NOTE: need to take control of the conversation. focus on self amusing yourself. It not about her, its about you. Are you having fun, are you pushing your own buttons. It's about how you feel about yourself and the world. Your giving her a chance to see what's it like. Stop giving a shit about how she feels or any girl feels. You need to get laid. You need to hone you skills in that direction. It's all about getting laid and you need to show it by touching her, complimenting her, hugging her, strong eye contact. You want her to know you like her and want to sleep with her.

HB: you told me what you do but I didn't really understand

F: property management, now I help my dad

HB: is he here as well?

+ why the fuck she asks so many questions all in one go. She needs to slow down on the questions.

+ you need to slow down her questions. Say " you need to slow down on the questions, take it slowly. i will answer you but just take it slowly. If we have to, we can go on a couple more dates. let's have some fun.

+ she is still confused on what I do for a living

F: Let me explain to you what it is. I think you mis understand what property management is, basically my dad does a bit of development and then we let the property out. I manage the process. I either do part of the development or I do the rentals. Did you understand what I was saying

HB: yeah, kind of
looks confused

F: people need a places to live. I get them a house, my dads house. They pay us rent and we manage the whole thing.

F: I feel like it's a retirement thing and it's good to start here
NOTE: very bad. Next time: I like rentals, because you can get cash flow from it and you don't have to do much work. If one day I want to retire, I can do so and still have income coming from it.

HB: you don't have a specific time frame for working

F: no it's quite flexible and I'm quite lucky.

F: I use to work for a company like Foxtons and i had to work everyday. I think like 6 days a week and then, it was quite tiring and stuff like that

NOTE: in some ways it's good, she asked me these questions. It helps me to hone in my answers for future girls. I do feel she is asking questions that are too detailed, as we are only 16 minutes into the conversation.

F: it was good fun but I felt like I learnt everything I need to learn about management

HB: I think 6 days a week is too much

F: but pharmacist you have to work hard, right?

minutes 16.39