FR  daygame insta-date


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 23, 2018
Hey guys,

Ive been pretty busy with school recently, so I havent done many approaches. I got off work early today so I went to a public square to do cold approaches. I am working on banter with girls and also being a dominant leader so I can derail girls from their logical schedules to go on dates right then and there.

On my second approach I see a really cute girl looking stylish with shoulder-length black hair, a black shirt, leather jacket, and jeans with rips at the knees. Target acquired.

Me: i like your jeans, they have big holes in them.
Her: hahaha thanks.
Me: im BigS
Her: im Cara

I made sure to make strong eye contact and give a playful smile when delivering this opener. I am working on having a strong nonverbal sexual frame.

She keeps walking:

Me: im headed this way, wbu?
Her: yeah me too
Me: do you always walk this way?
Her: haha yeah, im going to work.
Me: nice. are you one of those girls whos always working and never relaxes?
Her: it depends on the day! but i have gotten that before.

Im trying to make her qualify to me as someone who can relax and go with the flow.

Me: lets grab a coffee this way- i know a great place!
Her: i have work!
Me: lets grab a coffee :)
Her: mayyyybe
Me: come on, itll be fun
Her: okay i have 15 minutes!

From doing several insta-dates Ive learned that this is token resistance and girls will be happy to go on a date if you just push through it in a calm and dominant way. My mindset is "i know whats best for you, now let me show you."

On our walk we do the boring screening of where we work, how many siblings we have, etc.

I keep it playful though and am able to set up a little chase frame, which she enjoys:

Her: ughh, youre so annoying! [light jab]
Me: why are you so flirtatious.
Her: [scoffs and smiles]
Me: lemme get your number in case we're separated.
Her: [puts number in phone] this is so fun!
Me: yeah it is.

We get to the coffee shop and she gives me more resistance about how she's getting hers in a to-go-cup:

Her: lets get it to go
Me: no lets stay- you have 15 minutes!
Her: fine

However, when we get them I kind of pussy out and let her lead us out of the shop. I couldve made the connection so much stronger if I had made us sit down. But im not perfect.... :)

Once we leave the shop she's still really flirty:

Her: i wanna show you somewhere
Me: careful, idk if youre a serial killer ;)
Her: haha, youre so annoying! [shoulder jab]

She says she's taking me to a store in the lobby of her work and says she's the one leading the date now. I say "oh shit, okay." I figure its fine to let her lead as long as we still have the frame that its a date.

Once we get to her work i experiment with an "us against the world" frame:

Me: okay, but you and i are bf/gf and we've been dating for 6 months if no one asks.
Her: okay deal [she initiates hand shake]

We walk around the retail store but I actually feel the excitement fizzle out. I think this might be because we were in her work and her logical mind got turned on again.

After a few minutes perusing clothing I tell her I actually have to leave. I am then facing her on the street and I see an escalation window:

Me: you know what would be crazy?
Her: what?
Me: if i kissed you right now.
Her: haha that would be rude!

She then smiles, grabs my hand and waltz's away.


I consider this a pretty good insta-date for my current skill level. The date was very fast paced because I think she was getting a kick out of the adrenaline rush and trying to counter my boldness with her energy by keeping everything moving fast.

I really enjoy this style of game though and want to improve on managing the pace of the date and countering resistance. Any thoughts/suggestions are welcome :)




Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Sep 21, 2016
Yoooo this is solid! You're already making huge strides of improvement dude, I love it.

The only thing I could suggest to you is when she wanted to lead you to the store you could have chase framed her hard since she's now doing literally the exact same thing you got her to coffee with. If you got a bite from the chase frame, the way this reads tells me you probably could have snagged a kiss, then told her to get off to work after pulling off first.

I love the girlfriend boyfriend role play (oldest trick in the book) and it sets a pretty clear frame that you're interested in her and is flirty. If the rest of your vibe is fun and gamey then you'll still be able to avoid her slotting you as a boyfriend.

Since she was literally at work, your logistics were fucked. You can use this (and probably the whole retail store thing) to your advantage when texting her for your next date, like "let's meet up when someone isn't trying to drag me into work with them - things were too noisey in there for my taste ;P " or whatever your version of that sorta text is.

The date was very fast paced because I think she was getting a kick out of the adrenaline rush and trying to counter my boldness with her energy by keeping everything moving fast.

Yesss dude, move fast! See how fun that shit is? Haha I bet you made her day.

Keep grinding man, I'm loving what you're bringing out.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 23, 2018
Here is just an update with texting where i pulled for the date:

Me: hey cara! save my # -BigS
Her: New phone who diz - got it thanks!!

Shes obviously excited to hear from me, so i took this as a good sign.

I then used GC's guide for how to text girls in order to get dates. This next part was started 3 days after the icebreaker text:

Me: hey crystal! hope work has been treating you well... ive been in clinic these past few days so i feel you. so, what does your schedule look like for that food or drink we talked about?
Her: Oh my ! i hate planning haha

I wasnt really sure what to do with this at first. It seems like not a rejection but also not a no.

Me: haha i knoww, its terrible. what does your schedule next week look like?
Her: Omg i never know haha but im down :)
Me: okay how about tuesday at 7. im not good at chasing people through their schedules, however :/
Her: Tuesday are great and 7 is my lucky number ;)

So i got the date... not my most graceful pull ever but ill take it.

I was never really sure how to interpret her texts: we had a very playful insta-date so maybe she was just messing around with me?

I think for future pulls like this id like to infuse some humor on my part. It seems a little confrontational at this point :/

Anyways, cheers,
