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LR  Have your pets spayed and neutered...


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Feb 13, 2013
So, I take my dog to the vet last Saturday. There is a smoking hot girl working there. She is extremely friendly, touching me, etc. Didn't really get a chance to pull her aside. Anyway, about 20 minutes after I leave I get a friend request on Facebook. It's her. We have 1 mutual friend. Later that night, I accept the request. A couple of days later, she sends me a private message. After some dialogue, we are going to meet the following Sunday for a little road trip (which was of course, yesterday).

So about 3 days after we make plans... I get a text from her. And, here is that interaction:

Girl: hey! Hope your day is going well. Hope I'm not bugging you!

Me: No you're fine. I'm good :)

Girl: We still on for a road trip to ---- Sunday???

Me: yeah or we can keep it simple too

Girl: Sure! I'm pretty much down for whatever. Lol

Me: Ok, well you like talking to me right? :)

Girl: SO much!

Me: ...and you want to have a few drinks too?

Girl: hell yes!

Me: Well, we could just do that at my place instead.

Girl: That would be great! I actually can't wait!!!

Me: Ok, good deal! I will talk to you Sunday then :)

Girl: ok!! :)

See what I did there? :)

So now, today, after our "date"... Well.. my arms, chest and back are on fire. I'm pretty sure she may be having trouble walking, sitting down, etc today too. :)

Yesterday morning, I had told her that I would be home around 2 PM and to just let me know when she was on her way. She comes to the door with a fifth of Crown Royal and a 2 liter of Coke. (Where have you been all my life?). I ask her if I can take that off her hands, and invite her in. I make sure to tell her to take her shoes off. A simple and reasonable request, but here is why: the pants come off much easier without shoes on...

We proceed to the kitchen, and I'm in there filling ice cube trays and we're talking. This chick is not only smoking hot, but I sense that she is quite bold as well. She's talking to me like she already knows me. I tell her to do the honors and pour us some drinks. As she is pouring mine, I tell her: "whoa hey, are you trying to get me drunk? I'm not that easy!". She likes this comment. :)

Next, after we stand at the kitchen counter for a minute I gesture to the couch and ask (command :D) her to have a seat. We sit down together, we're talking. She is going a mile a minute, smiling and giggling. I stop her occasionally to get a few words in. The subject of music comes up, and I happen to have just bought a couple Dan Hubbard and The Humadors albums off of iTunes. (these guys are great, btw. you all should look them up). So, I fire up the iTunes and we're listening to music and the TV is on mute. I get up and light the fireplace, and come back and sit a little closer to her this time. She is touching me way more than I'm attempting to touch her, although I am now and again. We're basically pointed cockeye toward one another, knee to knee.

After about 3 drinks, some really nice conversation and the music and sharing some favorite YouTube videos, etc. I sense that she is ready, so I go in for a kiss. She obliges. I pull back a little, I'm teasing her. She tells me to stop this. We are making out on the couch, and she stops me a couple times ("want to watch some tv?" or "so what do you think about me?" and etcetera). I casually respond to the questions, but I'm not turning my attention away from her body and after the second time she stopped me I figured it was time to give her about all she could handle.

We had sex several times over the next 8 hours or so. On the floor in front of the fireplace, the couch, my bed. WARNING the following is quite graphic, but I know some will appreciate it. The first time we fucked, she told me to cum in her mouth. I didn't quite make it there and it ended up on her chest and face. She wiped some off and licked it off her fingers. What?? Yes!! haha

Anyway, it went great and we're going to see each other again Tuesday night. :)

So... three things:

1. She is in the top 95-percentile as far as quality (looks, personality, etc) of the women I've had in my entire life.

2. She couldn't wait to have me, and frankly it was also one of the top 5 sexual encounters I've ever had.

3. It's no coincidence that this happened roughly three weeks after joining this forum and scouring the blog posts on this website.

I'm a completely different person. It's crazy!


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 9, 2013
Pimp Shit! He failed to mention this girl is in a relationship!

Can't wait to hear more Fr's and LR's
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take