How to beat Approach anxiety one and for all and approach lots of girls


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Feb 5, 2013
I keep reading and hearing people asking about approach anxiety and I wanted to add my insight.

I'll give quick tips I followed.

I friend of mine gave me great advice once about girls "There is no confidence or shit like that. You don't need it. Just go for it" This means you don't need to have confidence before you approach. You just approach. Cause if you think you must be confident before you actually approach.. YOU'LL NEVER HAVE ENOUGH CONFIDENCE!

The tips I'll give you are to raise your testosterone level and your horny-ness to the point you can't think about approach anxiety or being confident. You can only think I want a girl and to have sex right now.

1 - delete absolutely every single porn video, picture, delete every single picture of a girl and block every single porn site you're visiting!
- throw away every single porn mag or playboy out

2 - masturbate only 1 per week - There is a study that shows men's testosterone levels increase for 7 days after masturbation, and start declining on the 8th. With each day the man has higher testosterone. So once every Sunday you can "unload"

3 - start working out - and I mean weight lifting not those pussy cardio workout on the threadmill or stationary bike - I want to puke when I see a guy on one of those. You get the heavy iron disk and dumbells and other lifting equipment and you start lifting.

4 - You stop consuming any soy products(soy has estrogen in it and it make you a pussy) and stop eating candy. I eat real meat like a man every day - pork, veal, chicken etc and nothing fried - you put it on the grill or in a pan.

5 - You start taking a martial arts class - real martial arts non of those pussy ones like karate taekwondo or kickbox or boxing, etc. Those are sports like aerobix. You need a real martial art one that teaches you how to kill and is used in real wars to kill people - like krav maga or kaju kempo, kendo, etc

6 - losing that big fat ass - meaning you follow the weight lifting plan and eat less calories than you need and you lose that fat - being fat makes your body produce estrogen. So losing weight makes you testosterone levels go up.

When you raise your testosterone levels you don't think "what if she rejects me or doesn't like me??" your mind can only think "I WANT PUSSY NOWWW!!!"

I don't mean you scream or look like a deranged person, but you stop worrying cause you want to have sex way too much to have the luxury to not approach.
You even start feeling that you'll go crazy if you don't have sex. So you become more sexual and women can feel this.
They can feel that sexual hunger.

And when you combine that with great fundamentals and direct day game..

So you do all those thing I told you and you stop thinking!

I know there is great advice here on exactly how to approach what to say what to do - forget that shit. You're a beginner - You won't pull it off the first times. The advice here is useless as shit to you the first times you approach.

You won't seduce a hot girl the firs time you approach in your life!

The task for a beginner is when you see a girl you like - you go and say "Hi you're beautiful, my name is XYZ, and I want to get to know you, lets grab coffee some time this week." that's it. No compliance testing, no getting her to invest, no deep diving,no chase framing, no getting phone numbers.
And if she looks at your direction the moment you spot her you wave at her, stick your tongue out point at her. Anything that is so big she'll notice you and you'll actually HAVE to say hi

You won't succeed even if you try to pull a great seduction, the first times.

Actually having to think and remember a process will hurt you in the beginning.

First you need to approach 20-30-50-100 girls with the opener I gave you. You'll get rejected a lot, maybe out of 100 approaches you'll get rejected 97 times but you'll get 3 coffee dates. If you approach 3 girls a day you'll get those 100 approaches for a months and at least 1 date for the month.

Even if you get rejected 100% you'll realize it's not that bad. The world didn't end. I actually feel a thrill when I get rejected, it's an adrenaline rush and I feel super happy after that. My mood is super happy, I'm happy. It's not being happy because you got rejected but because you tried. And plus even when you get rejected you still get the adrenaline rush from approaching a girl - and this feel sooo great.

NOW you can start reading the articles on HOW to seduce. You learn how to seduce after you've started approaching.

That's the main problem 99% of guys have - They try to learn how to approach and do everything perfect before they've even approach a single girl.
But you learn how to approach after you've started approaching.

Hope this helps you start actually approaching and not just reading articles day after day.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jun 16, 2013
Good tips. Beating Approach Anxiety has a lot in common with just manning the fuck up and punching fear in the face.

Though once you do that first approach you still have approach anxiety.

For anyone that may benefit that has done a couple approaches yet still gets A.A., what got me over the ledge was going to a part of town or another city that I had zero ties to anyone. This way I knew if someone saw me get rejected it really didn't matter since no one could pinpoint me as someone they knew. Here you want to mass approach and keep putting one foot in front of another and just chat up every girl you see. Approach as many girls as you can. If you can get past the 1st approach for the day you can do more.

This will be hard but once you get to the 6-8th approach it gets pretty easy and you get addicted and can't stop (for me at least). You want to approach as many girls as possible and keep going. It doesn't matter if every girl rejects you the point is to just approach a lot of girls and trounce A.A. By the end of the day you really don't give a shit and just approach anyway.

Btw the first time I did this I pretty much got rejected on almost every single set but the point wasn't to get a number or date. The point was soley focusing on trouncing A.A. And it worked. To this day I have never had as much A.A. as I had before that. Though I still get A.A. not going to lie I've just conditioned myself otherwise.

I think a wise courageous man once said "courage isn't a lack or absence of fear, courage is acknowledging you're scared and taking action anyway" . Trouncing A.A. is a matter of conditioning yourself to face and embrace fear.



Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 31, 2013
I agree with your comments. One thing I try to remember is that I'm just testing and don't expect success at all. One may think this is a form of self sabotage but its quite effective in eliminating anxiety. In fact in some of my first approaches where I was obviously nervous and that went quite badly for me - now I see that I'm less nervous and more relaxed just by thinking I have nothing to prove or lose if I'm expecting no success. It's kind of like the old phrase "when your at the bottom there is only one way to go and that is up" mentality.

But if you don't expect success and try anyway is that a form of insanity? I beg to differ. I think its more like tricking your mind to say "no matter what happens I'll be OK as long as I approach" where not approaching is far more detrimental to my self image than being flat out rejected. I know its not about the way I look or even my height. I like tall girls. Most likely because I'm not terribly tall myself. But approaching tall girls for me is extremely awkward especially girls that are taller than me. I still try every chance I get because I feel that by approaching tall women I can approach just about any women. I know someone on here stated that when your a beginner aim for the most attractive women first and approaching will go more smoothly since you desensitized yourself by approaching them over less attractive women. I agree with this as well and try to pick extremely attractive women for my approaches.

But then there is the anthology of work smarter not harder. At first I would scan for eye contact looking for a open door when I saw a girl look back or act interested with a smile. You should obliviously capitalize on these situations but they can be unpredictable at best where some outings I would get interest from women and other outings none. So I think you hit the mark when you say just approach and not worry about what PU line your going to use or what your going to say in particular - just approach period. The hardest thing for me still is approaching. I try to find the right situation or moment where I don't look like a creepy guy or desperate for approaching a women. But in all reality I don't see other men approaching at all during day game. So I know I'm the minority by far and this helps me go through with approaches.

And about testosterone. At my age -39 testosterone can be a issue. I'm not 20 anymore nor a college kid bent on living my life like there is no tomorrow. I have responsibilities now that tie me down and my out look on life is generally "been there done that" kind of thing. But even now I still want to be successful at anything I try. I didn't have online self help sites in my 20's. There were some books I could have read but most of them gave bad advise imho. I didn't make friends with PUA that could teach me. When I did meet one I just accepted that they had something I didn't have. But if it wasn't for the few times I did see success by having that "the devil may care" attitude I would have gave up altogether. Now I know this can work for me if I try and hang in long enough to see success. I've seen guys less attractive and physically inclined that have great success with approaches.

I also work out. My routine includes 15 minutes of intense workouts three times a week. I found that instead of working out for long periods of time and taking breaks these intense short workouts are extremely effective in increasing testosterone and building muscle. And regulating your eating where you fast during the day and only consume protein rich foods to keep you from starving increase testosterone and helps me maintain my fighting weight at 160. I also take supplements like Whey to help build my body. Another secret of mine is honey. Honey does wonders for a mans sex drive. I consume about a quart a week. Although this may seem like a lot of honey it has a noticeable effect on me. It also helps my body and my immune system. And I try to stay away from caffeine and alcohol entirely. In the past I used alcohol to help me be more social. I'm naturally a introvert so by eliminating this crutch I now have to face my shyness head on. But just keeping a positive attitude is by far the best solution to approach anxiety for me.