Being Sexual with Women in Public


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Sep 7, 2018
Hey guys,

In my conquest to improve with women, obviously being more sexual is a requirement. But I'm having trouble being verbally sexual around them in public places and I want to have my thought process checked.

Of course, it's best to isolate and then be more sexual there. But I'm trying to be better about being more sexual on the opener and initial conversation and I feel this is hard to do in public with a lot of people around. Especially when it comes to communicating "under the radar" (I can't think of the word for this). Now, I feel like a lot of it then comes from your fundamentals - your approach, looks, walk, talk, etc. If it exhibits a powerful and sexy vibe, that's how it goes until you move her and isolate.

(a good reminder here to myself to get a girl to move within the first couple minutes of conversation to lock her in)

But is there a good way to verbally communicate that you're a sexual, safe guy in the initial conversation and opener? Or should you even do this (especially with a lot of people around)?


Fuck This

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 24, 2015
Through touch and eye contact.

IMPLY sexuality, through being confident and direct about things, but coy about what happens behind closed doors.

But she has to have comfort to feel a sexual attraction.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Sep 7, 2018
Fuck This,

Thanks - I had a feeling as much, but I wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something. I've definitely noticed these past couple weeks that women that I have had great flirty eye contact and touch with there is a much more sexual vibe (bubble so to say).



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 18, 2018
Added bonus to touch, other guys who see it can get discouraged. It's like marking her in a way


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 1, 2019
Why do you need to be sexual in public in the first place? I know many girls are more reserved in public but completely switch it up behind closed doors and having too strong an approach may make some girls feel uncomfortable. What worked best for me was portraying myself in the sexiest way possible, getting in shape, wearing sexy clothes, to the point where either the woman would signal clearly that she was attracted and open to escalation or she would make the initial moves herself. Now I believe being on the front foot works great but you come across more attractive where you have the abundance mindset, and use the spezzatura attitude until you get her back to your place then you can step things up.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jun 3, 2019
NewBeeWinner said:
But is there a good way to verbally communicate that you're a sexual, safe guy in the initial conversation and opener? Or should you even do this (especially with a lot of people around)?


The winner here is sexual framing in the early stages. theres a lot written about the topic so i want go into details.

entry ways can be many and depends on HER VIBE primarily and secondly the situation (club allows for faster more explicit than daygame eg. if shes pumped)

i always inject
- I am discrete frames (Im one of the cool perceptive guys frame, safe/gets it/anti slut remover)
- i like when women are sexually expressive frames (Antislut frame).
Often its all i really need to get her to release her own sexual side.

Theres a lot more to it but this is one of the keys me and my circle uses. its field tested beyond belief. original guy behind it Captain Jack.