Stop Fixating On Game to Get Better


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 9, 2013
Hey homies, I hope everyone is doing well. So I've stumbled across something that I haven't seen on this website yet, and that is taking a break from game to get better. While this seems like a relatively self-explanatory and obvious thing, I'm willing to bet my reasoning behind it will surprise some of you. Not too long ago I was striking out with women. I thought to myself "how can this possibly be? I'm following everything our lord and savior Chase taught me to do!" Well after taking a break, I can confidently tell you the answer to that problem, and it isn't that Chase is wrong or teaching things that don't work. If you get too hard into this stuff, you think too much about it. It becomes more of an analytical process than an emotional one. And we all know women don't operate on logic when it comes to relationships or the opposite sex. So maybe you can see where I'm going with this, but basically I was just overthinking everything. My solution to this was to temporarily abandon almost everything I've ever been taught on here or other dating advice and to just "feel it out". I did whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. If it went against any dating advice I ever heard then oh well, I did it anyways. Honestly it was a liberating experience, and I honestly felt like I learned a lot in the process, as contrary as that might come across. It worked well, but after my short break I'm back into this harder than ever and it feels better than ever. So next time things aren't going your way for an extended period of time, I encourage you to try to take a break. Recenter yourself. Try some new things in the dating realm, even if you don't think they will work. You never know what might happen.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jun 9, 2019
i don't think game has a whole lot of effect during cold approach. sometimes it does. some girls are naturally very receptive to tactics (usually the hottest girls are most receptive to game), most aren't. most girls won't chase early on. most girls for ONS are looking for an attractive guy who escalates. the fundamentals are all that's really necessary: projecting a sexual state/sexual framing, eye contact, leading, logistics, vocal projection and tonality, proximity, negging 8+ girls and qualifying sixes and sevens, and appearance. deeper concepts like compliance and getting her chasing aren't really gonna come into play until you've had sex twice. that's when she's heavily invested, considering you got her off both times. a ONS is very little investment on behalf of chicks nowadays, especially the young ones.

Fuck This

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 24, 2015
Well said Atlas.

I think much of the success people have is reading the signals other people are giving. So many people here concentrate on what they are doing and miss the signals coming back.


Space Monkey
space monkey
May 23, 2013
This is really great and actually makes perfect sense when you think about it but the point is you're not supposed to think about it just f***** talk to the girl and find a way or make a way to sleep with her whatever it takes. The thing is there are legitimate variables that you and her have to overcome like public shaming or guilt. To me the point of gaming is to be my full self w/o any attachment to anyone or any outcome while strategically getting what I and her want which is to fuck.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 18, 2018
I understand what you guys mean but I have to disagree. Obviously fundamentals are important but you need game in order to calibrate to the situation. I am not a conventionally good looking guy, despite being attractive (so I hear). But I have blown some really pretty guy types out of the water because I understand game. They quite regularly muck up the law of least effort, keep orbiting,forget to move fast and all kinds of silly things. Like putting a girl on a pedestal, lol.

If you do not think about these things how do you calibrate between persistence and chasing? How do you recognize whether a girl is being aloof because of attainability issues or disinterest? How do you know when to escalate. How do you ask a girl out and via which medium etc. Etc.

It all comes down to game. You will strike out more often than not without and it will truly become an inefficient numbers game .


I agree that there is a point where you get overly obsessed and are too driven. I had this 3 weeks ago and it burned me out. I decided to take it easy and be whimsical about it in order to recover and yes even then I can get girls but mostly due to experience. It is important to relax I think.

Yesterday this guy from my gym who we should see as a natural who doesnt understand technical game, I can see him becoming obsessed and overly needy because of it. This is something to be wary about because it projects bad things.