Law of Power: Ignore the kinds of women you like but struggle with.

Indian Race Troll (IRT)

Jan 5, 2014
I just got done reading a book by Robert Greene called 48 Laws of Power, they say it is an instinct classic. In one of the laws of the book he says that you should learn to disdain things you cannot have. If Chase's posts and the pieces of wisdom written by Hector and Varoon are any indicators, then I will say that understanding power dynamics has a lot of carry over on to gaming and seducing women. Here is the law itself:

Law 36: Disdain things you cannot have, Ignoring them is the best revenge

By acknowledging a petty problem you give it existence and credibility. The more attention you pay an enemy, the stronger you make him; and a small mistake is often made worse and more visible when you try to fix it. It is sometimes best to leave things alone. If there is something you want but cannot have, show contempt for it. The less interest you reveal, the more superior you seem.

Occasionally guys will run into the situation where they have a "type" but that "type" is not as interested in them because they are not her "type". At times it could be because of the way you just are, maybe she comes from a culture that genuinely dislikes certain races or hates the kind of look you have. We have a thread pinned on how to get hot girls of any type but even the advice given tells you to put in more effort like making friends with her type.

What about the idea of actively ignoring women you fit the description of the kinds of women you are attracted with and forcing yourself to dislike them?

You happen to like blonde bombshells, next time you go to a bar you ignore even approaching them, as a matter of fact you approach their ethnic friends or darker friends.

You like Latinas but you actively ignore them at every given chance, turn cold, and avoid talking to them while talking to all other kinds of women instead.

You like girls who fit the mold of a former sorority party girl type, you ignore this very girl if you ever work with her or if she runs into some of the circles you run in.

You almost train yourself to show contempt and dislike for women you were initially attracted to but for some reason, some out of your control, it just isn't happening.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jun 9, 2019
Yeah the better looking you are the hotter girls you'll get. If you're not good looking or have shit game you need to game the girls you can get. But you better fucking level up. Who wants to keep fucking the same caliber chick all the time. Eventually you gotta accept that you can indeed have it, so long as it's in reach. I'm like a 7/10 and I know IG models are highly unlikely for me to get. So I don't even like that kind of girl. I don't know if I dislike her because I can't have her, but it's convenient to say the least. I can still get equally attractive natural beauties, which I prefer anway. But I used to not be able to get those girls. Game is what got me there. There aren't a whole lot of types you can't get as a normal looking guy with very good game.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 5, 2013
I understand the message of the original post.
However fom what I have seen, in most cases, it is not the fact that they have power over you, because you want them and behave in a bad, unattractive or uncalibrated way. Sometimes it is like that of course, mostly guys with less experience with scaricity with not that many girls in their life fall to this. But when a guy works on himself he does not get affected by this even if he meets a girl who is exactly his type only once a year.
The reason why most of us cannot get the kind of a girl we want is... as you mentioned... we are not her type (or we do not have what she wants). I have seen guys lacking looks or whatever "mainstream trait" have super good looking girl. I have seen guys with game get those kind of girls as well. But you cannot judge general ability of a regular football player based on what Lionel Messi can do. What I am trying to get to is that for vast majority of us, it is that we need to level up as mikey says. In whatever area, not just looks, but confidence, dominance, attractive body language, fashion, speech paterns, self-security... Not "ignore her" because "she has power over us".
In general, dating is fairly simple:
Is interested / isn't interested
Likes me / dislikes me
Is attracted / isn't attracted
Feels comfortable / does not feel comfortable
Is open to x,y,z / isn't open to x,y,z
And I dont want to devaluate the deeper concepts like keeping the frame, being present, eliciting values or abundance mentality. The basics are often enough to get a level higher - get a hair cut, get buffer/ slim down, improve posture, pay a genuine compliment, smile more/ dont have such a deadpan stare. Then once one you max out your presentation (looks), you can focus on other aspects with more care, like bettering the closing process or smoother dates, or better escalation.
It is not easy and there is definitely a limit, but we can all do the best we can to get the most out of what we have got.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Sep 21, 2016
I love Robert Greene's shit, and this is definitely a solid law.

Some things, you simply have no control over. And to attempt to fix a problem that you have little hand in is to surrender to it. To waste time and energy only makes the thing a greater presence in your mind and life, so ignoring it does you good.

I think so many guys do this with women in general. I just saw a social media comment on something to do with the bachelorette hooking up with multiple guys, and then making one guy look bad. The comment read, "don't try to understand women man".

There is utility in removing the challenge of understanding women... it's less work and in some ways more comfortable.

However, if pussy and solid relationships is what you're after, ignoring them to the fullest won't get you what you want. By learning women and eventually understanding women and what they want (of any type), you unlock a superior freedom in your personal frame and your interactions with them.

On another level, if you stop paying a girl attention when you've given her too much power, there's a stronger chance she'll come back to reengage with you (which comes from knowing when to back off with persistence).

With all of Greene's laws, context is very important in assessing the contents of power dynamics.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 18, 2018

I think by discounting a girl on her type you are already playing defense which is no way to win. How is this different from avoiding rejection? Nobody holds power over you unless you give them power. I think it is much more important to screen a girl fast whether she is truly interested or not. I think the biggest problem with your " type" is getting into a scarcity mindset and making too much excuses for the girl you like.

These days I notice that girls actually get surprised that I can next them quite fast and callously after testing them on compliance. I guess it doesn't happen that often to them.

Also it remains a number game. So betting on your " type" who you only encounter only once a year is not really a winning tactic.

Just take your shot, but know when to back off. However this requires experience and quite some time wasting with not so time worthy women in order to have some future reference.

Indian Race Troll (IRT)

Jan 5, 2014
I think I meant this in another way.

Say a guy is into dark haired girls with tans but does better with blondes and redheads, he is into Latinas but does better with white girls, he is into Asian girls but does well with all kinds of hot girls but them. What are your thoughts?

He is hot and all but he does better with certain kinds of women than others.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 5, 2013
So the message is: ignore your preferences and go for the ones which you do well with. This can be solid advice but I would be careful in which context it is applied.
I will give couple of examples.
Say, you have a guy who is into party chicks, likes the energy they have but he is so low energy that to these girls he feels super awkward in some social situations because he does not match the energy levels. The girls are stylish, good looking and hot. But he likes their energy more and their freedom. A girl with exact same looks but a bookworm like him does nothing for him for some reason. He does not feel the motivation to go for these. I would say that here the message applies because at the end of the day, this is hard to change and at core of who we are. If you are very introverted, in most cases you will not switch to being a fairly big extrovert (unless you want it so bad you would actually go against your nature).
Say you like blondes. The blonde hair is what you think does it for you, so you ignore all the other traits. The message should apply here as well because, let's face it, hair color is quite petty requirement when you have more complex factors at play.
Now.. if however you like stylish girls, the professionals because of how they dress, their ambitions, higher education but village girls with some extra weight and puffy faces are the ones who "you do well with", I would say don't apply the advice. The reason this happens is oftentimes difference in vibes and fundamentals... But going for girls you are not terribly attracted to or interested in just because they are "easy" for you does not bring wholealot of satisfaction for you nor the girl. So here you would need to change and improve.
If I take the message to the extreme, it would be like "you like girls but gays are the ones who 'you do well with'" then I guess go be gay. And I am sure you do not mean it in this extreme example but hopefully it shows my argument in more visible light.

To me this is part of more macro scale discussion on a topic which could be labeled as "dating strategy".
Which is something Chase addresses in that infamous guide thread on how to get the hot girl of any type. Whatever kind of a girl you want, you need to be the kind of a man this girl goes for. You will not sell an AK-47 to someone who wants to buy a TV to his living room.

Indian Race Troll (IRT)

Jan 5, 2014
One of my friends is a Jewish guy who used to do really well with all kinds of women but Jewish women, not a bad looking dude (no homo). At one point he was fucking the daylights out of the one blonde German chick who had a boyfriend that looked like Thad Castle. Every turn though, Jewish girls would be cold to him and not really give him the time of the day. What he ends up doing is giving them the cold shoulder, actively icing them out at every turn, and chasing all kinds of women but them, having luck with those women as a result.

Now he gets chased by some really hot Jewish chicks.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 18, 2018
Oh Pry,

It could be that Jewish girls immediately put him into the boyfriend category and because of that put walls of resistance. And maybe when your Jewish friend got older he became an irresistable marriagable prospect?

Indian Race Troll (IRT)

Jan 5, 2014
DarkKnight said:
Oh Pry,

It could be that Jewish girls immediately put him into the boyfriend category and because of that put walls of resistance. And maybe when your Jewish friend got older he became an irresistable marriagable prospect?

He's not a marriage prospect, he fucks em good.