How do girls view social guys, orbitors


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 18, 2018
I was just curious, observing at the gym this guy who kept engaging girls and kept being really talkative and social. But I never saw him pull or close. He really has this engaging but being careful kind of vibe, trying to use popularity maybe as leverage. I never noticed any kind of low key sexual vibe. Nothing.

How do girls view men like these exactly? Also I noticed with two girls that they were interested in conversation with me, but me being tired ( I had hard workouts) didnt feel like it. When this guy came along the feeling doubled. I just walked away to do something else. Suddenly these girls went to the lockers where I was at and were looking at me multiple times really obviously staring.

Do women actually understand that their guy friends are deterrents for potential suiters? Sometimes I have the idea that they are a little clueless about this. Thoughts?


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 17, 2018
DarkKnight dude! Guys like this typically don't know how to close. They are either boring guy who doesn't get it or witty interesting guy who doesn't get it such as an entertainer. He'll occasionally get somewhere but he doesn't go for what he wants. Guys like this typically keep trying to sell themselves an think if he talks enough and shows off how great he is a girl will want him an gets frustrated when it doesn't happen unless he's genuinely social.

Girls usually aren't attracted to guys like this even if they don't know why. Try hard? Coming on to strong? Never stops showing how great he is? Unless he's charismatic an engaging with great story telling or a strong social vibe it's boring an plain. They'll be seen as weak an wanting something without having the ball's to stop beating about the bush.

Some girls are totally clueless about this being a deterrent an others are well clued up. Some of it depends on social dynamic, oh he's samantha's boyfriend I'll have to talk to him. Some of them will brush them off quickly especially if he's a social burden... I don't care if a went to school with him he's an idiot!! Girls are usually better tuned up for this so it's a mystery to me how they can be clueless to guy friends being a deterrent.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 18, 2018
So I´ve been really busy with life, already responded to Flux by PM though. I kind of agree with his thoughts, and I guess orbitors will keep staying around and you have to pre-empt them (if you are interested). Interesting thing however is that these orbitors usually go for the sub-par girls. There is something about the really hot girls never being approached. Lol


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 17, 2018
DarkKnight dude! Orbiters will always stick around, it's beneficial for the girls and some guys just don't get it at all an will watch her get with guys that aren't him and despite how annoyed and frustrated he is won't leave. They will step back mostly on frustration but they'll be there any moment to comfort her if they smell blood in the water...

Ya will find in most cases these guys will even submit to you because she likes you. Others might kick up a fuss to derail ya but usually guys this far in the friend zone are submissive in nature and won't do much about it. If they do they're white knighting but once ya through the initial phase they're not much of a hurdle.

I find even really hot girls have orbiters they just handle them differently. A lot depends, they might have orbiters from social circle when they're younger but don't keep them around as much later in life. I had a first hand encounter of this Friday night, a really hot/attractive girl was out with 4 guys. We locked eyes an had a lot of attraction towards each other and she quickly darted round her friends to get close to me, a huge AI then she noticed there was a girl in my group as soon as she was next to me an put her attention to her guy friends.

I didn't like her behaviour at all an didn't approach. I met other girls an she soon realised the girl in my group wasn't something in the way an tried desperately hard to get my attention but she made her bed already. I left with another girl later on. This aside this hot young girl had orbiters which a can only assume is from social circle from her school/college. I doubt she'll hang about that much later in life when she realises these guys are a liability to her if she's still single. Girls have a much shorter expiration date to men dude!!