How do you date the adventurous girl that's been everywhere?


Jun 26, 2019
I'm open to being pointed in the right direction if anyone has some links (articles or boards) that may point to this topic.

I met this amazing girl and we've bumped into each other a couple of times in the wild but often, it's been in a business or networking setting. We did have casual drinks together once a few weeks ago so she can get some business advice from me but we did share some good laughs and life stories. Our next time out is also business but planning on escalating til fail or success.

So the thing is, this girl comes from money it seems (maybe not A LOT but the difference is clear) and I do not. Her ex comes from REAL money and they traveled all over to exotic locations, hiking and nice picnics, skiing trips, and the best restaurants and hotels both domestic and international (she added me on FB, saw the pics, and she only briefly mentioned him once). I think the dude owned a boat or at least had access to a nice posh one that she seemingly was in every other weekend. She's casually mentioned how much she used to travel and loved it and is a foodie.

Since they broke up (don't know when), she's traveled less but still does and basically has been to all of my "secret date spots" haha. So how do you take out a girl who's lived 'the life' already by her early-twenties and has been to all those exotic and even the non-exotic local date spots you've curated over the years? Seems hard to top and I gotta say, as rare as it is, I'm a little intimidated. I haven't shown it. And she's fucking hot with a closet of fine clothes with access to exclusive spots that I don't.

More BG: I'm black from lower-middle class who had a good corporate gig in insurance and then consulting but has gone entrepreneurship so very low on funds. In fact, had to move in w/ my two cousins in the suburbs away from the action and nightlife (yeah logistics tend to be a nightmare but HotelTonight app has been a godsend). I haven't traveled in a couple of years and rarely eat out much to save for my startup. We're all in Miami. The girl lives in a nice apartment on Miami Beach (always on the beach or in a pool) and is from South America. We originally met through a networker event and she wants me to advise her on business and entrepreneurship.

I've dated older successful women who's done it all and used my younger guy with passion and good head on his shoulder frame before as well as the good times no stress or commitment frame. I've dated young girls who are college and working through college and have frames for that. This just seems different. I don't have a frame for this.

Fuck This

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 24, 2015
Go for the NSA-passionate Sex approach. Make her feel hot and sexy. Go for the first date lay and give her the night of her life. If you do it right, she will be taking YOU on vacation.


Jun 26, 2019
Fuck This said:
Go for the NSA-passionate Sex approach. Make her feel hot and sexy. Go for the first date lay and give her the night of her life. If you do it right, she will be taking YOU on vacation.

Ha. Maybe I'm too green to be on the general board but what's NSA?...besides National Security Agency.

So location and date venue doesn't matter? And any tips or links to 'night of her life' is always appreciated. That was the initial idea. Be different. be bold. be intriguing. be fun. always easier said than done of course.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jun 9, 2019
Dude if you wanna get good with one girl get good with girls. You have an inner game issue. You identify to heavily with your upbringing and insecurities. You need to have the same sense of entitlement as if you're dad was a famous athlete or ceo and you grew up with extreme wealth. Swinggcat had the most succinct inner game chapter i've seen. Here it is. This is from the first real world seduction which is available for free. Great read in my opinion. Anyway here's the chapter.

By now you should have, at the very least, some idea of what frames and
meta-frames are. You might even be able to recognize certain frames and
meta-frames in male/female interactions. But you might be wondering how to
actually set, maintain, and control these frames and meta-frames. I know l
used to. I can remember being in situations with women knowing that they
were either controlling the meta-frame or taking control of it from me, yet
feeling powerless to do anything about it. If you have been there before, don't
worry. I am about to teach you a powerful four-step method for controlling the

Step 1: Defining the meta-frame:
The first step to controlling the meta-frame is to set the meta-frame.
This is defining the overall underlying in meaning of the interaction.
If you do not set the meta-frame--define the overall underlying meaning of the
interaction--the woman will define it for you. In my experience, letting a
woman be the one to define the overall underlying meaning of your interaction
with her (Ietting her set the meta-frame), will drastically decrease your
chances of sleeping with her (note: I am not saying that one has to be
controlling. What l am saying is that one needs to be in control and conscious
of how this underlying meaning is defined).
Here is an example, I personally use, of defining the overall underlying
meaning of the interaction:
1. You are the PRIZE.
2. She is trying to get you to like her or trying to win you over--whether it be
in the sense of attraction, acceptance or validation.
3. She wants you so bad that she is trying to make you sleep with her.
4. The both of you are going to sleep together, but only if she lives up to your
standards and expectations.

Step 2: Assume the meta-frame in advance
A big part of setting frames is assuming the meta-frame with a woman before
you even talk to her. This means that if l am in a bar and spot a really
beautiful woman, before even approaching her l will tell myself that no matter
how she reacts to me l know that the underlying meaning of our interaction is
going to be this:
1. I am the PRIZE.
2. She is trying to get me to like her or trying to win me over--whether it be in
the sense of attraction, acceptance or validation.
3. That she wants me so bad that she is trying to make me sleep with her.
4. The both of us are going to sleep together, but only if she lives up to my
standards and expectations.
Put another way, I assume before even talking to her that the underlying
meaning of all of her behaviours and actions when l do talk to her will fit into
my meta-frame.
What l recommend you doing is rehearsing our definition of the meta-frame, in
the same way that you would rehearse affirmations. This way you will
condition yourself to automatically assume the meta-frame before even
interacting with a woman.

, - -
Deep down most somewhat to really attractive women ASSUME that most
men would sleep with them in a second if they had the opportunity. They
assume in most cases that they are choosing (or better yet, accepting) the
guy, and that he is just going along for the ride.
There are several cases of human courtship that both exemplify and make it
easy for women to assume this:
1). The man traditionally asks the woman to dance. She can either accept or
reject the offer.
2). The man traditionally asks the woman out on a date. She can either accept
or reject the offer.
3). The man traditionally asks the woman for her hand in marriage. She can
either accept or reject the offer.
Perhaps this is why women who are interested in a guy, usually don't try to
win the guy over.
Instead they attempt to get the guy to win them over.
For example, when many beautiful women find themselves attracted to a
man, instead of approaching him, they will do things to get him to notice them,
hoping that he will approach them.
This is a brilliant frame because even though they were the ones who were
originally interested in the guy, they turn it around by making it up to the guy
to try to win them over.
This is powerful because not only does it ASSUME that the man likes them, it
assumes that he is trying to be chosen or accepted by them. When we think
about it like this, it makes men seem like approval seeking puppy dogs,
doesn't it?
Women knowing that they are the ones who usually do the choosing is a
double-edged sword. On one edge they have this great power of knowing that
most men will easily buy into the frame that women are the PRIZE. But this
leads the other edge of the sword abound with insecurities.
For one, women often times have a gnawing fear that a man is only sleeping
with them because they chose or accepted him--and that maybe, he does not
even really like them.
For two, often times if a man views a woman too much as the PRIZE and is
willing to jump through a bazillion hoops for her in hopes of winning her over,
she will begin to see him as having little value and self-worth. She will begin to
think to herself, why does he feel the need to do all of these things for me?
Thoughts will begin racing through her mind such as, do l really want to be
with a self-worthless needy desperate man? Many women refer to what l am
talking about as "trying too hard".

For these reasons, it is my feeling that when a man first meets a woman, one
of the best things he can do is to not choose (or only tentatively choose or
accept) her, before she has a chance to decide if she is going to choose him.
This is one of the best ways to set our meta-frame:
1. That you are the PRIZE.
2. That she is trying to get you to like her or trying to win you over--whether it
be in the sense of attraction, acceptance or validation.
3. That she wants you so bad that she is trying to make you sleep with her.
4. The both of you are going to sleep together, but only if she lives up to your
standards and expectations.
Furthermore, even if she does not buy into your meta-frame right away, "not
choosing her" preempts her from not choosing you.
Perhaps this sheds light on why many women are attracted to guys who are
assholes. Often times when a man ignores women and acts like an asshole,
they think: why doesn't he accept me, what is wrong with me, how can l get
him to accept me?
We will talk more about how to do this in proceeding chapters (especially the
chapters in the third part of this book, which relate to the art of coquetting).
Guys, this took me years to figure out. But seriously, it is so powerfuI.
Okay...moving forward....

Step 4: Setting frames that implicate the Meta-Frame
Do you remember what frames are? They are the underlying meaning of
behaviours and actions. You might also remember that frames implicate the
Put in other words, the way in which the underlying meanings of peoples'--
whether it be yours' or the girI's or both--behaviours and actions get defined,
implicates an overall underlying meaning of the interaction.
What this means is that you need to be conscious of how you set frames: that
is, how you define the underlying meaning of the behaviours and actions of
both you and the woman you are interacting with.
There are probably countless frames or ways of defining the underlying
meaning of behaviours and actions that imply or fit inside of our meta-frame.

Here are some of the ones that l use:
1. Framing one or more of her actions, behaviours, or things about her as
meaning that she is not good enough for me or cannot handle me (this
implicates that l am the PRIZE, and that l might not go for her because she
falls short of my standards and expectations).
2. Framing one or more of her actions as her being interested or trying to
pursue me (this implicates that l am the PRIZE, that she is trying to win me
over, that she wants to sleep with me, and etc.).
3. Framing one or more of her behaviours or actions as her being a little
crazy (when a woman is trying to get you to buy into a frame and you view
it as her saying something really out there, or as something that has no
place in objective reality, it inoculates the frame and let’s her know that
you are unwilling to buy into it).
4. When framing her behaviours, actions, or something about her as
meaning that she lacks class, it implicates many great things, one of which
is that l am the one who is the PRIZE in the interaction.
5. Framing her behaviours, actions, or something about her, as meaning that
she is a goober (slang for someone who is socially inept), implicates lots of
good stuff. One is that since l am cool and she is a goober, I get to judge
her behaviours but, since she is a goober, she is ill fit to judge mine. Two
is that it sets me up as being the one who is the PRIZE in the interaction.
6. Accusing her of not really living the life that she wants to live (or accusing
her of being envious of me). Both of these are great ways of implicating
that l am the one who is the PRIZE.
7. Framing some of her behaviours, actions or things about her as meaning
that she is a little creepy (girls often times call guys creepy and there is
nothing that messes with a girl worse than me letting her know that l think
she is a little creepy. God l love this one). This one can be used to
implicate that she wants me but that l would never go for her because she
falls short of my standards and expectations.
8. Framing some of her behaviours, actions, or things about her as meaning
that she is a sleaze balI (this is another great way to implicate that she
wants me but that l am not so sure if she will live up to my standards and
9. Framing her behaviours and actions as being rude or insensitive (this
implicates that she is not living up to my standards and expectations).
Damn this is good; I am getting excited just writing about it.
Notice that many of these frames are the frames that women set with guys.
So, I am taking many of the frames they use to turn guys into frustrated
pathetic beggars, on them. This is extremely powerful--specially if you can get
them to laugh while you are doing this. As l mentioned earlier, when they are
laughing, their guard is down meaning that they are more apt to go along with
the frames you are setting.


Jun 26, 2019
naturalmikey said:
Dude if you wanna get good with one girl get good with girls. You have an inner game issue. You identify to heavily with your upbringing and insecurities. You need to have the same sense of entitlement as if you're dad was a famous athlete or ceo and you grew up with extreme wealth. Swinggcat had the most succinct inner game chapter i've seen. Here it is. This is from the first real world seduction which is available for free. Great read in my opinion. Anyway here's the chapter.

Inner Game

You're absolutely right. Those demons and voices that creep up every so often. Definitely need to work on that some more.

Also feeds into me not pushing fast enough and missing escalation opportunities too often. Working on that too.