Night Game: Fast Escalation, Pulls, Bathroom Pulls

Grand Pooba

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Dec 6, 2012
What are the signs you night gamers see that indicate a girl is ready for a fast escalation, quick pull, or a bathroom pull in a bar or club?

How do you seed the bathroom pull?

Fuck This

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 24, 2015
When she mentions she is staying in the hotel the bar is in.

When she becomes physically affectionate when you get alone.

When she mentions that she needs a ride home.

When she is leaving and she asks me to walk her out.

when she mentions how loud it is in the club/bar


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 17, 2018
Grand Pooba dude! Physically affectionate, a lot of compliance, a huge it's on moment. A few times a have had a girl put my hand between her legs. If she does this I'm definitely making a move to make a exit with her or hit the bathroom.

Not every girl will make it that obvious but I find there's a look in her eye or gut instinct that a get. Fast escalations usually just have the passion dial turn up with very little resistance an ya can lead it.

Seeding the bathroom pull is leading them there or ya can ask if they want to get of the dancefloor or away from the bar or wherever ya at. It depends on the venue with where they are it's handling the logistics again if ya can lead her towards them while escalating it's the next logical step!

Hope that makes sense dude!


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Sep 21, 2016

Tried to bring my writing skills in this answer - hope this covers all the bases!


Woman's arousal is like a crock pot, and men's is like a microwave.

A microwave is fast and prepares meals quickly. You pop your meal in, it gets zapped, and voilà! Your sausage is ready! The man puts himself under the right stimulus and boom - ready to go.

A crock pot cooks it's meals low and slow, but for this reason stays at a warmer temperature for a longer time. It slowly becomes steamy, and simmers all the ingredients until finally, dinner is prepared. Experienced foodies know that even when the food looks about ready, that last 5% is still needed before you can enjoy your cuisine (;

Most men, when they stumble upon a sexual prospect can get themselves ready in a jiffy. If they have the know how to recognize sexual indicators, or in the more extreme example of an aggressive woman who throws herself at a man - their dick does most of the thinking. Boners are "popped", my friends. Doesn't take long.

Woman on the other hand, usually require a bit more. Typically it's a combination of factors that allow them to come into their sexual state. Things like screening, keeping reputation amongst their friends, and having fat girls who they go out with are all road blocks down arousal lane in the mind of a woman.

Sometimes, you'll stumble into your family's kitchen and the crockpot's already been cooking... the foods almost done.

And sometimes, you'll stumble upon a woman, and she's just really fucking horny.

The "Fast Escalation State"

I've noticed a few things about girls who want really fast pulls. They just have that look that says "I wanna fuck".

If she's in a "fast escalation state", her heat as already slowly been building for a while, and dinners either ready for enjoying or almost ready.

They're usually smiling, with their eyes somewhat widely opened in an alert sort of way... as if they're scouting / searching for a cock.

They'll give plenty of typical IOI's:

  • Checking you out
  • Turning their head and/or body towards you
  • Dilated pupils
  • Arching their body
  • Using wide movement
  • Allowing close proximity
  • Responding well to or reciprocating touch

If you see a girl out at the bar, and she just looks ready, she may be in a fast escalation state. She's "primed".

She may be ovulating. Or maybe some other seducers started getting her turned on and then became distracted, or were simply using her for preselection. Maybe she's been fantasizing of recent, and would love nothing more than a hard, juicy cock stuffed in her pussy.

I can't tell why she's horny, but she is.

That makes it your job to give her what she wants.

I also can't tell you the number of girls I've lost because I failed to recognize this and respond accordingly.

We'll start talking, they'll immediately started holding me, sometimes already giving me doe eyes, and in any other scenario I'd think "time to fuck".

But instead I'll obfuscate myself in my head by thinking, "this is too fast, there's no way I can just walk up and take this girl".

That's probably societal programming to some degree, or perhaps the technical pick-up mind overgaming and saying, "I have to go from A to C to S to Z" instead of simply recognizing that here, before me, is a girl who's literally at step fucking X, and moments away from a heavy escalation with SOMEBODY.

If you consider yourself to have decently high empathy, consider that your arousal is connected to her arousal. If my approach starts rushing blood to my dick, I assume that she's been turned on by the engagement as well to some degree.

In scenarios like this, listen to your dick.

Pulling "Primed" Girls

These pulls are 90% Arousal, 5% Approach, 5% Logistics.

If you find a girl like this, then decide that she meets your standards, fucking MOVE.

Your initial approach should be somewhat aggressive. Immediately break the touch barrier. Screen her to see how drunk she is. If she passes, move. Don't waste time "screening her logistics".

You must not give a fuck.

You may decide to escalate on the spot, right there in front of people. That's fine.

After you're done, lead her to a secluded location as quickly as possible.

Then, fuck her brains out.


I recommend approaching somewhat high energy, as if to whisk her off of her feet. Take her by the hand, arm, or waste (depending on what you think she is ready for) and look into her with a smile. Ask, "what's your name?" with a devilish grin. This will tell you very quickly if she's primed.

If she's not, expect a fast rejection - that was a bad read by you. Take responsibility for your mistake and learn from it.

If she is, she will likely beam back at you, since you're giving her exactly what she wants. Pull her into you so your bodies are touching. Ask her basic questions - you're not here to listen to her life story. "What's your name?" or "how's your night?" or "where has this night taken you?" (and where is it about to? ;P ) are all fine.

If she's primed, and you're an attractive, sexy guy with good fundamentals, every second you are there touching her, talking with her, literally just being with her she's becoming more aroused

Assuming it's ON, you will feel the vibe, and the air permeating with sex. It's either there or it isn't.

Logistics and Transitions

Again, assuming that she's plenty aroused for you, you now simply have a question to answer:

"Where are we fucking?"

At that point you can do one of two things.

1). Tell her you're going back to your house, and that you want to fuck her. She knows exactly what it is, and you're telling her what you can provide her. Personally, I like telling girls that I want them to cum all over my dick - since, I just love it when girls do that. You tie hypersexualizing in with a leading command to come home with you, and cross your fingers it's not too jarring that ASD stops her from doing it. If she's horny enough, she will come.

2). Fuck her in the bathroom (or an alley, or say, the boiler room). This can be done one of two ways, at least in my experience.

  • Ask her, "Have you ever fucked in a bathroom?" with a devilish grin on your face, and pull her into you. Proceed to lead as usual and tell her you two should. This is to win over her emotional arousal side, since most girls logically have never done that. Maybe some really "woke" girls you could convince it's all just societal programming (and it is), but for most girls it will have to be an emotional appeal. This may take some token resistance, but so long as you continue escalating and getting her pussy wet as you ask she'll be overcome with arousal and eventually say yes.

  • Take her by the hand, tell her "come with me", and lead her into the bathroom. Just do it. This is more direct, and the most intense. If she is captured by your world, your vibe, and the thought of your cock inside of her, then you can be this aggressive. I do NOT recommend this with girls that are questionably drunk - it's simply too blurred of lines.

There's also wild cards to worry about - she might have friends she suddenly has to tell where she is / doesn't want to abandon. Alek has written a good bit on that, but that's a separate issue entirely, as "primed girls" won't give a shit about their friends at that point.

Keep It High Arousal

Since these types of lays are 90% arousal, 5% logistics, and 5% approach, you have to keep the arousal high at all times.

Your biggest obstacle in any scenario here is the arousal spike plummeting.

You can keep her engaged by doing shit like:

  • Stopping mid conversation (if conversation is still necessary) to kiss
  • Stopping during the walk to make-out
  • Walking with your hand underneath her pants and grabbing her ass as you walk
  • Making out in the back of the uber

Hook Her with a Make-out

I would suggest pulling her in for a make-out as quick as possible. This hooks her into you emotionally, for the moment. You are now the thing in her attention as a hot, confident man who is suddenly the primary candidate for what she wants: sex.
It also establishes to all the other guys in the bar / club who is with her tonight.

However, once there's "blood", other guys will smell it like sharks.

This ties in a lot with instinctive game. If you go up to a girl and are able to recognize she's ready for a fast / aggressive escalation, you're not alone there. Other guys will smell that and jump on it, especially if they're experienced.

So remember, hold her close once she's hooked in. And this is just another reinforcer to move, move, move.

I know Chase has a rule about "don't kiss her until she's at your house / in a secluded location", but I think that works for more slow, tension building, and "longer" seductions.

In my opinion, Chase's rule applies to smoking a cigar, slow... with a subtle burn.

Whereas these types of lays are like firecrackers - fast - and high intensity.

Don't Plummet

Always keep her engaged, and engaged physically.

After you hook her in for a kiss, be sure to pull off first and hold her close. She needs to feel like what you just did to her is going to continue and get better. It's much like an alcohol buzz actually. If you keep drinking, you will continue to enjoy the effects of alcohol for the night. If your BAC starts to plummet, so does your buzz and the fun of the drink and you wind up getting tired.

If you don't keep escalating with her either in the venue or on the way somewhere else, she's gonna lose the excitement of this rapid, high intensity fun you're giving her.

One way around this is as you're talking with her, do shit like pull her close and touch her back, rub her arms, rub her legs, grab her ass, and even rub her pussy. You want her to feel you basically at all times. In my experience even slight "touch withdrawal" feels like abandonment to the girl.

You're the drug she just took in an already high stimulus environment - don't take that away from her!

Alcohol is an Important Caveat

One very important note to touch on (especially with night game) is alcohol.

At the bar, girls in this mood have likely been drinking. They might be drunk.

Let it be clear I mean like a casual drunk - there's alcohol in her system.

Some girls get casually drunk as a way to create plausible deniability for themselves, if they want dick that night. "Oh, I was just drunk".

Casually drunk does NOT mean doing anything like swaying, having bad balance, having lowered eyelids, or slurring, and I by no means condone getting with girls who are fucked up like that.

I get really turned off by drunk-drunk chicks, so usually it's not hard for me to screen out girls like this from visuals and the vibe she gives off. When you're asking her some simple questions it will tell you based off her tone and delivery how "good" she is.

If she seems to have her shit together, smooth sailing. If not, I would back off. Don't smash chicks who are smashed.

Also, don't get that drunk yourself.

Especially when following a general rule of "listen to your dick", I would be careful. The drunk mind is cloudy - and especially if you haven't gotten off in a while.

People already project their realities enough as it is, and when you're drunk you're just harder to convince otherwise of what is happening in front of you.


This is your typical seduction reduced to about 2-15 minutes. That's about all the time you have. Yes it can happen that fast.

So remember, every second counts, and every second she's with you she needs to feel you escalating with her.

Keep it simple.

These fast pulls are some of the most fun lays there are, in my opinion. They're just so damn exciting. It really is the "it just happened so fast!" for both parties involved. The girl, assuming you handle things after correctly will highly admire you for your confidence, directness, and sensitivity of how you found her how she was - hungry for cock - and fed it to her.

These pulls are the conquests you look back on and laugh about.

So get out there, and navy seal operation that bitch out of the club and back to your place.

Or perhaps, ravage some random girl in the stall while other people are washing there hands next to you.

It'll make her night. (;

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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jun 9, 2019
When she says “your hot” and she can’t keep her hands off you. If she’s ready to fuck you in five minutes she won’t be keeping it a secret.

I remember one girl I pulled within about a minute. I was smoking a cigarette against a wall alone. I’m sure I looked like a badass lol. This chick, who I ended up despising, was like “your hot” i was like “thanks you too. wanna go back to my house.” She was like “yes.” It doesn’t really sound possible. But horniness is very motivating in the moment for females. Also within a couple minutes it can be gone. Act when she’s horny. Drop anything gamey. Try to get her to a sex location and she will enthusiastically comply.