Attainability and intimidation


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 17, 2018
I think I've got some attainability and possibly intimidation issues that I'm looking to fix dudes!

A contributing factor might be my physique, I hit the gym regularly and have noticed while working on my fundamentals that this has helped get a lot more attention and attraction from girls. I'm not massive but I've put on some size lately that my friends commented how I'm looking bigger and better lately.

When a was out the other night I would get a lot of AIs and IOIs but found whenever I approached these girls they'd be very nervous and I struggled to get any success with any of these girls. Am not unapproachable I actually got opened up by a few girls that night so am not really intimidating.

A former lover told me a while back she found it intimidating how attractive she found me and have had a few girls cancel dates on me or go ghost who come back an ask for second chances who usually say they panicked that they liked me so much. I always thought it was a load of shit to please my ego but it's happening regularly so I need to fix something!!

I rekindled with an ex earlier this year, after hooking up a few times we went on a date, an a swear she run faster than bolt at the end of the date to get away from me. A thought I must have made a huge mistake somewhere during the date but 2 minutes later she text saying sorry she didn't mean to do that she just panicked and insisted on setting up another date...

Any thoughts on this dudes?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 15, 2018
I just want to note here that interestingly you somehow, magically were able to write a message with perfect, high-English spelling. Wow. What has happened? As if I were not reading you, based on my expectations on your previous posts. As if with your previous posts, but not with this one, you were sub-communicating you don't really want people to carefully read and understand what you put that much effort into writing. Which is kind of counter productive, but I hope you know what you are doing. I for one have had quote a hard time deciphering your previous posts, though. (Case in point.)


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 17, 2018
Space dude! What's happened is seppuku mentioned in a recent reply to me ma posts would read better if I changed ma a to a I and ma an to a and. I put it on ma wall so I write what I want and then make the changes. I also forget who it was now but they mentioned to cut out the ya and yah.

It looks like it's helped! I don't think there's anything wrong with the case and point you linked, I understand what I mean but a few people have said they find me difficult to understand so I will work on it!

Fuck This

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 24, 2015
Try turning up the warmth in your approaches. I've been told I'm intimidating from a physical appearance stand point, but I can always get a smile returned from a girl when we make eye contact. Think of it like you are greeting a younger child. Without Baby talk.

And yes, I remember those girls who got giggly and nervous around me. Mostly in high school. I never could turn up the heat on them and escalate.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 17, 2018
Thanks fuck this dude! I will be out tonight so I'll try to be warmer. Getting a smile back when making eye contact hasn't been an issue though it's how nervous and shy they are when I talk to them. I don't even get chance to turn up the heat and escalate some times.

About 3 weeks ago out at a club there was this rather hot girl, we made eye contact a few times and she always smiled, she walked by me and gently brushed by my arm and started dancing next to me. An AI if I had ever got one so I approached.. she acted shy, didn't know what to do, said hi back and then grabbed her friend and danced with her.

A couple nights ago I got talking to another girl who seemed very shy and nervous but I kept warm and persisted. I started to deep dive and got more investment and compliance from her an isolated her. We hit a high point on the conversion so a started to set up a date and get her number. She got very awkward about the number just said she was on Facebook and then went off with her friends.

Sometimes this happens to quickly for it to be a mistake like the first example. Occasionally girls who act like this come back later on or their friend comes over for her and asks me to go back to her. Sometimes I will but I'm always thinking this tells them I'll accept this nonsense.

I will try the greeting a younger child thing an see how it goes, thanks dude!


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 17, 2018
The warmer approach and greeting like a younger child is a work in progress. I got mixed results trying it but ma results were the same not that a can really comment after trying it for one night. - night game in a club.

I thought I would give an update because I got the same thing twice - pre open with good eye contact, one with an AI and the other I just approached. They were nervous/shy still on the greeting but would talk and dance. Got good compliance/investment- they would give me there hand if I held my hand out, would show me tattoos or jewellery if I asked to see or just took there arm to look, they would move in close to talk to me, they'd come closer if I tapped my ear, they'd move, dance and follow my lead which is usual even before trying to be warmer.

I would be escalating an running a ladder, stepping back down when encountered resistance and working back up. One of the girls then excused herself and the other one I set up a date and walked away because I thought it was too slow and she was being very shy. I feel she'll flake but she seemed very excited about the date. De Ja vu!! Even after resistance they would still give the same compliance/investment so am confused what am screwing up...

Any thoughts on what am doing wrong? Just seem to be in shit form the past couple months

Fuck This

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 24, 2015
Sounds like not enough comfort before escalating.

I have women initiating kino with me long before I ever show carnal intent. Even though I'm a doppelganger of a professional wrestler, my nice guy nature comes out.
One examples:

A woman in a workout class who I've seen twice. I know she has a model-triathlete younger boyfriend but she consistently makes eye contact with me, initiates conversations, and watches me in the mirror during exercises. Believe me I check her out plenty too since she is the best looking one in there. Out of all the women in that class she is the only one who has come and patted me on the shoulder and told me "nice job" after an ass kicking workout. I don't kid myself that I'm gonna steal her from her boy toy, but I must be putting out a comfortable vibe because none of the other guys in the classes get so much as a glance or comment. I've built that comfort because we related to each other about kids and her upbringing and things we have in common. I did not give her a great deal of detail about my personal situation so I think there is an element of curiosity on her part...

One SNL, when introduced by a friend, I engaged her about another friend we had in common shortly upon meeting. The female friend who introduced us was a friendzoned female. Instant comfort. Had her cuddling up within 2 hours, Kiss close at 2.5 hours, invitingly groped in 3, once alone sealed the deal. Comfort first...

Consider withdrawing a bit to make her chase if she seems nervous. Reward her with attention when she does. Talk less. Let her do most of the talking. Demonstrate that you aren't going to judge her, and reward her when she opens her self up.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 17, 2018
Thanks fuck this dude! Worst part is it took me a while to stop being a nice guy! Sometimes it still comes out. That might explain the drastic 50/50 I'm getting with some interactions going great and others going to shit! Same preselection stuff and even using approaches from AIs as a control still a 50/50

A never once considered withdrawing, only in terms of stopping escalating entirely. I will give it a go dude!

Am also curious what wrestler ya doppelganger for a get told I look like Rollins. Long hair an beard a guess! Still working on the John Morrison/mundo physique though!