Text Game Requires Patience


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 22, 2019
So I essentially got this girls number after literally a five minute conversation. Compliment, then short conversation, then going direct "hey I think you're cute are you single?" Etc.

Basically though, in 12 days, we've sent a combined total of 40 text messages to date. That's on average 4 a day, but there were a few days we have not talked. The last time I spoke to her was 3 days ago. I've initiated each and every time. However, I was texting at her pace and her quantity just to feel it out since our interaction was short.

Today, after 3 days of not talking to her, I asked her how she was doing. She responded and then added that if I still wanted to get coffee sometime with her she would be down.

I'm baffled.

She takes forever to respond to me, never initiates, seemed mild enthusiastic, but yet here she is responding. I was getting ready to drop this girl.

If there is one thing dating advice people need to teach is the time frame between interactions and when to know you're ready to escalate. There is such a skewed idea how fast texting needs to go down in order to setup for a date. It could take days or weeks depending on the quality of the initial interaction. I know texting is all about setting up a date, but what I think isn't understood is that you can't just come out and say "hey lets do this" especially if the girl hardly knows you.

The golden rule that is never wrong: If she's still there, she is interested. Welp, lets see if this works out.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 25, 2019
Hey man, if I were you I would pick up Chase's e-book on texting. I think it's only like $13 and it'll change your results dramatically.

Before when I would get girl's numbers or try to message them online I couldn't get a response to save my life. Now I've gone on 2 dates last month and within the next few days I've got 2 dates scheduled. Before all of that, nodda.

The best piece of advice I can give is to move fast and don't hide your intentions. I believe by the second or third text you should be asking her out (although it is recommended that you ask her out BEFORE you get her number, applies both online and in real life). In his book Chase says that your texts should only have two objectives: build rapport and comfort or to set up a meeting, that's it. Setting up a meeting is your #1 goal and building rapport is necessary only if you think she needs it.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Feb 17, 2015
I always shoot for around an average of 10 texts max from meet to first date. If first date doesn’t happen in 7 days I trash the number. I generally follow chases texting advice articles nearly word for word and have been for, idk 6 years now.
