Hector Gets This Wrong. :O


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

Chase is going to hate me for this. He noted to me many months back not to use clickbait and capital letters too much. But i like to warn all pickup artist and naturals. Sorry Hector!

Needs to address this because this is a concern.

For naturals, they think that girls see everything. :) For pickup artist, this is not as common, but we put too much stock on women can see everything.

Women are good at two things. Fucking Cunts XD

- assimilating to the largest or winning tribe
- gives the assumption that they know everything.

I think i am the only man on this universe who see this. unless the idea is to manipulate other men, by men. Yes, this is what high level men do, without recognizing. (You fuckers).

So all of you, KNEEL! *Loki's voice*
p.s: i am blessed with this gift that i see the small nuances. Which i hope to help as many people as possible, to navigate this manipulative world.
