How to interpret girls that are working?


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 14, 2019
Hi everyone,

So I was wondering on your perspective on girls that are working. The reason I thought this was interesting is because people that are working are paid to be nice. There was this girl at my gym who I had really strong eye contact with and I did felt there was something there. But I found it hard to figure out if she is just nice or interested. Any thoughts?


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

You never really know whether she is nice because she likes you.

I recommend building strong fundamentals if you want to
date girls who are working.

It's a lot of nuances. You waste a lot of time when you are starting out. And you still waste time as you get better.

Make it simple. Take it as a business sales funnel. You try to get them if you can quickly, because there's a lot of bullshit involve.

Then if you can't get them early, have a Facebook pixel. if they are around you, good. Otherwise you have to throw bait. Basically it's more of throwing baits.

Women are doing that shit. Might as well do it to them. It's really weird but that's what it it.



Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 14, 2019
Hi Zac,

I am pretty new to this. So this is going to be a newbie questions, but what do people mean when they say fundamentals? I think on this forum we tend to forget that women are people too and they might be scared of rejection as well. So flirting to gauge how attractive you are to the opposite sex without risking to get rejected is an understandable thing. Even though you might mislead the other person big time.

So to get more into detail there is this cute girl that works on Saturday. I go to that gym often and it seems I have seen her twice on a Saturday. My brain kind of does that remembering these thing when I am interested in something or someone. I hate wasting time so I thought I would just get straight to the point and ask if she has a boyfriend as quickly as possible in the conversation. Depending on the answer and the way she says it I want to figure out if she's interested in dating me by asking her out to get a drink. That's the plan for now I don't have a lot of experience asking a girl out, so are there more things I should consider?



Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 14, 2019
To add some context. It's not like she doesn't know my existence. We have exchanged eye contact, greeted a few times and had a short conversation when my brother lost the keys to our lock. It kind of feels right, but you never know until I ask her out. That's my logic at least


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 14, 2019
Shit I sounded insecure,
I think I know my problem. I need to feel like I deserve to be with beautiful women. I know how to interact to women, how to flirt and all but never felt like I deserved them


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 18, 2018
Nothing wrong with being a newbie buddy, we all started from scratch.

About fundamentals, just google "girlschase" and "fundamentals" and you will see an entire list of articles by Chase, which are really good. Fundamentals do take time and effort to develop however, you cannot be lazy about this, but trust me when I say that it really pays of.

About the working girl: You need experience to feel whether she likes you yes or no, at your fase it's just going to be trial and error. Stop fearing rejection, you cannot prevent it and rejection is not a world ending thing. In the contrary, when you start understanding all the reasons why you can get rejected, which have nothing to do with you as a person you start taking everything with a grain of salt.

In this case, stop deliberating and make a move. You cannot divine the future.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

Howtogetgirls said:
what do people mean when they say fundamentals?

Fundamentals is two things. Tangible and Intangible

Tangible = Body Language
Intangible = Mentality

and then two unspoken principles, which is independent of the two above:

- awareness
- feeeellll (bruce lee) or to say the modern term: vibe.

Howtogetgirls said:
I think on this forum we tend to forget that women are people too and they might be scared of rejection as well.

Definitely. :)

Thank you for bringing that up because i bump into this recently. This has 3 pointers
-intimidating (vibe)
-intimidating (if you are black, this amplifies a lot)
-their fear of rejection.

You never really know. So compliance is key.

Howtogetgirls said:
So flirting to gauge how attractive you are to the opposite sex without risking to get rejected is an understandable thing. Even though you might mislead the other person big time.

Ever heard the term "i wish he didn't open his mouth"?

Yea, Gauging is important but principle (fundamentals) is first. Gauging is method. IF your principle are on point but method is wrong, it can put you "off" in her image.

But you should not worry about this yet. :)

Howtogetgirls said:
I hate wasting time so I thought I would just get straight to the point and ask if she has a boyfriend as quickly as possible in the conversation. Depending on the answer and the way she says it I want to figure out if she's interested in dating me by asking her out to get a drink. That's the plan for now I don't have a lot of experience asking a girl out, so are there more things I should consider?

We all start somewhere. Even experienced guys get nervous and annoyed, and wish we have stayed home or do business. It's crash course when you are new, and still is when you experienced.

Take it like a job. A low skilled job means you packing boxes everyday. A middle management job means you bullshitting (office politics) everyday. IT has always been this way.

We all have to sell/practice. :) "How To Get Your 10 In 5 Steps" is BS. It's advertising. Keep this mindset first. Then as you get better, then you learn that it's the practice that get your 10 in 5 steps.

Not the advertising :)



Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 14, 2019
Appreciate the elaborative reply Zac.

Dating requires a lot of work to get good at. That seems to be my observation, but it's worth it. Who doesn't want to date beautiful women?


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

Howtogetgirls said:
Appreciate the elaborative reply Zac.

Just don't worry about opinions. Keep an online notebook.

Write your super small success. Example: I make her smile.

I know this is bullshit to a lot people, but fuck it. You will feel like shit in life, whether that's girls or business. You will need your notebook, remind you of your super small success, accumulated overtime.

This will help you keep going in life. :) even when you don't have women, or anything else in life. Your biggest fan is first, you.



Space Monkey
space monkey
Mar 5, 2019
Good question. Learn to tell the difference between a girl who's just being nice, and some genuine IOI's.

Genuine IOI's would be things like:
-Deep eye contact (especially when you're somewhere else, and she's looking at you)
-Overt flirting (unless she's trying to sell you something, in which case don't believe it)

Just things like that, man. For example, if you're at the gym, and the check in lady is nice to you, but then she keeps staring at you during your workouts, that's a big sign she's into you.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 14, 2019
Yeah and I guess you can kind of feel the difference. I need to update my progress so far. So I have been on a date with a girl. I don’t think she knew though. So being clear that my intention to date the girl and not be friends is something I should work on in my communication and interaction with girls. Also it is kind of scary to go to girls with the intention to date her. Making friends is somewhat easy, but to talk to a pretty girl with the intent to date is scary. Not sure if it is the fear of rejection, because I am good at handling failure and rejection I feel like I can handle as well. It feels like I have to go through this pain period of figuring out how to date girls. What’s a good way to meet a lot of women ?