Suggest date on same day you text her?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 2, 2018
Hey everyone I was wondering when it comes to texting is it ok to ask a girl out and meet up with her later that day? I got this girl's number from work a few days ago and said we should go out and have some drinks and she said she loves drinking and she gave me her number after asking. I didnt have a lot of days off this week and I dont think she does either. Im off today and maybe she could be too,but I dont really know. Is it ok to ask for her to meet me up with me today or do you have to give a girl at least a day in advance before you propose a actual date idea like where to go and what time to meet up?

Fuck This

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 24, 2015
"Hey I'm headed down to Rotten Johnnie's Dive Bar tonight after work. Why don't you join me First Round is on me, second on you and we will wrist wrestle for round three..."