Ambiance's Ascension


Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 8, 2015
Beyond the Great Vast Forest
This is a journal many years in the making.

Since before I found Girls Chase I have chronicled my progress with the fairer sex. Hell, I remember carrying around a little notebook in first grade where I detailed my obsession with this girl and the times I would play with her at recess and go to her house.

I remember writing my thoughts down about several girls in high school, trying to make sense of all the madness.

After finding Girls Chase, I have journaled extensively in my notes app on my iPad. The various posts here, notably my LRs, have accounted for my progress as well.

I just moved back to San Diego after a year hiatus. It is a long and interesting story that I will share at some point.

Now that I am back, and for the first time in my life completely on my own, it is the perfect time to create this journal. I will do some background about who I am and how I got where I am, and then I will be solely tracking my progress.

I'd be doing this anyway even if these boards didn't exist, but this is the perfect place for my journal. I hope you all enjoy;) Critiques are most welcome. I'm still not close to satisfied with seduction, and have a long way to go.



Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 8, 2015
Beyond the Great Vast Forest
My Name

Let's start with my name, Ambiance.

There was this game I played when I was younger, where I had to kill all these undead monsters in order to forge this very powerful weapon. One of the reagants required was called a "Brilliant Ambiance", which was this heavenly aura of all the combined souls you released from the undead. Ambiance typically refers to the overall atmosphere of a venue, but the definiton I like is "that which surrounds or encompasses, an aura". Anyway, the word stuck with me, and I used it for several other things I signed up for, and ultimately for this site.

My parents are both very attractive, or at least used to be. Particularly my mother. They also have a lot of issues. Once more, particularly my mother. She had a very rough childhood, and has all sorts of insecurities that prevented a woman of her abilities and beauty from dominating her spheres (she was still pretty successful before having me and dropping out of the workforce, rising from bank teller to head of several banks with no college education). These insecurities also doomed her relationship with my father, though there were some things he did that didn't help.

As for my father, he is an exceptionally brilliant man. I'd put his IQ around the 150 mark, with full knowledge of just what that suggests. He came from a family where his mother dominated my grandfather, and as such my Dad relied on his grandfather for masculine influence, at least until he died. My dad struggled with women, despite being tall and handsome, for which I blame his upbringing. He started to come into his own in his mid twenties, and started sleeping with increasingly attractive girlfriends (though he regretted the sex before marriage). Rather than keep developing, he got into a quick committed relationship with my mom, frontloaded all the excitement, and married her despite many red flags. Perhaps if he had worked harder and been more serious about his romantic life, he never would have married my mom. But then I wouldn't be here.

Both my parents are firm Catholics. My mother is the more dogmatic one, but my father is the better Catholic. I was raised under that same ideology, though I have shed much of it.

They were together 17 years, and that's because my Dad is so damn dogged, and my Mom stubborn as hell. It was so important for him to stay with my Mom, no matter how bad it got, because in his mind it was a holy vow. There was a lot of fighting. There was even a child abuse charge on my mom for an incident involving me, that my dad forgave. Big mistake. Things kept getting worse, and eventually my dad seperated all the finances. My mom freaked out and rather sociopathically spent the next year secretly consolidating assets and setting herself up for the perfect divorce. Here's the real dick: my mom orchestrated a fight with my dad where she literally dived in his way and then threw herself down the stairs, all so she could say he pushed her and she could gain leverage, especially in light of her own history of abuse. And my siblings and I saw the whole thing. My dad spent the weekend in jail, in part due to the bias of this bitch female cop who showed up, and my mom went into full divorce mode. This taught me much about how important it is to be darn sure not to get attached to an emotionally unhealthy girl.

My dad fought back, and after blowing much of their savings on lawyers, the whole thing ended with my dad being unanimously vindicated in court. I ended up living full time with him soon after. Today he is doing swimmingly, in a new very nice house with nice cars and is possibly the top financial advisor in my state. He still isn't great with girls though (but I'm sure at age 50 it must be hard to start from scratch). My mom is miserable, though she did get to keep my childhood home, and does have 50/50 custody of my two siblings (though as they get older I wonder how much longer that will last).


Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 8, 2015
Beyond the Great Vast Forest
Physical Description

I am white, 6'3", around 190 lbs. I have been called very handsome, but honestly, I could be leagues more attractive with better skin, whitened teeth, and better hair. Working on all of these right now. Would love to hear suggestions how to better hair and skin.

I have a big chest and pretty chiseled arms. The chest came from consistently doing pushups every night over the years. I work out a lot. I have a very strong core, but there is a layer of subcutaneous fat I have had since middle school that prevents me from having defined abs. That should change within the year.


I often wonder what my strongest attribute is. I used to think it was intelligence. I am pretty smart, grasp things quickly, and think outside the box. I was moved ahead two grades when I was younger, and dominated my older classmates. Then I changed schools and was back with people my age, a sacrifice I was willing to make so I could play sports in high school and hopefully beyond.

I am fiercely competitive, almost unhealthily so. When I was younger this was well known and at times alienating, but nowadays only people close to me know just how competitive I can be.

But beyond that, I would say my strongest and most unique attribute is my will. I hate being controlled. I like doing things my way. This can be seen as pardoxical, as much of "my way" is learned, such as how I have learned from this site. What it boils down to is a very high sense of esteem in my own judgement, with full knowledge that my judgement is going to be wrong quite often, especially when I am learning something new. All of my way is carefully selected. This has lead to a lifetime of problems with authority;) That in mind, I am still more a Driver than an Analytic. What good is perfection without results? Perfection is a path to Power.

I spent much of my childhood introverted, but not by choice. People energize me. I have learned to be very comfortable by myself, but prefer social settings.

I crave adventure and challenges. I feel alive taking risks. I loathe anything that gets in my way, and relish stomping on adversity.

No wonder I love seduction, huh?;)


Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 8, 2015
Beyond the Great Vast Forest
Background- Girls

I love girls. Always have. And I have a history of falling hard for the right ones.

Before finding Girls Chase, there were three girls, each who had a huge impact on my life.


I met Talia in preschool. I remember meeting her to this day. Total LOVE at First Sight. I won't go into too much detail though. Basically, we had big crushes on each other, and did everything together. I got our moms to be friends, and our time together increased to outside of preschool. We went to the same elementary school, and while we still hung out frequently outside of school, we were always in different classes. I was OBSESSED with her. Thought about her virtually every day, some days quite a bit. Talia was the girl of my dreams, my destiny, the future mother of my children. All of these titles give you a great idea of just how much of a romantic I was. We did all sorts of things together, like get braces together and do First Communion side by side and go on trips together. We cuddled, and kissed in her pool. But I was rather irrationally afraid of messing it up somehow, and always held back. I also didn't like how much power she had over me. 8 years of madness...

We started to fall apart eventually, and I changed schools. I'd still see her here and there, mostly at church. I pined after other girls, and was kinda in auto-rejection over Talia. In high school Talia saw this passionate speech I gave after coming off a retreat, and she was very forward with me afterward. But by this point I was too obsessed with another girl to really care, which I'll get into. She is currently in full-on auto rejection, and pretty cold to me. If only I knew what I know now...


I actually met Mia before I ever met Talia. She was the daughter of one of my dad's best friends. I would play at her house with her and her older sister quite often. She was like a sister to me. Then her dad and mine had a falling out, and I didn't see her until years later, when her family came to my dad's aid during his divorce. My dad had dragged me to dinner at her parent's house, and when I saw her, once again, powerful Love at First Sight. I was an idiot freshman at the time, but we had a lot of fun, and I was smitten, really for the first time since Talia. I'd had plenty of strong crushes, but I could tell this was something more.

Then, like the idiot freshman I was, I just waited for my chance to see her again. No attempt to get her number or invite her to something. It didn't even occur to me. Just waiting for something to happen. As you might guess, I did a lot of waiting. When I would see her here and there, it was fireworks, but that's it.

Finally, as a goddamn junior, it occured to me that I should try to make something happen. Her parents are the defintion of protective, so I prepared this big speech where I called her dad and asked his permission to ask her out (omg whyyyyyyy). There were weeks of buildup to the call, but when it finally happened, Mia's dad was quick to let me know that Mia had a boyfriend. I was defeated, and mad at myself, because I knew that I had been a total pussy.


I started forcing myself to meet girls after the "failure" with Mia. I was going to crack this girl thing somehow! It went well at first. Girls liked me, and gave me their numbers. Girls tried to set up dates with me. Girls would have me touch their breasts. I was still clueless, just less so.

Then I met Megan. I remember that day to an uncanny extent. Total fascination upon seeing her. My heart wrenched. She was perfect. And I knew immediately that she had a huge part to play in my life. Strangely enough I was right, not for the reason I thought though.

Approaching her was the easiest thing I ever did. Just like with Talia all those years ago. We hit it off, but I tried my hardest to be as cool and guarded as possible, which she mirrored a bit. Nevertheless, my intensity leaked through, and we spent the entire speech meet interacting. And then she had to go. Once again, it didn't occur to me right away to go for her number, though after she left I figured out that she wanted me to ask when she said goodbye and waited around expectedly.

I thought about her all week, and when I got to my next speech meet the first thing I saw was her. I gave her a big smile, and she ran up and gave me a big hug. We spent that speech meet together too. This time around, we connected on this gaming app that had chat, and after the speech meet we texted back and forth on the app before transtitioning to iMessaging with our actual numbers. We were so enarmored with each other. And what did I do?

Nothing. I couldn't let myself go after her. I couldn't have a repeat of Talia. We texted all the time for over a month, with her making it increasingly obvious how into me she was, and I did nothing.

Things started to stall out, and I could feel my world slowly unraveling. She wasn't replying as fast as she used to, and not texting me first thing each day. I consulted the internet for help, and that's how I found Girls Chase. But it was too late. I chased after her, but she was past that, went cold, and I was crushed. That following month was the worst month of my life, far worse than going through the chaos of my parent's split. I was in constant sorrow. And I devoured every single article this site had to offer, and then I reread every article (you used to be able to get unlimited access by using incognito/private browsing... sorry Chase!). All in the name of "getting her back". It never happened. I tried over and over, and failed spectacularly each time, making a complete fool of myself. It never happened.

After hitting my absolute low, on February 28th of 2014, I resolved to take what this site had to offer me and gain control over my love life. I started forcing myself to meet and escalate with girls, and had many, many fuckups. But I started getting successes too, including a girlfriend who was head over heels with me, and several hookups. I eventually decided that the Catholic stance toward premarital sex was detrimental (this corresponded with an overall belief overhaul that was years in the making and had been in process for more years), and decided to have sex. A month later, I slept with a stunning girl I met using the material from this site.

I still haven't had a relationship with a girl I liked as much as Megan or Talia or Mia. Hell, I've only met one girl that I liked as much, and I only kissed her. But I have had many other successes. And I'm getting there. That's what this journal is for, after all!

Hector has a video about treating girls regular vs. treating girls special, and in it, he talks about how even he is still working on getting those Fascination girls into relationships, and Absolute Abundance overall. I hugely related to this. Absolute Abundance is the Elysian Fields of seduction and relationship management, and is my Ultimate Goal. Only then will I be content. It's comforting to know even Hector isn't there yet, and inspiring to know Chase has been there awhile. I can't wait. And unknowingly, so can't a lot of women;)

(That was a ton of background. I won't do anymore, other than a prelude to this semester and my current circumstances. I don't expect anyone to read all that. Enjoy what you will.)


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 25, 2014
Middle East, Asia, Africa
Hey Ambiance,

Excellent initiative starting this journal! I hope you will have the motivation to follow it through! It makes a nice reference point in the future to monitor your own progress!

You forgot to mention your age?

Regarding your dad... I just can relate, as I have been there - as you already know. Like I already posted here and there in the Boards, older men have a very good thing going for them regarding girls, and there is a whole universe of girls looking up to older men. In the case of your dad, from you own description:

* he is brilliant
* he seems to have good career achievements
* he has a home and cars
* he has children - which proves he is able to physically reproduce. Seems to be trivial... But in fact it is a big winning point.

So, he doesn't have to worry about demonstrating Value! Which is one less thing to worry about.

The problem with older men is usually elsewhere. Most of them are entangled with wives, mortgages and family - and just out of market. Those who become single again have just been out of touch with dating in possibly decades - and just do not have a clue of where to begin. Many older men also neglected themselves physically for a long time - they are fat, used to alcohol, thinning hair (or outright bald), no sense of fashion. Simply not sexy!

But the worse problem I believe is the mindset. They are simply full of the wrong ideas and mindset about girls and dating. They think it's about courting, wining and dining, or simply it's about buying girls (throwing money at them).

I had, myself, to work all these problems one by one. Losing 15 kgs. Battling against bitterness (e.g. "all girls are after my money"). Regaining self esteem and work up my sense of fashion and style. And, biggest of all, removing all the misconception I had about dating and about what girls like in men, and replacing them with the right mentality. Girls Chase was a big help!

If you want to help your dad, you may want to point him to a few key articles in Girls Chase... My own son is 15 years old, and I will try to help him similarly... Maybe in a couple of years!

PS. I'll be reading your next journal entries.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 8, 2015
Beyond the Great Vast Forest

Thanks for visiting! I'm pretty excited about what it will do to my progress.

I'm 20 at the moment.

About my dad, yes you are right- he is a very high value man. He just doesn't always act like it in his relationships. Hilariously enough, I did show my dad Girls Chase over a year ago. I was pretty excited about it- surely he would appreciate it as much as I do. The opposite happened: he didn't give it a chance and harshly rejected a lot of it's premises, thinking them immoral. He also came down on me pretty hard for buying into this stuff... I've learned to not talk about my real thoughts regarding women with him.

I wish he had taken the approach you detailed out a bit- fixing negative mentalities, improving fundamentals, learning the truth about women. Perhaps I'd have a super charismatic and awesome step-mom right now.

Good luck with your own son! That's something I want to do once I have children, and it will begin at a young age.



Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 8, 2015
Beyond the Great Vast Forest
So I am back in college, something a year in the making.

I attended my college last year in the fall, and had to take an entire year off.

The one semester I've completed, my dad paid for. This came with many conditions, including that I stay on the rowing team, room with my cousin, not sleep around, and keep up my grades. He had very little faith in me, after I rather foolishly "came out" to him about my newfound obsession with seduction in high school.

Everything was going well enough, until right before Thanksgiving break I got in a big fight with my cousin. Vindictively, he went home and told his mother, my aunt, how much of a player I was (to be fair I was overdoing it). She went into overdrive trying to take me down a peg for interfering with her son, and told my dad and grandparents a wildly exagerrated tale of all the shenanigans I was getting into (I wish I had slept with near as many girls as she said! LMAO). Predictably, my dad freaked out, and put a lot of pressure on me to rein in quick. My life went to hell. And I had to do something about it.

Sick of not being in control of my decisions, I resolved to figure out how to pay for college on my own, with no one I knew holding their power over me, and signed up for a Leave of Absence. I also convinced my dad to let me work for him, after working for him much of high school. This was a massively hard decision. My school is a very expensive school. To leave and do things on my own almost guarenteed leaving for good.

To make matters worse, in my weakness and vulnerability, I ended up in the hospital the weekend before finals after trying to go through my liquor supply in one night. My hangover lasted over two days, and i did poor on my finals after not studying for them. My GPA dropped from a 3.6 to a 2.92, just enough to lose my big scholarship.

I left San Diego with my dad intent on making me conform. The first few months were very dark and bleak. But i prevailed. I made money, kept things stable enough with my dad, started working out hard, and planned. After a 5 month dry spell I slept with a girl I had messed things up with almost two years prior. I eventually moved on to another job where I made a lot more money. Fall semester came, but I wasn't ready. So I worked hard for another semester. I slept with a handful of other girls, all without my dad's knowledge of course. And at long last, I have returned to my university, solely on my own.

The experience taught me so much. I am far more careful and emtionally aware of how dangerous exposing yourself to the wrong person can be. My fundamentals have dramatically improved. I have learned a great deal about women, and how to navigate my university setting effectively. I have developed a future focused time orientation.

That's all for background.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 8, 2015
Beyond the Great Vast Forest
Spring 2018 Goals

- Straight A's in my 5 courses- this will regain my scholarship
- Get a job- ideally one with lots of exposure to women, and $15/hr or more
- Keep spending low

- Intermittent fasting for entire semester- currently on day 2. Going swimmingly. I've done this before, so the hunger pangs aren't an issue. This will be my first time doing for over a week. I want to decrease my body fat percentage while retaining and ideally putting on muscle
- currently my window for eating food is 12PM to 8PM. I imagine I will average 17 hours of fasting each day
- Physique- work out hard 4-5 times a week, pushups and similar each night
- Dramatically improved skin- my current approach is taking warm or cool, but not hot showers, only using a washcloth and the very occasional dab of shampoo, padding off water with a towel, less touching of my face, near 100% eradication of junk/processed food, more water, and cleaning my face consistently
- Whiten teeth- just have to be diciplined about using my trays
- Fashion- not a huge priority as I'm not allowing much spending in my budget
- Walk- slower movements, more "modelesque"

- Join a frat- I think I'm going to rush in two weeks. Have made some good contacts with one of the better frats
- Manage reputation- my school is 5k undergrad, and I see a lot of familiar faces. As such, gotta keep my approaching calibrated, and develop a network that can I can fall back on. These were two things I didn't do well my first semester
- Approach 20 girls in one week- I have NEVER hit 20. My record is 17. Now that I am on my own, there's no excuse
- Approach 100 girls- I'm already pretty social, so I'm only counting approaches if I display sexual/romantic intent. A lot of this will have to be done off-campus
- Approach 250 girls
- Sleep with 7 new girls- this will put me on track to hit my goal of 15 since I turned 20. I am at three right now
- Sleep with a classmate
- Get fantastic pictures to use on Tinder
- Get a casual sex partner
- Get two casual sex partners at the same time
- Get three casual sex partners at the same time


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 24, 2017
Ambiance said:
So I am back in college, something a year in the making.

I attended my college last year in the fall, and had to take an entire year off.

The one semester I've completed, my dad paid for. This came with many conditions, including that I stay on the rowing team, room with my cousin, not sleep around, and keep up my grades. He had very little faith in me, after I rather foolishly "came out" to him about my newfound obsession with seduction in high school.

Everything was going well enough, until right before Thanksgiving break I got in a big fight with my cousin. Vindictively, he went home and told his mother, my aunt, how much of a player I was (to be fair I was overdoing it). She went into overdrive trying to take me down a peg for interfering with her son, and told my dad and grandparents a wildly exagerrated tale of all the shenanigans I was getting into (I wish I had slept with near as many girls as she said! LMAO). Predictably, my dad freaked out, and put a lot of pressure on me to rein in quick. My life went to hell. And I had to do something about it.

Sick of not being in control of my decisions, I resolved to figure out how to pay for college on my own, with no one I knew holding their power over me, and signed up for a Leave of Absence. I also convinced my dad to let me work for him, after working for him much of high school. This was a massively hard decision. My school is a very expensive school. To leave and do things on my own almost guarenteed leaving for good.

To make matters worse, in my weakness and vulnerability, I ended up in the hospital the weekend before finals after trying to go through my liquor supply in one night. My hangover lasted over two days, and i did poor on my finals after not studying for them. My GPA dropped from a 3.6 to a 2.92, just enough to lose my big scholarship.

I left San Diego with my dad intent on making me conform. The first few months were very dark and bleak. But i prevailed. I made money, kept things stable enough with my dad, started working out hard, and planned. After a 5 month dry spell I slept with a girl I had messed things up with almost two years prior. I eventually moved on to another job where I made a lot more money. Fall semester came, but I wasn't ready. So I worked hard for another semester. I slept with a handful of other girls, all without my dad's knowledge of course. And at long last, I have returned to my university, solely on my own.

The experience taught me so much. I am far more careful and emtionally aware of how dangerous exposing yourself to the wrong person can be. My fundamentals have dramatically improved. I have learned a great deal about women, and how to navigate my university setting effectively. I have developed a future focused time orientation.

That's all for background.

I loved it ambiance! Your cousin is a dick, my cousin would never do that to me we are to close. Keep posting.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Sep 21, 2016

Bro, if you commit to the things on your list, you're GONNA BLOW THE FUCK UP!! Get after it my dude! I wish you the best of luck, and know you got my support.



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 25, 2014
Middle East, Asia, Africa

Sorry to read about the "issue" between your dad and yourself, and also with the other members of the family. There are a few obvious conclusions emerging:

* The "seduction" thing is not for everybody. This is what BlackDragon calls "Societal Programming". There are some "socially accepted norms" which are very strong, deeply rooted in the education, and in particular regarding courtship and dating and mating. It is very hard to go against these. It takes a very particular mindset, an ability for independent thinking "outside the box", to be able to free yourself of these norms. Not everyone is capable of it.

* Not everybody (or I should say, very few people) will actually understand your rotations, laycount, etc... For the reasons above. It is more prudent to keep this part of your life, for yourself. As you could see unfortunately, it can fire back. The sad part is you are not able to share with others how awesome it is to finally understand women, to use this knowledge and turn yourself into a ladies man. At the same time, you would be sharing that with people who actually prefer not to know.

I mostly kept this part of my life for myself, especially at work (the workplace is usually of the conservative mindset sort). I see my colleagues every week who ask me "how was your weekend", and I'm thinking of the girl (or girls) I shagged, and I answer "it was very nice, very relaxing!" and smile in my mind. I did open up, however, with a colleague that I consider a good friend - but in hindsight I realize that he, too, would prefer not to know. I tried also opening up with a selected few friends and family. Not everybody is open minded.

In general, it is better to find like-minded people and befriend them, and keep these sort of stories between small circles.

Sorry to hear about your dad, his reaction proves that the GirlsChase way is not for him - too bad! Like I said, the mindset is one of the big breaks which prevent more older men to get good with girls. For the rest, it is only a natural thing for a dad to have some expectations about their sons and what path they would have them take in life. The sons, ultimately, have their own idea about what they want to do, and most of the time end up taking a different path. It's the same story that has been going on from generation to generation since the dawn of times. Later in life you will face the same situation yourself with your own kids. Think about it: how will you approach the problem? Some degree of guidance is required. But will you be the "do as I say" authoritarian kind? Or will you be the "do as you see fit" kind of dad? Or some intermediary? Not an easy question.

Good job on your objectives. I suggest you set yourself some quarterly review, to keep track of progress against objectives.



Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 8, 2015
Beyond the Great Vast Forest

Actually typed up a whole repsonse to this earlier... then my iPad died:(

Seppuku said:

Sorry to read about the "issue" between your dad and yourself, and also with the other members of the family. There are a few obvious conclusions emerging:

* The "seduction" thing is not for everybody. This is what BlackDragon calls "Societal Programming". There are some "socially accepted norms" which are very strong, deeply rooted in the education, and in particular regarding courtship and dating and mating. It is very hard to go against these. It takes a very particular mindset, an ability for independent thinking "outside the box", to be able to free yourself of these norms. Not everyone is capable of it.

* Not everybody (or I should say, very few people) will actually understand your rotations, laycount, etc... For the reasons above. It is more prudent to keep this part of your life, for yourself. As you could see unfortunately, it can fire back. The sad part is you are not able to share with others how awesome it is to finally understand women, to use this knowledge and turn yourself into a ladies man. At the same time, you would be sharing that with people who actually prefer not to know.

I mostly kept this part of my life for myself, especially at work (the workplace is usually of the conservative mindset sort). I see my colleagues every week who ask me "how was your weekend", and I'm thinking of the girl (or girls) I shagged, and I answer "it was very nice, very relaxing!" and smile in my mind. I did open up, however, with a colleague that I consider a good friend - but in hindsight I realize that he, too, would prefer not to know. I tried also opening up with a selected few friends and family. Not everybody is open minded.

In general, it is better to find like-minded people and befriend them, and keep these sort of stories between small circles.

Hopefully your learning curve for keeping this stuff private was less destructive than mine! Very wise of you to keep your personal affairs mostly seperate. I had to read and reread Chase's Unconventional Lifestyle many times before I finally internalized the message. Nowadays I only talk with experienced or ambitious guys about this kind of stuff. Like you, I have opened up to choice close friends about this material, and sometimes had things sour. Makes the guys on these forums all the more special:)

Sorry to hear about your dad, his reaction proves that the GirlsChase way is not for him - too bad! Like I said, the mindset is one of the big breaks which prevent more older men to get good with girls. For the rest, it is only a natural thing for a dad to have some expectations about their sons and what path they would have them take in life. The sons, ultimately, have their own idea about what they want to do, and most of the time end up taking a different path. It's the same story that has been going on from generation to generation since the dawn of times. Later in life you will face the same situation yourself with your own kids. Think about it: how will you approach the problem? Some degree of guidance is required. But will you be the "do as I say" authoritarian kind? Or will you be the "do as you see fit" kind of dad? Or some intermediary? Not an easy question.

Good job on your objectives. I suggest you set yourself some quarterly review, to keep track of progress against objectives.


How are you with your kids on the spectrum? More authoritarian or lax?
It is a tough question. I want my future kids to be massively successful, and to be a patriarch of sorts to a dominant, powerful family. But this same mentality is what caused my dad to go a little extreme in some areas, which I resented growing up. I don't want to repeat his mistakes.

Some things I am positive will work are operant conditioning, following the steps in Chase's Selecting A Mother article, and a degree of outcome independence. OC will encourage good behaviors and eliminate bad ones without building resentment, choosing a healthy, ambitious, intelligent girl will produce healthy, ambitious, intelligent children, and reaching overall outcome independence will do worlds for relatonship management. I also have to build up an estate to give my children an edge, and teach them to do the same.

I'd be curious to know your motivations and dreams for your kids. And as always, thank you for your thoughtful reply!



Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 8, 2015
Beyond the Great Vast Forest

It is so fantastic being back in the game, yet I have barely let myself celebrate. It is not enough to just be back in San Diego. It is not enough to finally be on my own. I won't be completely happy until I have reached absolute abundance, and have a coveted Fascination/Love at First Sight Girl at my side who loves me very much. I still have yet to sleep with a girl I am that crazy about, much less have such women in abundance. I live in relative abundance with regular girls, but stunners are still a precious resource to me.

I chose San Diego knowing that it is a very sexually competitive market. The thought was that things would be hard, perhaps even brutal, but if I could perservere and rise to the top of San Diego I would have mastered game and relationships for life. This first week back has made this more apparent than ever.

I am probably the most attractive I have ever been right now. It's pretty cool knowing, really knowing, that you're one of the hottest guys around. But it hasn't been enough. On my campus, there are lots of guys who know what they are doing to various degrees, and a lot of these guys are well established. Not the most ideal environment for lots of rapid seductions, since the hottest girls have so much abundance of their own (but that won't stop me from trying)

My school is small, only 5,000 undergrad, so people know each other and your reputation plays a big part. I have little reputation as of right now. Joining a top fraternity would fix this pretty quick I think, and I have already made some connections. The problem is I absolutely have to get good, ideally great grades this semester, and probably need to be working a lot of my off hours. A fraternity would get in the way of this. Tough decision. I would love to have access to a fraternity's advantages, namely being around the coolest, most established guys that I could learn a ton from, and the massive exposure to the hottest girls on campus. But I didn't work this hard to just be here for one semester, and not have the finances for beyond that. Tough decision.

Lets get to actual reports.

I started meeting girls right away, including a 27 year old married woman who sat next to me with her bestie on my flight. She and I were very flirty. I was touching her legs and belly, and not just brushing against them but full on grasping them. She was testing me hard and I would smash through her tests and we would look at each other right in eyes... all this in front of her best friend. Gave her my number "to show her around the city" but she never got in touch.

Once on campus and moved in I started meeting girls using natural game. At first I was too aggresive, going for numbers and compliance as if it were the real world and I would never see the girl again if I didn't close quick. I always got the number but could just tell it wouldn't do me much good...

I quickly adjusted and made things much more laid back. I also reread Chase's guide to going out with girls in class, and broke out the entire process into multiple class periods.

Three notable approaches:

Kaitie, a very cute girl I met walking to class. I opened her by teasing and flirting, then asked her help to find the building my class was in. We walked all the way there, talked about stuff, and I got her number saying we should grab a bite soon. We ended up having lunch three days later. She had class right after so I treated it like an informational date. I thought it went really well, pretty light with lots of flirting, and was in control the entire time, but unfortunately haven't seen her since to close the deal. Invited her to this Super Bowl party some new fraternity friends invited me to, but she already had plans with her sorority sisters. Hoping I can get her over next week quickly... might try booty calling her.

Emily, a very, very cute girl (also a sorority girl) who looks very similar to Emma, that Fascination girl I went on a date with before she left town back in November. She was in my bible class. I flirted with her after class the first day, traded names, and ended the interaction. The second day I sat by her, talked a bit before class, and walked together after class. The third time same story, but this time I had her sit with me as she waited for her friend, and got her number saying we should meet up outside of class. Saw her briefly at the dining hall, and invited her to my Super Bowl party, but she later over text politely declined saying she and her roommate were already going somewhere. I know as of right now she likes me, but I'm not her "first choice" to reference a recent Chase article. Which means I have much further to go. I have to get to the point where, on first sight, I am consistently very attractive women's "first choice" regardless of if they are status obsessed sorority girls.

McKenna, however, is another very attractive girl I made a killer first impression on, and I very well may be her "first choice". I rocked her socks off at the gym, approaching her on a machine, preopening her, scrunching my nose at her, getting very close to her, showcasing my wit effortlessly, and teasing her in ways that make her look good. She was all too happy to give me her number, tell me she was in between relationships but that she would still love to see me if that didn't bother me, and text me saying she would love to hang out with me another time even though she couldnt make the party I invited her to if I was still up for it after getting a great voicemail from me.

I have made a good impression with a number of other girls that I know I will see again, and am getting along with my roommates very well so far. My schedule is very well set up, and I just traded the one hard professor course for an identical class, just with a fantastic and easy professor according to ratemyprofessor. This happened to be the class I shared with Emily, so hopefully not sharing a class with her will make her more open to fast intimacy with me. Gonna text her to set up a lunch or dinner after she notices my absence Monday.

I have a date lined up for tomorrow before the Super Bowl party, and another lined up for Monday, both from Bumble. They seem eager to meet me. Plus there's this LR from today;)

So, not too shabby start to the year.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 8, 2015
Beyond the Great Vast Forest

Been delaying doing a post because I wanted to get another LR, but was unable to. Gonna make this relatively quick as I have a lot of homework to wrap up tonight.


So, Kaitie, Emily, and McKenna all blew up for various reasons. I went out with one of Kaitie's friends, which I'll get to, but honestly she didn't seem as receptive before she would have heard about it. Emily I switched classes from, and tried to get out but she wasn't receptive either.

FR: Dashed Expectations

Set up a late night dinner with McKenna after her work got out. My roommate had given me some of his bling to go with my ring, and I was dressed up like a total bad boy. Think Damon Salvatore. I was very flexible about giving her time to recuperate after work, and honestly thought this social savviness would have her excited to jump into bed quickly lmao... She sees me first in the cafeteria and we hug, and she picks a table while I am still waiting on food. I end up moving her to another table more secluded, throwing in a chase frame at some confusion she had about moving, her thinking I wanted to go to my dorm right away and me insinuating her mind sure jumped on that idea.

Talking with her was difficult. I had worked out earlier and was very low vibe, and she was totally different from what I remembered. I was honestly pretty excited about this one: she looked similar to my first sexual girlfriend Shanelle from high school, and my approach had been soooo money... then on our dinner date she turns into this ultra-feminist vegan angry/cynical girl. Damn. I thread cut and thread directed pretty well, presenting my strong frame without going toe to toe with her, but my low energy lead to little flirting. She was less attractive than I remembered too, which probably affected my excitement noticeably.

She ended the dinner, and I casually invited her to my dorm but she said she had to go study. Had she been hotter and the interaction better I would have tried harder, but I had studying to do of my own so I let her go.

Sent my typical 2nd Date strategies text, which she repsonded to, and booty called her 2 nights later, which she responded to but turned down. There's a chance I'll still get her, but I'm not too concerned about it if not.

LR-: 25 Year Old Virgin

A bumble lunch date. Knocked it out of the park. She is very intellectual, and I was able to convey my own intelligence and geekier side after coming across as a jock at first. She was enamored with me I could tell. Had her drop me off at this Super Bowl party, and come over later that night where she was extremely nervous and excited from the get go. Spontanenous kissed her, and then again, and again, and clothes started coming off. She had so many reservations, but I was able to get her all the way naked. Quite a feat. We didn't have sex though. Persisted for about an hour but got nowhere. I'm sure I shook up her frame quite a bit with some very pointed Socratic questions and cold reads and my own eventual counter frame. Catch and release if you will.

I let her go, needing to do homework, and had her come back over a few days later. We didn't have sex again though. Just everything but, although in my impatience I kicked her out within an hour, not wanting to deal with her hangups and not wanting a mediocre blowjob. If she had been a fascination girl, different story, but in my mind I had given it my best shot. Haven't heard from her since.

LR-: Freshman

This is the girl who was friends with Kaitie. Really wish it had been a full LR as I had some wicked interactions with her I would have loved to share... but don't feel like listing out since it wasn't a lay.

Met her in the cafeteria by capitalyzing on an approach invitation. Really good interaction, got right to a little deep diving with plenty of flirtiness to keep it light. Set up a future dinner and got her number. Turns out she was in one of my classes and I hadn't noticed her, but I was able to turn this to my advantage with some prime texting.

We end up having lunch, and its pretty flirty, but I don't build much of an emotional connection with her. I then pull her after 30 minutes or so, maybe more, and we go straight for my dorm. Had I built things up a bit more I probably could have fucked her, but ultimately was met with a lot of resistance. I persisted a lot and kept getting her to stay, and using a burst of passion got most of her clothes off, but she got back to her senses and eventually left after I tried to transition to fingering. Honestly, I probably didn't disqualify myself as a boyfriend nearly enough with her. Gonna try to be more of the Lover type with girls in the future: I've never really fully embraced being just a Lover and nothing more with girls I am that into, and it's about time i try to come across as a disposable lover.

Texted her the next day, she was receptive, but when I followed up the day after she told me that she had gotten back together with an ex boyfriend. Wasn't surprised. She is in my class so I've just been talking to other girls and being cordial but unengaging with her, so perhaps this one may someday be salvageable. Not counting on it, but I've pulled it off before.

Did a lot of approaching the second week and got some numbers, though this third week I havent' approached nearly as much, thanks to the following below...

RR: Chafed Dick (lmao!)

Saw Meera again after a week from last week's LR. She came straight over. Took her to bed again without hiccups. We had a lot of sex... a lot. *TMI ALERT* My dick the next morning was raw... even for my standards. It was so bad I've had to take a break this third week from pursuing sex so I could let it heal... the worst part is that I probably can't have sex until at least tomorrow, and today is National Rebound Day... fuck me haha

Just as I am writing this Meera texted me to hang out again, so looks like I have knocked out a goal and established my first casual relationshp for the semester! WOOT WOOT... now on to two. I'm a man obsessed.

RR: Alexis from back home

Not sure how much I've posted about her and I, so I'll sum it up quick.

Met her while back home, took her out to ChickfilA, brought her back home, escalated perfectly, and gave her a mind-blowing night. We saw each other again a week later, saw a movie, got caught having sex in my car by the police, and then had more sex in a better spot. Just like back in high school... Oh the nostalgia. I had her over once more, after she had gone back to school in Boulder CO. She drove down for me, and I rewarded her with one of the best nights of either of our lives. We have so much sexual chemistry its insane.

So pretty sure she is in love with me. She left a bunch of clothes in my room, I'm pretty sure so she could see me again (I ended up shipping them to her), texted me everyday until I had to tell her to stop, and after that we've had some very arousing sexting sessions. It's a mix between sweet and stifling. I really do like her, but have to prevent things from building up. I don't want to hurt her. She wants to fly out to see me, which I actually would be ok with and am pretty flattered with myself about, but if she does it's gonna be on my terms. She's looking to be a great MLTR.


Haven't looked for a job yet. This is not what I intended but I am giving myself leeway, partially for my next update, which is that I picked up a sixth class. I'm confident I can handle it, like the added responsibility, and like that it is another step towards graduating early and saving myself money while making it easier to double major. Speaking of, just formally declared yesterday. My finances can handle me not working at all, which is nice, but I still am going to work to make things easier, and ideally get some added exposure to women.

Getting along with my roommate swimmingly. He is highly self-improvement oriented like I am, and is sponging off me big time. We've already gone apporaching together. I may share GC with him eventually if I think he could handle it.

Intemittant fasting is working great. My physique is awesome. I'm typically the best looking guy in the gym, which is saying something at my school. My skin is pretty good too, though I did have a bunch of chocolate my mom sent me for V Day today... am getting back into the routine of cold showers, and my hair and facial hair are very good.

I haven't been very social lately- spent a lot of yesterday playing this video game that just finally updated. I'm mostly finished with the update, and today has been very productive. Having my dick healed up will help a lot too.

Alright, that's enough for tonight. Gonna do some homework and hopefully be asleep before 11:30.



Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 8, 2015
Beyond the Great Vast Forest

I'm gonna try to make these updates weekly- way easier to remember what all happened each week.

Where I left off I hadn't yet finished Week 3. Can't remember much of what I did that weekend, nothing exciting.

Week 4 was a little bit more interesting.

LR-: Bumble Hookup

Started talking with this girl on bumble after opening her with my pickup line opener. Was very mindful of the Law of Least Effort, after rereading and taking notes on that article earlier that day. She was responsive, and after some convincing I got her to come over. She wasn't as attractive in person, but still good enough. I was chill right from the start, gave her a hug, got her some water, hit a good balance betwen talking and flirting, and started playing darts in my room with her. Spontaneous kiss after a little teasing, then back to darts, then another kiss, then back to darts, and the third time she grabbed me and wouldn't let me go.

We hop in bed and I start escalating, and she resists when when I go for her pants. I back off, ask what's wrong, and lack any sense of neediness. We keep going, she resists some more, but not before I get her hand in my pants for a bit. I back off again, chill, build back up, and get even further this time. Now she's stroking my cock and I'm fingering her. I back off again when I can tell she is apprehensive, and talk to her for a bit.

Find out she is religious and saving her virginity for marriage. I tease her a bunch for this, smirking that her future husband would be totally fine with all the other stuff we were doing. We did some more talking, I forget what of, but I know I was in complete control and used it as a weapon against her resistance. Kissed her again, and this time we are dry humping, which I planned so I could give her a reason to take her pants off since it was less comfortable. Now she is just in panties, with my dick rubbing right at her entrance. I slowly get closer and closer to getting inside her, and she is totally into it. My tip was practically inside her going through her panties, but I'm not gonna count it as penetration.

However, I stop here, and ask if she is ok with this. She looks at me for a moment, and says that she should probably go. And I let her. Looking back maybe I should have tried to have her stay. My reasoning in the moment was she had already threatened to leave several times, so I would take her right up to the point and then leave things up to her, especially since she is a virgin and I'm on a college campus in California.

She left, and I haven't contacted her since.

Beyond that, a pretty frustrating week. Met this one girl of an approach invitaion and studied with her, and thought I had a great interaction but she never texted me back or returned my voicemail. Annoying. This happened with several other girls too, including a girl I approached at the mall.

I also got rid of Meera from my latest LR. She came over, and I just wasn't feeling it. Looking back on other girls this has happened with has given me a better understanding of what I require for a FB role.

There was this one girl with this guy I was walking by after class, that I very dominantly stole and got into a very flirty conversation with, and things were going fantastic. She seemed to not respect her guy at all... We talked for 5-10 minutes waiting for a bus, very flirty and sexual, with the guy hanging back staring at his feet, and I had grabbed her and was using her as my "bulldozer" to get through all the people. And she was all about it. But at the bus entrance she told me that the guy back there was her boyfriend, to which I thought was hilarious and she was laughing too, and I told her very sexually how terrible it would be for me to steal her, especially right in front of him, and she laughed even harder, but then left my side and went back to him since the bus was full... ugh. How does such a bitch even get a girl like that?

Week 5, this week, has been tough too. I went approaching at the beach with my roommate yesterday, but only did one approach. I missed several opportunities, but there just weren't many women there.

Beyond that, I started talking with this downright gorgeous girl in class, but found out she has a boyfriend. I was too flirty with her in front of her friend. I consulted several articles about handling attached women, and took detailed notes. In the future I will be more than prepared.

This girl, and the girl from last week caused me to realize just how important it is to know how to deal with attached women. I have a LONG history of fucking this up... Holy shit is it bad. For many years I ignored my killer instinct and lost women who more than should have been mine. Part of the reason I lost Megan 3 years ago was because I wanted to give her time after she broke up with her "boyfriend", not wanting to come across like a vulture. ARGH... Those days are over! I will become the bane of many, many pathetic men... and without guilt. I am the superior man, and am fully justified in stealing women away by right of dominance and power... Pity those who cross me, and never bothered to learn how to do their women right

Alright, theatricality aside;)... I have targeted becoming highly adept at making things natural for the girls on my campus... and part of my strategy was downloading snapchat. I HATE snapchat and all it stands for, but if it can gets me past the social circle barriers going to a small school has it will be worth it. In times asking for a girl's number is too much pressure, SC will get me in the door. Which I can easily transfer to texting. Being hot will help a lot I think...

Going over goals- I need to break this little dry spell, ideally with a girl that I want to keep around. My studies are going very well in half of my classes, but the other half will need more diligence if I want straight As. I have put off getting a job, which has been wise i think, but should try to get one this next week if it doesn't conflict with anything. Intermittent fasting has been going swimmingly- this week I also minimized grains as a trial. I am working out hard, and my body looks fantastic. My skin is improving too- I am taking up some advice from one of my older posts about washing my face 20 times a day. My teeth are getting whiter. I still need to ramp up my approaching game significantly. I scheduled times I can do this each week, and will be going by myself from now on. I have made attempts with many classmates and have gotten one in bed but still need to sleep with a classmate, although I haven't given up hope. It is going to happen. I also got some great new pics for Tinder yesterday, something I have been putting off.

Onward and Upward


Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 8, 2015
Beyond the Great Vast Forest

Week 6

Got 15 approaches in. That's more like it. One of my approaches was a girl who was beyond stunning. Total Fascination girl. I hit her hard with a very smooth and direct opener, and she was ecstatic. The interaction was golden. And then I found out she was 17. I never should have even asked. She was with her mom and this made things kinda awkward, so I got out.

I also reconnected with some girls from my hometown, and got into some pretty flirty interactions. I'm going home for Spring Break, so we'll see if anything happens.

Alexis was pretty excited I got Snapchat, and I've had to be careful not to snap her much. She would talk to me everyday if she could. She is also thrilled I am coming back for break.

I did a lot of studying and non seduction related work this week too. It was probably my most productive week yet.

On Friday I went clubbing for the first time in awhile:

Saturday I took off. Sunday I went approaching. I also did a planned "reminded me of you" text to Emma from an old FU, but no response. 3 months removed and now I understand. I fucked that interaction up.

Week 7
LR: Eh, Why Not
Had this girl I'd been going back and forth with for a few weeks but had forgotten about hit me up out of the blue last night, asking me if I'm free. It was about 10. I tell her possibly, what does she have in mind? She asks if I'm down for coffee, and then follows up with "Or we could hook up lol". I set up logistics, and she comes over. She is not as attractive in person. Definitely the least attractive girl I have been with. I wasn't sure if I wanted to even get with her. But I remembered Chase's advice in "You Really Need To Be Having Sex", so I went for it. Actually enjoyed it. Made her cum, and finished, then kicked her out. So yippee, plus 1.

I've been working hard on emulating naturals the past 5 days or so after deciding it was a hole in my game. It is going great so far. I've gotten several numbers and plenty of snapchats from girls around the school, including from one of my classes just a earlier this afternoon, by just being talkative and outgoing and letting my fundamentals and vibe do the work for me.

FU: Weird Double Date
So I met this cutie at the gym. She was with her friend. I was using dumbbells, and she came in front of me and picked one, and I told her authoritatively that I was using that one and she can go use one of the 100lb dumbbells over there. LOL. I let the tension crack and she laughs and we banter just a bit, then I go back to working out. Later, as I am going to the abs area which is right by the exit, we make eye contact and smile. She then comes back, ready to leave, and I walk up to her with a smile and tell her she is in incredible shape, and reacts really well. Total emotional contagion. I go on further saying how most girls are so afraid of getting buff, but that I think really toned girls are the sexiest. We exchange names, find out a few things, and then she tells me she and her friend are here for Spring Break and if I am free tomorrow. I tell her I might be, and ask how much longer they are in town. Today was their last full day here, so I get her number, tell her I'll get a friend for her friend, and we part ways. Pretty quick interaction overall.

So I tell my roommate, and he is ecstatic, and I feel like a total boss. I do my standard ice breaker text, she texts right back, and today I set something up at the beach. The plan was to get food, then either do mini golf or the roller coaster nearby, then once they were all raunchy from either I'd invite them back to the dorm. Maybe I should have just invited them over to our place late in the night. Just had that come over around 9ish for drinks or something. UGHHHHHHH... Why didn't I do that.

So my friend and I get to the restaurant and greet the girls. My girl is not as attractive as I remember. It seemed right away my girl wasn't into me. Little eye contact, not laughing at my jokes. Maybe she could pick up on my lack of excitement. Maybe I was dressed too aggressive. Her friend was fairly receptive to me, but not at all receptive to my roommate. All in all, we got through an increasingly painful meal, walked around in the rain, found out mini golf was closed, and then ditched them after they mentioned they had to be somewhere. I did throw a parting shot, but it would have really surprised me if they went along with it.

Goals Assessment
Still need a sex partner. I've got the pipeline flowing more now though.
School is going very well so far. Completely according to plan. I am behind on reading in a few classes, and have tests coming up I need to buckle down for. But all my grades are in a good place.
I decided I'm not going to work this semester after looking at my finances, but will next semester. My dad thought this was wise. All I care about is getting good grades, and getting momentum in seduction.
Intermittent fasting is going excellent.
I haven't worked out less than 4 times in a week this entire semester. My numbers are going up quite a bit too. I'm 10.5% body fat now, down from the last time I checked.
My skin is getting SO MUCH BETTER! The trick? Washing my face with cold water periodically throughout the day. Not eating sugar helps too
Still need to get on whitening my teeth.
Approached 15 girls last week. Still need work there.
Closing in on 100 total approaches.
I've slept with 2 new girls, but neither I was super into.
I'm trying hard to sleep with a classmate. I've made some real strides, but nothing yet.
My Tinder profile has gotten an upgrade. Downloading SC and taking some pics with my roommate has given me a boost. Gonna keep working on it.

That's all for tonight.



Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 8, 2015
Beyond the Great Vast Forest

Was an off week for me; was focused on midterms/ego depleted.

-Still no sex partner. I'm pretty annoyed with myself over this one.

-Grades are decent, not great. Did mediocre on two of my midterms. Going to need to ramp up for the coming second half of the semester.

-Intermittent fasting is going well. However I may need to look more into the foods I'm eating for faster progress.

-This was the first week I didn't work out 4-5 times.

-My skin is awesome, and as I incorporate the techniques that are working more it will continue to improve.

-Still need to whiten teeth.

-Still not at 100 approaches. Good lord.

-Still at 2 lays. I wonder why... (^^^!!!)

-Haven't slept with a classmate. It seems I bungled all my prospects somehow.

-On the plus side, my Tinder profile is better than ever with the inclusion of two new pictures and a dynamite new opener. My matches AND response rates literally doubled overnight. I also reread Chase's PoF post and there is so much gold in there that I plan on using.

-Natural Game is getting me a lot of great reactions. No results though. I had this super smooth interaction with this super cute Russian girl, and everything seemed to be going so perfectly. And then she never responds when I hit her up several times. It's amazing to think how learning game continues to throw my instincts through loops, even though it has been three years.

I'm starting to get real tired with how small my school is (5k undergrad). I try to remind myself that it is no excuse for my lack of success, but at the same time think I would absolutely thrive at a more anonymous school with my approaching abilities and good looks and no reputation bullshit to hold me back. This college I worked so hard to get back to feels like a high school.

I'm writing this piece while on Spring Break back in Colorado, but I'll save my SB entry for once I've completed the trip.

Onward and Upward,



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Sep 21, 2016

Juggling school and seduction is tough bro! Tool made a College Game post (I'd post the link but I'm on my phone) where he recommends studying somewhere that girls can easily sit near you (float around you) so you can study while seeking opportunities to open girls. If they look at you / play with their hair / insert IOI here, open them!

What's your Tinder gameplan? Mine was going solid on SB but now that I'm back it's gone down significantly. I've been using Drexel's opener, "uh oh here comes trouble :) " because it's flirty and fun.

Also, have you ever considered approaching away from campus or at a nearby campus? I just found out I'm taking one whole class for an extra semester and plan to go fucking nuts on my campus and campuses 15-20 min from me.

Keep up the hustle.
