Logistics  Victoria's Secret Bag


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
Saw something that reminded me of this.

This is something I used to do when I didn't have a hard escalation rule in my place of "You MUST kiss her within 10 minutes of bringing her back to your place." Haven't done it in a few years. Posting it up here in case anyone finds it useful.

Basically, I'd have a perfectly set up bachelor pad, except that in one slightly-hidden but easy-to-see place, I'd have one of those little Victoria's Secret bags lying on its side. When I had a glass coffee table, I had it under the glass, off to the side - girls would look down at the magazines underneath and spot the bag. Later I threw it on a shelf where its pink stood out against the browns pretty easily.

I'm certain girls noticed it almost as soon as they got in - everything else in my place was manly browns and oranges and white and blacks, and here's this bright pink bag sitting somewhere knocked over. And then they'd start thinking about it... and wondering about it... Why does he have a Victoria's Secret bag in his apartment?

I'd never bring it up - as far as they knew, I'd completely forgotten or not even noticed I had it there in my apartment. But at some point, every girl who was interested in sex would bring it up, and that was my cue to kiss them. I'd play it off ("I do a little cross-dressing on the side here and there"), and then bring her in for a kiss and we'd go to bed.

It was a pretty reliable intrigue-builder and interest gauge. Just a little extra thing strategically tossed somewhere that it'd make her wonder.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 20, 2012
Another awesome idea for logistics! Will definitely ask friends of mine if they would give me such a bag (or else I'll need to do some shopping ;) ). Couldn't have posted that in a better moment, now that I'm about to move I am looking for all kinds of ideas for logistics, think I'll call my new apartment the love palace..


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 11, 2015
Love it. Will definitely try it out once I get a place of my own!