Long-Term  Pillow talk comments for me to mull over....

Fuck This

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 24, 2015
My girlfriend has spent 2 months with me this summer and has to return to her home 800 miles away for 10 more months before returning. During that time I will see her every 30-60 days

These are some comments from the past few nights. Sometimes after sex or in the moments before we go to sleep...

"I just hope you don't get lonely and sleep with someone else"

"I see the way all the married girls flirt with you."

"OMG, that one girl with the white sunglasses is so in love with you...You could tell by the way she talked to you and about you."

Now my question is , Is this a healthy dose of jealousy or insecurity?

My approach is "Hell you are a beautiful woman, what guy wouldn't love you? Just comes with the territory when you are dating a hot chick.