Openers  One of the goals of the openers is to "Buy time" bonus another lame lay report.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
South Florida
first what does buy time means:

buy time​

To stall or delay in order to gain more time to do something. A noun, pronoun, or reflexive pronoun can be used between "buy" and "time," as can words like "more" and "some."I'm so sorry I'm running late to the party, but I'm almost there now—buy me some time so that I don't miss the cake-cutting!It's just such a big decision. What can we say to the bank to buy more time?
See also: buy, time
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2015 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

buy time​

to postpone an event hoping that the situation will improve. You are just stalling to buy time. Maybe I can buy some time by asking the judge for a continuance.
See also: buy, time
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

buy time​

Increase the time available for a specific purpose. For example, Renting an apartment buys them time to look around for a new house.
See also: buy, time
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer. Copyright © 2003, 1997 by The Christine Ammer 1992 Trust. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

buy (yourself) time​

If someone buys time or buys themselves time, they do something to give themselves more time. Knight was buying time while he considered his next move. He summoned the waiter, placed the order, and bought himself the time he needed.

There are a lot of discussions all over the place on openers, direct, indirect, indirect-direct, situational etc.... All of the discussions are valid, but i really never cared about such discussions, cause i have used with success and gotten laid from ALL TYPES OF OPENERS, for example in countries like Brazil direct works wonderful, i would even say better than indirect, also direct works wonderful when you are in rush type situations were you have couple of minutes to operate (traffic light next to you, getting into a train, taxi, elevator, on a way to work in a rush etc...), there is also indirect direct. My favorite openers are "Situational openers" i explain why in that post and if you think about some of your most smooth pick ups were probably situational.... I also a huge advocate of forcing approach invites before the opening....

^ all of this is great and i recommend, but a thing that is not discuss much in the community is one of my important goals when i open which is to "BUY TIME" so what i mean by that is when i open i am gauging her buying temperature, levels of interest, body language etc..... Based on this i would adapt the strategy to what the girls is giving me.....

For example, last week i went to this club it was just beyond horrible sausage fest, as i am getting out and pretty much done for the night, i noticed 2 girls, one meh, the other one totally my type (blonde blue eyes, sexy dress, big booty) trying to get in the club that will not get in, they try to get in through the exit/vip (what i recommend to get in free), but lol, they get rejected and re-directed to go into the paying lane, at this post they have not seen me at all, but i have seen the situation, i open with skills: "don't even go there is too ghetto", i just got their curiosity, but this opener (no pre approach invite, no hoover, they have no idea who i am, they have not seen me at all), gave me the time to read the target and the situation (i knew she was green, from the open, this is what i refer to the opener ability to let you buy time and make reads and do proper game adjustment)

hb: oh really where should we go? (this is the first indication of interest)

skills: you should go to bankos is more for girls like you, i will take you there..

hb: alright lets go

hb friend: we were just there

fuck my life... (as always with me nothing smooth)

skills: oh no problem, let me take you to roxys, have you been to roxys?

hb: no, lets go

i open both of my elbows to both of them like this (for both sides)


we go to roxys pub but it was closing, we flirt, talk, i gather info. (she is visiting out of town, have been on quarantine isolation etc..), escalate, make out while waiting for ubber.... i said "there is no need for ubber, i take you guys home, i am safe, i don't drink), they cancel ubber, i take them home... Before this she said she wanted something to eat (in this situation it was another ioi to be more with me)

as i dropping them off, i say "hey let me take you to Carbon (taco place open 24 hours), her friend of course says "i hate carbon" fuck my life 2, but refuses to go, i tell my hb to come that they are the best and we will prove her friend wrong...

she goes in the house to change the shoes, here i get a notification text from fucking velasco, in the middle of this i text him back, lol:

Message by You: I pulled a girl from Spain, Saturday, March 27 2021, 4:14 AM

Message by You: I am waiting for her to change shoes, Saturday, March 27 2021, 4:15 AM

Took her to the taco place, in the way more getting to know each other and not fucking it up and gathering intelligence... She kept telling me: "there is something different about you. you are very masculine" this is something most women often tell me during the seductions, translation "you are part of secret society"...

skills: "lets take this to go"

as i open the door to my place (the one in the videos), i want her to eat the tacos to prove her friend wrong..... Tacos were bs she kept wanting my burrito behind the zipper, but i am like "no eat the taco" cause i wanted to prove her friend wrong.... took a bite of the taco and didn't like them... "fuck my life"..... She was like "who puts letter on the taco" but she definitely like the my burrito...

^ anyways guys my point is that to illustrate that the opener, is a way to screen and buy time to see what you got and how to adjust the interaction, this is how i have always viewed the opener...
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