Mystery's Big 3


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 22, 2014
Sounds awesome, They're four years apart from one another starting from first to last... did you plan that? :p


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 22, 2014
Absolutely fantastic. You are an inspiration ;)


Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 12, 2014
MINDSET and BELIEFS are completely malleable


Realizing that you can 100% control your own mental states is one of, if not the, most important things I have ever learned.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 20, 2012
brum said:
MINDSET and BELIEFS are completely malleable


Realizing that you can 100% control your own mental states is one of, if not the, most important things I have ever learned.

Hey Brum,

I'm working on making this a habit. What methods do you use to control your mental state? Is it a matter of simply imagining a scenario that invokes the desired emotion or is it something else?




Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 12, 2014

Kinda, sorta. Instead of really imagining a scenario that elecits the emotion i do more of a overwhelming onslaught of the emotion in my head. I overwhelm the bad emotion by showing it with good emotions.

If you tell yourself enough times anything you will begin to believe it.

For example: when i was trying to get over my ex i had to repeatedly tell myself.. I'm good, I'm great, I'm happier now, I don't need her. Then go back and tie that emotion to a reference point or event that solidfies that emotion. In that instance it was the instant releif that i now had to answer to no one and i could do anything i wanted. The more reference points you can tie to the emotion the more solid it becomes in your mind.

If i have a bad night and i feel down and not confident. I start by overwhelming the negativety with positivey. I am good looking, I am good with girls, I have a lot of great things going on in my life! Then tie actual events in the past to that confidnce. such as picking up a really cute girl or gettin compliments on my look/ style.

Eventually you can keep piling them on until you find that mental frame is unbreakable.

You can do this with anything you believe in even if it's untrue.

I think Mr. Rob mentions he does this with visualizing women as sexual creatures. He tells himself enough different ways that women love sex, that if he goes out and and someone tells him thats not true... someone would have their face laughed at. In that instance it's true, but it's just another example.

I could go on for days if you want examples :)


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 22, 2014
DrexelScott said:
topcat said:
brum said:
MINDSET and BELIEFS are completely malleable


Realizing that you can 100% control your own mental states is one of, if not the, most important things I have ever learned.

Hey Brum,

I'm working on making this a habit. What methods do you use to control your mental state? Is it a matter of simply imagining a scenario that invokes the desired emotion or is it something else?



You can completely program your own mind. I do/did it by covertly hypnotizing myself, speaking to myself in language patterns that instill the beliefs I want, as an extra powerful way of doing affirmations.

So it's something besides affirmations? I currently say to myself that I'm a sexy man and women can't keep their hands or their eyes off of me. Is it different from that?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 23, 2014
DrexelScott said:
Yes. My system of self-programming includes hypnotic affirmations, which pushes them past conscious resistance and into the subconscious faster, as well as visualizations. The way the subconscious works is that, if you know what you're doing, you can directly command it what to do, think and believe. That is how it's supposed to be, for WILL to overcome MIND (which is to say, for the masculine to overcome the feminine). The nice side effect of mastering your own feminine mind is that once you do it, girls become nearly effortless to handle.

I used to posit a difference between mind and will, but now I'm not so sure. Now it seems more like saying Iran needs to conquer Iran. It's completely pointless, because you're already there to begin with. It's only by thinking you're not there that you hypnotize yourself into thinking you need to exercise your will over your self.

It's like saying the yin must conquer the yang, even though if that were to happen you would no longer be able to know the yin, because you can only know yin in terms of yang, as they imply one another.

Historically, this attitude is near the heart of a worldview that leads to deep insecurities, feelings of alienation, and fascism.

It's a vestige of the Judeo-Christian myth that the kingdom of heaven (i.e., your mind) is monarchical, which led to the mind-body dialectic as well as the shallow anthropocentrism of the nature-man dialectic. But I say, let there be democracy in the kingdom of heaven!

Trying to force control is defensive, and you waste enormous amounts of energy trying to force everything to your will. It's a prisoner's dilemma, of sorts. A person can focus much more on the things that will "improve" them (affirmations, exploring your interests, meeting new people with a genuinely open mind, etc.) when they aren't hypnotized into a fragmentary sense of self.

But really, who is this separate 'you' commanding your subconscious, and why is trying to do so useful? Perhaps you're talking about converting subconscious happenings into conscious ones?



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 23, 2014
DrexelScott said:
From Mind to Will, is to say, from Chaos to Order, or rather, creating Form from ethereal nothingness. The Mind, the chaos, goes this way and that, when and where it chooses, pulling you first in one direction and then another, over and over, and none of it makes sense because it is simply moving. The Will is the chain upon the Mind, that says "No! You do not go that way, you go this way!" and focuses all of that formless power into your Intention. A focused beam from a wide-open field. As this is something that 99% of women never attempt to do, as they prefer to "go with the flow" and indulge in each passing thought and emotion, having this kind of powerful Will makes leading women extremely easy. It is the key to self-control, or, rock-solid Frame.

No doubt about it, knowing what you are doing and doggedly pursuing your goals is extremely useful for leading people and getting whatever it is you think you want. However, my point here isn't that having focus isn't extremely useful, but essentially this: the concept of will, as well as the idea that one must impose one's will on perceived internal and external happenings, is completely unnecessary, and it is only when one adheres to an ideology where the idea that there is a non-you that is fundamentally unintelligent and hostile does conceptualizing a separate you that needs to impose it's will make any sense.

I will try to show you why I think this is:

The concept of will implies a separation of man and nature. And therefore we ask the question: do we have free will or are we determined? In other words, are you a bus or a tram? Yet both concepts are off the point -- because both of them presuppose a fundamental separation of the individual from the universe. Does the universe kick you around or do you kick it around?

However, to quote the Upanishads: "tat tvam asi".

Basically, if you think in this way you lose energy, just as your toe would lose energy if you separated it from your foot.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 23, 2014
DrexelScott said:
You should never listen to ideologies or belief systems that tell you thinking is bad. I also don't know why you keep using words like "impose" and acting like what I'm saying has anything to do with external surroundings whatsoever. You may want to re-read what I have said in this thread.

Lol, agreed ;)


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 8, 2014
Sounds like you've done a great job DrexelScott! Just curious though, how long did it take you to get to the stage where you're at now? Like how long since you got into seduction?