Travel  Moving in May


Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 5, 2017
Hi Everyone,

I'll be moving to a new city starting mid-May for my summer internship. I was wondering if anyone had any advice for the move/day game and night game in nearby. In addition, I was wondering if anyone on the boards who lived in the city would be down to meet, either for meeting girls, or for lunch. I've never met anyone else who is as focused on self improvement as the people on these boards, and would be thrilled to talk and get to know some of you.

A little about me-I'm 21, living in the US, and completing my junior year of undergrad. I'm a beginner with girls, but I'm working very hard to improve myself, and I plan to make good use of my three months there.

Looking forward to meeting some of you, and learning about some of the best parts of it.


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Modern Human
Modern Human
Jun 16, 2013

One thing you might want to consider ahead of time is setting up an online dating profile if you don't already have one and lining up some dates before you even get into the city and get a few cute girls to show you around the city.

I don't live in NYC otherwise I'd be happy to meet for a coffee and go daygame. Another thing I did when I first moved to Orlando was I hoped on the local RSD facebook group and hit up some of the guys on there. The RSD group in my city has a lot of weirdos but my best friend moved to LA recently and said the RSD group there has some pretty normal chill dudes that do well with girls. RSD groups are prob better in bigger cities.

Also building on the above point see if any dating/pick-up conferences are being held in NYC while you're there. Might be a lot of weirdo pick up junkies there but you'll also be surprised there can be some really solid normal self-improvement guys there as well. I met 2 of my best friends to this day at an RSD Free Tour in Miami 2 years ago. Just stay away from the weird guys and make friends with the cool looking dudes.

Lastly if you don't find a wing off the bat go pimp it solo and get your feet wet. If you find a few spots you like an frequent regularly you'll see some cooler guys regularly chatting with girls that are naturals and you can just go introduce yourself and wing them. Better yet get a group of 2-3 girls that like you who will follow your lead and go introduce your new group to the naturals you want to meet...

That's what I'd be doing if I were you.

Good luck,



Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 5, 2017
Hey Mr. Rob,

Thanks for the reply! I'll definitely implement your advice. I'll look into some of the different dating platforms out there and try to set up some dates before I even get there-great idea, I would not have thought of doing that.

Also this RSD Facebook group is new to me, so I'll have to check that out and try to meet up with some people. To be honest it might even be instructive to meet some "weirdos" just to see what I should ty not to be, and I'll definitely look for more natural/cool guys. I'll also have to look into pick up conferences. Once again I didn't know that was a thing, but it seems very interesting, and I'll have to check it out.

I will certainly hit up the bar scene and hopefully make some natural friends-that would be awesome if I can provide enough value as a friend.

Thank you for your kind words and helpful advice. I'll make sure to post regular updates once I'm in the city.


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