More on Deep diving


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 23, 2017
I've noticed people asking questions about how to deep dive, so let me share what works for me. The truth is: I've never had trouble with deep diving, not even when I first found Girls Chase. I just had really bad approach anxiety (sometimes it still pops up if I don't approach someone new every so often, but I think that's just me). Anyways, I'm getting sidetracked. The reason I never had trouble with deep diving was because before I really got into approaching at all (when I first started about four years ago) I was already really into psychology and watching more than enough YouTube videos on it. I had eventually stumbled upon a video (I'll leave a link below, if that's not cool with any of the admin feel free just edit it out or something) that mentioned something called the FORD method. I'll leave it to the video to really dive into it (no pun intended) but I'll brush up on it a bit here.

How it goes is just basically transitioning to one of the following topics:

For example purposes let's say you've just approached a girl in an art gallery and start chatting her up and she mentions something about a painting she's looking at.

Family (theirs, but you can talk a little about yours to ask them about theirs)
-Example: "You know, this kind of reminds me of my brother. He was actually pretty big on painting. How about you? You have any siblings?"

Occupation (basically the good ol' so what do you do for a living?)
-Example: that was basically it, it most likely wouldn't be too awkward to just say "So, (her name) what is it you said you do for a living?"

Recreation (I've had girls ask me what I do for fun, I've found it works pretty well the other way around as well)
-Example: "So I'm guessing you're more on the artsy side. What do you do for fun?"

Dreams (Usually want to be on the more supportive side here)
-Example: This one you can do more easily after occupation or recreation
You: "So, (her name) what is it you said you do for a living?"
(she says whatever it is she does)
You: "Okay, and what was it you wanted to do before that, when you where a kid?"
You: "So I'm guessing you're more on the artsy side. What do you do for fun?"
Her: "Oh, I'm actually more of a painter"
You: "I'd love to see some of your work, mind if I see?"
Her: "Sure" (At this point she might just pull out her phone and show you some of her work, but I'd imagine some of the guys on here who are on the more experienced side could set something up here or get her alone. However, let's say you can't do that for whatever reason to stay on track)
You: "Wow, nice! You ever think about going pro?"
Her: "Thanks! I wish I could, I don't have time to with my job and all.
You: "Well you should! Who knows, you could make a living off of it.

One thing to keep in mind would be to let her do most of the talking but not everybody will be this social able, some girls are more shy. So I'll also leave a link at the bottom for an article where chase goes more in depth with that (there's some additional info there too, so definitely check it out). So, that's all I really got on deep diving for now. For the more experienced guys on here, did I leave anything out or get anything wrong? Feel free to leave additions and corrections.

-YouTube video on Deep diving:
-Chase's article (The conversationalist):