Health  Lessons learned in body transformation


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 10, 2014
i cut 40 lbs and got much stronger in the past 3 years. Here are some lessons learned:

1.) Habit trumps how hard you go. I realized it's better to have 3 mediocre workouts than one good one. Consistency is the win. You'll have good days and bad weeks but in the end the habit over time trumps all

2.) Have a cheat meal or day. Food is an awesome part of life. Reward yourself once a week. This should be either a social event or a night you usually go out. It goes with the law of least effort, you want to diet without looking like you're try hard. Being on a diet isn't attractive, the result is

3.) Find exercise that is fun! I do parkour, yoga, fencing, swimming, climbing, pickup football, evenings or weekends
I try to be active everyday and it's not easy as an entrepreneur whose business is growing like crazy

4.) Lift the right muscle groups. I focus on Upper chest, shoulders, and lats to get a V. Some other exercises to help with posture. Everything else I workout mostly for health but not trying to build up.

5.) Get a buddy. Working out is good healthy social time

6.) Eat protein. I went low-carb and lost most of my weight that way

7.) Supplements are not magic. They are like a 10-15% help at best. You get most of your results from diet and exercise

8.) Pace yourself. Getting and staying fit shouldn't be a temporary thing. It only gets harder as you age so you're gonna want to never really stray very far away

9.) Relax! After Yoga there is usually this part where you lay back and let your hard work sink in. The instructor might say something like, "do less to receive more" and "honor the commitment you've made to yourself. It's a great way to finish exercise or to keep in mind when you go to sleep or nap at night. If you ate well or exercised, be sure to honor and respect the good you did for yourself.