How Old Are You in Dog Years? Gambit


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
How Old Are You in Dog Years? Gambit

Making a girl do all the work to discover basic information about you is a strategy to develop your social frame.

The "How Old Are You in Dog Years" gambit gets her investing more into the interaction to find out your age, while adding a playful twist. It can be done in-person or online. Here's how it works.

It's generally accepted that 1 human year is equal to 7 dog years. When a girl asks for your age, simply reveal your age as a dog, and then work with her to help her discover what your human age is. Your social frame will be boosted from the extra investment that is generated during this time.

For example:

girl: how old are you?
fog: take a guess.
girl: 24?
fog: wow.
girl: im right?
fog: no.
girl: 25?
fog: last i checked im 182
girl: ya right
fog: in dog years, yeah
girl: i suck at math. its x7 right?
fog: pretty sure
girl: *whips out phone calculator* 26, nice.

Questions? Comments? Anything to add? Let me know.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 7, 2013
Gonna add it and report back. I always found myself not having a better follow up when the girl asks me my age. I usually either make them work too hard to uncover the info or just say it. This option seems to offer a middle ground, she gets the info but to a small price. What do you follow-Up with after that?


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
South Florida
Gonna add it and report back. I always found myself not having a better follow up when the girl asks me my age. I usually either make them work too hard to uncover the info or just say it. This option seems to offer a middle ground, she gets the info but to a small price. What do you follow-Up with after that?
The why make her invest on op great the dog years may be cringe for some women, a safer one is guess?

Then Whatever number she gives you as long as she does not shit test your age, you say omg how did you know, you must be a psychic, then when she confirms a second time you say nah 69, (to make it sexual), then j/k and then give your real age and ask for her age, always finish a question with a question


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 23, 2013
Scandinavia - For Now
I fail to see what this gambit is supposed to accomplish honestly.

Additionally, I really do not like is "logical" element, namely talking about numbers and stuff. My goal is to do anything to get her out of such headspace, not bring her into it.

Also, a bit socially cringy? Although this depends on the girl.

Yeah sorry man, I am not feeling this one.
