fun & lighthearted intimacy


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
theres was a couple of times over the weekend where i got into an intimate vibe with a girl and then it got injected with fun and lightness

one of them was this morning where i started exploring sexual possibilities with the girl like shared explosions vs simmering

she said something, and all of a sudden i felt light. i called her attention to it. to how things had just become pretty lighthearted and weightless between us. it activated her

the other time, had a girl in bed, and me injecting fun silly comments into the conversation resulted in falling into kisses. later she went to shower and i left my place

when i returned i played some intense techno music, stood there in a glowy light state - she came out of the shower and was drawn to me to kiss me, we made out a bit, it was carefree, lighthearted…fun…

im just confused
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